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The architecture and performance of security protocols in the ensemble group communication system: Using diamonds to guard the castle

Published: 01 August 2001 Publication History


Ensemble is a Group Communication System built at Cornell and the Hebrew universities. It allows processes to create process groups within which scalable reliable fifo-ordered multicast and point-to-point communication are supported. The system also supports other communication properties, such as causal and total multicast ordering, flow control, and the like. This article describes the security protocols and infrastructure of Ensemble. Applications using Ensemble with the extensions described here benefit from strong security properties. Under the assumption that trusted processes will not be corrupted, all communication is secured from tampering by outsiders. Our work extends previous work performed in the Horus system (Ensemble's predecessor) by adding support for multiple partitions, efficient rekeying, and application-defined security policies. Unlike Horus, which used its own security infrastructure with nonstandard key distribution and timing services, Ensemble's security mechanism is based on off-the shelf authentication systems, such as PGP and Kerberos. We extend previous results on group rekeying, with a novel protocol that makes use of diamondlike data structures. Our Diamond protocol allows the removal of untrusted members within milliseconds. In this work we are considering configurations of hundreds of members, and further assume that member trust policies are symmetric and transitive. These assumptions dictate some of our design decisions.


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John P. Dougherty

Ensemble is a group communication system (GCS) designed to provide fast and secure interaction to process groups distributed across a network. Ensemble uses a “fortress” approach, and supports multiple partitions, protocols for efficient group rekeying, and the integration of “off-the-shelf” authentication. The paper provides a good overview of the Ensemble system, its evolution from previous work, and a comparison to related research in GCS. The amount of work presented about the Ensemble security protocols is substantial, as is the detail of the underlying model and motivations for design. Empirical results are provided for communication latency and throughput, a distributed key distribution facility, and an algorithm to maintain a balanced diamond, which is a recursively-defined, two-connected structure with logarithmic diameter, used to maintain group membership. Ensemble apparently favors increased speed over increased security, but the underlying assumptions supporting this choice are presented clearly and convincingly. This paper is appropriate for researchers and graduate students in the area of GCS, and does assume a significant background in operating systems and interprocess communication. The reference list is large (over 60 citations), and seems to cover the field adequately. The paper presents the Ensemble GCS security protocols with enough depth to understand them, as well as the important performance consequences involved in their implementation. Online Computing Reviews Service

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ACM Transactions on Information and System Security  Volume 4, Issue 3
August 2001
129 pages
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Published: 01 August 2001
Published in TISSEC Volume 4, Issue 3


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