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Find, understand, and extend development screencasts on YouTube
A software development screencast is a video that captures the screen of a developer working on a particular task and explaining implementation details. Due to the increased popularity of development screencasts e.g., on YouTube, we study how and to ...
Analyzing source code for automated design pattern recommendation
Mastery of the subtleties of object-oriented programming lan- guages is undoubtedly challenging to achieve. Design patterns have been proposed some decades ago in order to support soft- ware designers and developers in overcoming recurring challeng- es ...
Metadata-based code example embedding
In practice, developers usually seek different ways to save time and effort. Thus, they use different tools (such as search engines, issue tracking, or Q&A sites) to collaborate and find code examples that meet their specific needs. However, such tools ...
Timezone and time-of-day variance in GitHub teams: an empirical method and study
Open source projects based in ecosystems like GitHub seamlessly allow distributed software development. Contributors to some GitHub projects may originate from many different timezones; in others they may all reside in just one timezone. How might this ...
Predicting rankings of software verification tools
Today, software verification tools have reached the maturity to be used for large scale programs. Different tools perform differently well on varying code. A software developer is hence faced with the problem of choosing a tool appropriate for her ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Software Analytics