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10.1145/2389686.2389698acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagescikmConference Proceedingsconference-collections

iTop: interaction based topic centric community discovery on twitter

Published: 02 November 2012 Publication History


Automatic detection of communities (or cohesive groups of actors in social network) in online social media platforms based on user interests and interaction is a problem that has recently attracted a lot of research attention. Mining user interactions on Twitter to discover such communities is a technically challenging information retrieval task. We present an algorithm - iTop - to discover interaction based topic centric communities by mining user interaction signals (such as @-messages and retweets) which indicate cohesion. iTop takes any topic as an input keyword and exploits local information to infer global topic-centric communities. We evaluate the discovered communities along three dimensions: graph based (node-edge quality), empirical-based (Twitter lists) and semantic based (frequent n-grams in tweets). We conduct experiments on a publicly available scrape of Twitter provided by InfoChimps via a web service. We perform a case study on two diverse topics - 'Computer Aided Design (CAD)' and 'Kashmir' to demonstrate the efficacy of iTop. Empirical results from both case studies show that iTop is successfully able to discover topic-centric, interaction based communities on Twitter.


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PIKM '12: Proceedings of the 5th Ph.D. workshop on Information and knowledge
November 2012
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Published: 02 November 2012


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