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Writeback Modeling: Theory and Application to Zipfian Workloads

Published: 09 May 2022 Publication History


As per-core CPU performance plateaus and data-bound applications like graph analytics and key-value stores become more prevalent, understanding memory performance is more important than ever. Many existing techniques to predict and measure cache performance on a given workload involve either static analysis or tracing, but programs like key-value stores can easily have billions of memory accesses in a trace and have access patterns driven by non-statically observable phenomena such as user behavior. Past analytical solutions focus on modeling cache hits, but the rise of non-volatile memory (NVM) like Intel’s Optane with asymmetric read/write latencies, bandwidths, and power consumption means that writes and writebacks are now critical performance considerations as well, especially in the context of large-scale software caches. We introduce two novel analytical cache writeback models that function for workloads with general frequency distributions; in addition we provide closed-form instantiations for Zipfian workloads, one of the most ubiquitous frequency distribution types in data-bound applications. The models have different use cases and asymptotic runtimes, making them suited for use in different circumstances, but both are fully analytical; cache writeback statistics are computed with no tracing or sampling required. We demonstrate that these models are extremely accurate and fast: the first model, for infinitely large level-two (L2) software cache, averaged 5.0% relative error from ground truth and achieved a minimum speedup over a state-of-the-art trace analysis technique (AET) of 515x to generate writeback information for a single cache size. The second model, which is fully general with respect to L1 and L2 sizes but slower, averaged 3.0% relative error from ground truth and achieved a minimum speedup over AET of 105x for a single cache size.


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Published: 09 May 2022


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  1. Zipfian distributions
  2. hierarchical memory
  3. locality
  4. modeling
  5. writebacks


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  • Refereed limited

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MEMSYS 2021: The International Symposium on Memory Systems
September 27 - 30, 2021
DC, Washington DC, USA


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