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What makes the differences: benchmarking XML database implementations

Published: 01 February 2005 Publication History


XML is emerging as a major standard for representing data on the World Wide Web. Recently, many XML storage models have been proposed to manage XML data. In order to assess an XML database's abilities to deal with XML queries, several benchmarks have also been proposed, including XMark and XMach. However, no reported studies using those benchmarks were found that can provide users with insights on the impacts of a variety of storage models on XML query performance. In this article, we report our first set of results on benchmarking a set of XML database implementations using two XML benchmarks. The selected implementations represent a wide range of approaches, including RDBMS-based systems with document-independent and document-dependent XML-relational schema mapping approaches, and XML native engines based on an Object-Oriented Model and the Document Object Model. Comprehensive experiments were conducted to study relative performance of different approaches and the important issues that affect XML query performance, such as path expression query processing, effectiveness of various partitioning, label-path, and indexing structures.


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