VCApather: A Network as a Service Solution for Video Conference Applications
Pages 57 - 63
We propose a network service as a solution for video conference applications by constructing network layer routing strategies. Our approach takes into account the characteristics of conferencing flows, addresses various self-customized metrics, and proactively ensures a positive user experience by preventing contention. The performance of VCApather is evaluated using a fully-meshed topology with five nodes and real-world video conference traffic. The results show that VCApather is capable of achieving high link utilization and balance, while also meeting predefined user metrics. Compared to other schemes, VCApather was found to satisfy 69.8% more QoE requirement and to yield an average bitrate improvement of 1.74×.
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- VCApather: A Network as a Service Solution for Video Conference Applications
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- National Key Research and Development Plan of China
- National Natural Science Foundation of China
- Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation
- Shenzhen Science and Technology Program
- Research Team Cultivation Program of ShenZhen University
NOSSDAV '24: 34th edition of the Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video
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