Sabine Schlick
Isabella Eigner
Alex Fechner
Friedrich-Alexander University, Germany
Trend-based Recommender System, Spatio-Temporal Travel Trends, Individualized Travel Recommendations, Collective Intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence
Business Analytics
Data Analytics
Data Engineering
Data Mining in Electronic Commerce
Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Knowledge-Based Systems
Symbolic Systems
User Profiling and Recommender Systems
Trips are multifaceted, complex products which cannot be tested in advance due to their geographical distance.
Hence, making a travel decision people often ask others for advice. This leads to an increasing importance of
communities. Within communities people share their experiences, which results in new, more extensive
knowledge beyond the individual knowledge of each member. The objective of this paper is to use this
knowledge by developing an algorithm that automatically generates trend-based travel recommendations.
Based on the travel experiences of the community members, interesting travel areas are identified. Five key
figures to evaluate these areas according to general criteria and the users’ individual preferences are
developed. The algorithm allows to generate recommendations for the whole community and not only for
highly active members, resulting in a high coverage. A study conducted within an online travel community
shows that automatically generated, trend-based trip re
commendations are rated better than user-generated