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Uncertainty-based Heterogeneous Privileged Knowledge Distillation for Recommendation System

Published: 18 July 2023 Publication History


In industrial recommendation systems, both data sizes and computational resources vary across different scenarios. For scenarios with limited data, data sparsity can lead to a decrease in model performance. Heterogeneous knowledge distillation-based transfer learning can be used to transfer knowledge from models in data-rich domains. However, in recommendation systems, the target domain possesses specific privileged features that significantly contribute to the model. While existing knowledge distillation methods have not taken these features into consideration, leading to suboptimal transfer weights. To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel algorithm called Uncertainty-based Heterogeneous Privileged Knowledge Distillation (UHPKD). Our method aims to quantify the knowledge of both the source and target domains, which represents the uncertainty of the models. This approach allows us to derive transfer weights based on the knowledge gain, which captures the difference in knowledge between the source and target domains. Experiments conducted on both public and industrial datasets demonstrate the superiority of our UHPKD algorithm compared to other state-of-the-art methods.


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Index Terms

  1. Uncertainty-based Heterogeneous Privileged Knowledge Distillation for Recommendation System



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    SIGIR '23: Proceedings of the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
    July 2023
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 18 July 2023


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    1. heterogeneous knowledge distillation
    2. recommendation system
    3. uncertainty


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