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Towards a More User-Friendly and Easy-to-Use Benchmark Library for Recommender Systems

Published: 18 July 2023 Publication History


In recent years, the reproducibility of recommendation models has become a severe concern in recommender systems. In light of this challenge, we have previously released a unified, comprehensive and efficient recommendation library called RecBole, attracting much attention from the research community. With the increasing number of users, we have received a number of suggestions and update requests. This motivates us to make further improvements on our library, so as to meet the user requirements and contribute to the research community. In this paper, we present a significant update of RecBole, making it more user-friendly and easy-to-use as a comprehensive benchmark library for recommendation. More specifically, the highlights of this update are summarized as: (1) we include more benchmark models and datasets, improve the benchmark framework in terms of data processing, training and evaluation, and release reproducible configurations to benchmark the recommendation models; (2) we upgrade the user friendliness of our library by providing more detailed documentation and well-organized frequently asked questions, and (3) we propose several development guidelines for the open-source library developers. These extensions make it much easier to reproduce the benchmark results and stay up-to-date with the recent advances on recommender systems. Our update is released at the link:

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This is the video for our SIGIR'23 resource paper "Towards a More User-Friendly and Easy-to-Use Benchmark Library for Recommender Systems". In recent years, the reproducibility of recommendation models has become a severe concern in recommender systems. In light of this challenge, we have previously released a unified, comprehensive and efficient recommendation library called RecBole. With the increasing number of users, we have received a number of suggestions and update requests. This motivates us to make further improvements on our library, so as to meet the user requirements and contribute to the research community. In this paper, we present a significant update of RecBole, making it more user- friendly and easy-to-use as a comprehensive benchmark library for recommendation.


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    SIGIR '23: Proceedings of the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
    July 2023
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    Published: 18 July 2023


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