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The hard life of open source software project newcomers

Published: 02 June 2014 Publication History


While onboarding an open source software (OSS) project, contributors face many different barriers that hinder their contribution, leading in many cases to dropouts. Many projects leverage the contribution of outsiders and the sustainability of the project relies on retaining some of these newcomers. In this paper, we discuss some barriers faced by newcomers to OSS. The barriers were identified using a qualitative analysis on data obtained from newcomers and members of OSS projects. We organize the results in a conceptual model composed of 38 barriers, grouped into seven different categories. These barriers may motivate new studies and the development of appropriate tooling to better support the onboarding of new contributors.


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CHASE 2014: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering
June 2014
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Published: 02 June 2014


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  2. barrier
  3. newcomers
  4. qualitative analysis


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