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The KaffeOS Java runtime system

Published: 01 July 2005 Publication History


Single-language runtime systems, in the form of Java virtual machines, are widely deployed platforms for executing untrusted mobile code. These runtimes provide some of the features that operating systems provide: interapplication memory protection and basic system services. They do not, however, provide the ability to isolate applications from each other. Neither do they provide the ability to limit the resource consumption of applications. Consequently, the performance of current systems degrades severely in the presence of malicious or buggy code that exhibits ill-behaved resource usage. We show that Java runtime systems can be extended to support processes, and that processes can provide robust and efficient support for untrusted applications.We have designed and built KaffeOS, a Java runtime system that provides support for processes. KaffeOS isolates processes and manages the physical resources available to them: CPU and memory. Unlike existing Java virtual machines, KaffeOS can safely terminate processes without adversely affecting the integrity of the system, and it can fully reclaim a terminated process's resources. Finally, KaffeOS requires no changes to the Java language. The novel aspects of the KaffeOS architecture include the application of a user/kernel boundary as a structuring principle for runtime systems, the employment of garbage collection techniques for resource management and isolation, and a model for direct sharing of objects between untrusted applications. The difficulty in designing KaffeOS lay in balancing the goals of isolation and resource management against the goal of allowing direct sharing of objects.For the SpecJVM benchmarks, the overhead that our KaffeOS prototype incurs ranges from 0% to 25%, when compared to the open-source JVM on which it is based. We consider this overhead acceptable for the safety that KaffeOS provides. In addition, our KaffeOS prototype can scale to run more applications than running multiple JVMs. Finally, in the presence of malicious or buggy code that engages in a denial-of-service attack, KaffeOS can contain the attack, remove resources from the attacked applications, and continue to provide robust service to other clients.


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R. Clayton

The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) can be thought of as a single-process operating system (OS). The advantage of a single-process OS over a multiple-process OS is simplicity and security; the advantage of a multiple-process OS is flexibility and utility. The wildcard is security; it exists on both sides of the tradeoff, but complexity of implementation and use is superlinear in its ability to compromise security. There is a great temptation to make the JVM a multiprocess OS to gain flexibility and utility without losing too much simplicity and security. The authors cede to temptation with KaffeOS, a JVM extension supporting multiple processes. The extension requires the usual OS steps, but the steps are made interesting by the need to adapt to the JVM semantics and implementation. KaffeOS introduces the necessary protected and user modes (with Java-type safety and a trusted library providing the equivalent of hardware mode bits), and multiple heaps to support multiple processes and interprocess sharing. The protected-mode kernel and library implement the resource abstractions, which include detecting and corralling resource hogs. Effective and efficient garbage collection over multiple heaps imposes costs on implementation (for example, write barriers) and semantics (for example, restrictions on shared-heap use). SPEC JVM98 measurements show that multiple-heap overhead is less than ten percent, compared to an unmodified JVM. KaffeOS running multiple servlets shows a 25 to 30 percent loss of requests per second when compared to multiple JVMs, each running a single servlet. However, KaffeOS is more stable in the presence of ill-behaved servlets than multiple JVMs are. Online Computing Reviews Service

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ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems  Volume 27, Issue 4
July 2005
236 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 01 July 2005
Published in TOPLAS Volume 27, Issue 4


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  1. Robustness
  2. garbage collection
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  4. language runtimes
  5. resource management
  6. termination
  7. virtual machines


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