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Stochastic Model Pruning via Weight Dropping Away and Back

Published: 25 November 2020 Publication History


Deep neural networks have dramatically achieved great success on a variety of challenging tasks. However, most successful DNNs have an extremely complex structure, leading to extensive research on model compression. As a significant area of progress in model compression, traditional gradual pruning approaches involve an iterative prune-retrain procedure and may suffer from two critical issues: local importance judgment, where the pruned weights are merely unimportant in the current model; and an irretrievable pruning process, where the pruned weights have no chance to come back. Addressing these two issues, this paper proposes the Drop Pruning approach, which leverages stochastic optimization in the pruning process by introducing a drop strategy at each pruning step, namely, drop away, which stochastically deletes some unimportant weights, and drop back, which stochastically recovers some pruned weights. The suitable choice of drop probabilities decreases the model size during the pruning process and helps it flow to the target sparsity. Compared to the Bayesian approaches that stochastically train a compact model for pruning, we directly aim at stochastic gradual pruning. We provide a detailed analysis showing that the drop away and drop back approaches have individual contributions. Moreover, Drop Pruning can achieve competitive compression performance and accuracy on many benchmark tasks compared with state-of-the-art weights pruning and Bayesian training approaches.


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IPMV '20: Proceedings of the 2020 2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Machine Vision
August 2020
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Published: 25 November 2020


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  4. Neural networks pruning


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