Solving the General Linear Model on a SIMD Array Processor


  • E. J. Kontoghiorghes
  • M. R. B. Clarke


Two parallel algorithms are proposed for the solution of the General Linear Model on a SIMD array processor. The first algorithm employs efficiently compound Givens rotations while the second algorithm uses Householder transformations. The implementation of the two algorithms on the 1024 processor AMT DAP-510 is described and their performance analysed using high accurate execution time models. No single algorithm is superior in all ranges examined and the best choice depends on the problem size and the number of processing elements available.


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How to Cite

Kontoghiorghes, E. J., & Clarke, M. R. B. (2012). Solving the General Linear Model on a SIMD Array Processor. COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS, 14(4), 353–370. Retrieved from