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Side-channel Elimination via Partial Control-flow Linearization

Published: 26 June 2023 Publication History


Partial control-flow linearization is a code transformation conceived to maximize work performed in vectorized programs. In this article, we find a new service for it. We show that partial control-flow linearization protects programs against timing attacks. This transformation is sound: Given an instance of its public inputs, the partially linearized program always runs the same sequence of instructions, regardless of secret inputs. Incidentally, if the original program is publicly safe, then accesses to the data cache will be data oblivious in the transformed code. The transformation is optimal: Every branch that depends on some secret data is linearized; no branch that depends on only public data is linearized. Therefore, the transformation preserves loops that depend exclusively on public information. If every branch that leaves a loop depends on secret data, then the transformed program will not terminate. Our transformation extends previous work in non-trivial ways. It handles C constructs such as “goto,” “break,” “switch,” and “continue,” which are absent in the FaCT domain-specific language (2018). Like Constantine (2021), our transformation ensures operation invariance but without requiring profiling information. Additionally, in contrast to SC-Eliminator (2018) and Lif (2021), it handles programs containing loops whose trip count is not known at compilation time.

1 Introduction

A program is said to be isochronous if it always executes the same instructions and accesses the same sequence of memory addresses, independent of its secret inputs. Isochronous programs do not leak time-related information [Kocher 1996]; therefore, isochronicity is an essential property in implementations of cryptographic routines [Almeida et al. 2016; Almeida et al. 2020; Barthe et al. 2019]. In view of this importance, much work has been done to detect time-variant code [Reparaz et al. 2017; Almeida et al. 2016; Ngo et al. 2017; Barthe et al. 2019; Guarnieri et al. 2021] or to remove sources of time variance [Agat 2000; Almeida et al. 2020; Fell et al. 2019; Borrello et al. 2021; Cleemput et al. 2012; Van Cleemput et al. 2020; Gruss et al. 2017; Tizpaz-Niari et al. 2019; Chattopadhyay and Roychoudhury 2018; Wu et al. 2018]. And yet the implementation of a static code transformation technique able to make programs operation invariant with respect to secret inputs remains an elusive endeavor for programs containing loops.
The Breakthroughs of 2021. Current methodologies to achieve operation invariance with regards to secret inputs consist in linearizing the program’s control-flow graph. Linearization removes branches from a program. Until recently, the state-of-the-art approach to perform linearization was due to Wu et al. [2018]. In 2021, Soares and Pereira [2021] proposed Lif as an improvement of Wu et al.’s transformation, to prevent it from introducing out-of-bounds accesses into the program. The techniques of Wu et al. and Soares and Pereira are fully static: They do not require executing a program to change it. However, they cannot deal with programs containing loops, unless these loops have bounds known at compilation time, i.e., are fully unrollable. This limitation exists even if the loops only branch on public information.
In 2021, Borrello et al. [2021] introduced Constantine, a dynamic alternative to Soares and Pereira’s static technique. Borrello et al. execute the program and use runtime information like memory addresses and the outcome of branches to linearize the part of the code that could be covered during the execution. Borrello et al.’s strategy handles programs with general loops. To the best of our knowledge, it does not insert invalid memory accesses into programs. However, it also has limitations. Our personal experience with Constantine is that it is hard to find inputs that reach particular branches that should be linearized. In this article, we show that it is possible to handle programs with general loops with a static analysis, hence bringing the results of Soares and Pereira closer to Borrello et al.’s.
Enter Partial Control-flow Linearization. In 2018, Moll and Hack [2018] introduced partial control-flow linearization (PCFL): a code-optimization technique to speed up programs in the Single-Instruction, Multiple-Data (SIMD) model [Flynn 1972]. An SIMD program is processed by multiple threads running in lockstep. The hardware fetches one instruction at a time, which is forwarded to all the threads. Thus, these threads process the same instruction simultaneously, albeit on different data. In an SIMD program, some branches can be proven to be uniform, meaning that they always yield the same outcome for the threads that execute them together. The other branches are called divergent. Moll and Hack’s PCFL removes the divergent branches from the program, linearizing the blocks controlled by them. This transformation keeps the uniform branches unchanged. In principle, PCFL seems unrelated to side-channel resistance. However, replace “uniform” with public and “divergent” with secret, and we obtain a beautiful algorithm to make programs isochronous.
The Contributions of This Article. This article shows how to adapt Moll and Hack’s partial control-flow linearization to make the sequence of instructions executed by a program invariant with regard to secret inputs that said program might receive. As we shall see in Section 4.7, PCFL suffices to ensure Cryptopgrahic Constant-Time behavior [Barthe et al. 2021, Setion 2.3]—or, as we call it, isochronicity—for publicly safe programs.1 To employ our code transformation, users must indicate which program inputs are secret. No more interventions are necessary. The generated code achieves the following properties, which guarantee standard notions [Rafnsson et al. 2017, Section 4] of confidentiality and non-interference [Zdancewic and Myers 2001]:
Operation Invariance:
Given an arbitrary instance of the public inputs, every execution of the transformed program processes the same sequence of addresses in the instruction cache.
Data Invariance:
Given an arbitrary instance of the public inputs, every execution of the transformed program processes the same sequence of reads and writes in the data cache—this property is guaranteed whenever the original program is publicly safe [Cauligi et al. 2019, Setion 3.2.3].
Memory Safety:
The transformed program only contains out-of-bounds memory accesses that already exist in the original program, given any input feed to it.
A loop in the transformed program only terminates due to public information. A loop controlled only by secret data will not terminate.
The last property—termination—implies that the transformation proposed in this article might turn a terminating program into an infinite loop. Non-termination emerges when a loop can only terminate due to conditions that depend on secret information. In other words, a partially linearized loop whose function is called with public inputs that do not trigger any of the loop exits will run forever. The most trivial case is when every exit condition of the original loop depends on secret information, a scenario that can be statically determined after partial control-flow linearization. Section 4.5.3 will provide further discussion on this subject, analyzing the merits and shortcomings of partial control-flow linearization in regard to termination. Although some of the properties that we meet are the same as those delivered by Soares and Pereira, the algorithm proposed in this article is very different, and the code that it produces is equally unrelated. Programs produced by our transformation still might have branches, as long as these branches are not influenced by secret data. Hence, we expand previous work in many ways:
Static Generality: In contrast to previous work [Soares and Pereira 2021; Wu et al. 2018], our transformation handles programs with loops, even if these loops cannot be fully unrolled.
Static Efficiency: In contrast to previous static transformations [Soares and Pereira 2021; Wu et al. 2018], we preserve branches controlled by public information, avoiding the unnecessary execution of unreachable code.
Decidability: Our transformation is fully static. Thus, in contrast to a dynamic tool like Constantine [Borrello et al. 2021], it does not require test cases that exercise all the program branches.
Convenience: In contrast to a domain-specific language such as FaCT [Cauligi et al. 2019], programmers can write publicly safe code directly in C and still obtain isochronicity.
Summary of Results. We have implemented our ideas in LLVM 13.0 [Lattner and Adve 2004]. Section 5 compares this implementation with Lif, Constantine, SC-Eliminator, and FaCT in regard to 13 programs whose inputs can be split into public and secret data. Section 5.4 certifies that the transformed programs meet the guarantees previously enumerated, i.e., operation invariance in general, data invariance for publicly safe programs, memory safety, and termination. Figure 1 summarizes results reported in Section 5 for the nine benchmarks that all the tools can handle. Lif and SC-Eliminator cannot handle three benchmarks due to unbounded loops. These two tools and Constantine failed to produce correct output for another one. Notice that the size of the code produced by Lif and SC-Eliminator is much bigger, because these tools require that loops are fully unrolled. Our prototype is available at as an improvement of Lif, the artifact produced by Soares and Pereira [2021].
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Summary of results from Section 5 with regard to the nine benchmarks that all the tools can handle. Numbers are arithmetic means. Measurements happen after programs are transformed and then optimized with LLVM opt -O3. “LLVM instrs.” refer to the number of LLVM instructions in the intermediate representation of the benchmark. “Lineariz. time” is the time taken to linearize the control flow of the programs. Original refers to the benchmark without any transformation. PCFL is our technique. CTT refers to Constantine; SC refers to SC-Eliminator. These two tools can do control- and dataflow linearization. Hence, -Orig refers to their original implementations, and -CFL refers to the implementation with only control-flow linearization. Our approach only does control-flow linearization but achieves data invariance for publicly safe programs.

2 Threat Model and Guarantees

We adopt a string-of-addresses threat model used by previous work [Cauligi et al. 2019; Soares and Pereira 2021]. We assume an attacker who can observe the sequence of addresses accessed by a program in the instruction and data caches. In other words, the attacker has access to the trace formed by the memory addresses read or written by a program, including the address of the instructions fetched during execution.2 This model delivers stronger guarantees than the hit-miss model typically adopted in cache-based timing attacks. The hit-miss model considers an attacker who has access to the sequence of cache hits and misses [Borrello et al. 2021; Wu et al. 2018; Zhang et al. 2022], assuming a deterministic timing model [Balliu et al. 2014, Setion 3]. Both models, string-of-addresses and hit-miss, follow the general execution-trace model discussed by Zdancewic and Myers [2001, Section 2]; however, the string-of-addresses model includes fewer programs. Example 2.1 further explains these differences.
Example 2.1.
Any program that contains a memory access indexed by secret information, e.g., t[pw[i]] in function oTdF (Figure 2(c)), will yield a different string of addresses accessed in the data cache, thus leaking information. Leaks happen even if only cache hits occur in practice. In the words of Cauligi et al. [2019], these programs are not considered publicly safe. In fact, an indirect comparison between these two models—string-of-addresses and hit-miss—is available in the work of Zhang et al. [2022]. Zhang et al. compare two tools, CAPE and Lif. The former uses the hit-miss model; the latter, the string-of-addresses model. Of five benchmarks transformed by CAPE, Lif could secure only one, albeit with stronger guarantees. Thus, whereas CAPE tries to guarantee that the string of cache lines accessed during program execution is invariant, Lif tries to guarantee that the string of addresses (within those lines) is invariant.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Operation and data invariance are program properties that can occur independently from each other in code. A program can be both, operation and data invariant, present only one of these properties, or none of them. Functions oFdF, oFdT, oTdF, and oTdT compare the user’s guess g with a secret password pw. (a) oFdF returns immediately whenever two elements are different; as such, it is neither operation nor data invariant. (b) oFdT always reads the same array cells; hence, it is data invariant but not operation invariant. (c) oTdF is operation invariant; however, it has indirect accesses through a table t, using secret-dependent indices (pw[i]), and thus it is not data invariant. (d) oTdT always performs the same sequence of instructions and memory accesses; thus, it is both operation and data invariant.
The string of addresses might contain addresses from the data cache and addresses from the instruction cache. If the addresses from the instruction cache are invariant with respect to secret inputs, then the program is said to be operation invariant, according to Definition 2.2.
Definition 2.2 (Operation Invariance).
Let \(\mathcal {I} = (\mathcal {S}, \mathcal {P})\) be the inputs taken by a program P, where \(\mathcal {S}\) is the set of secret and \(\mathcal {P}\) is the set of public inputs. Let \(\tau _{1}\) and \(\tau _{2}\) be traces of operations that correspond to the execution of P when given instances \(\mathcal {I}_{1} = (\mathcal {S}_{1}, \mathcal {P})\) and \(\mathcal {I}_{2} = (\mathcal {S}_{2}, \mathcal {P})\). Program P is said to be operation invariant if \(\tau _{1} = \tau _{2}\) always holds for any \(\mathcal {S}_{1}\) and \(\mathcal {S}_{2}\), \(\mathcal {S}_{1} \ne \mathcal {S}_{2}\).
Example 2.3.
Functions oFdF and oFdT depicted in Figure 2(a) and (b) are not operation invariant, whereas oTdF and oTdT from Figure 2(c) and (d) are. To illustrate the concept of operation invariance, consider Figure 2(a) and (d), with public inputs g = {0} and n = 2. The traces of operations that correspond to function oFdF called with the secret inputs pw = {0} and pw = {1} are, respectively,
\begin{align*} \tau _1^{(a)} &= (\texttt {i = 0, i < n, g[i] != pw[i], i++, i < n, ret 1}) &\text{and} \\ \tau _2^{(a)} &= (\texttt {i = 0, i < n, g[i] != pw[i], ret 0}). \end{align*}
Notice that the string-of-addresses threat model refers to traces of instruction addresses. However, for clarity, we use the instructions themselves, instead of their addresses, when presenting execution traces. This style of presentation is not ambiguous, because our examples do not contain repeated instructions. Continuing with the example, if the function oTdT is called with the same secret inputs as above—namely pw = {0} and pw = {1}—then the corresponding traces are
\begin{align*} \tau _1^{(d)} &= (\texttt {r = 1, i = 0, i < n, r &= g[i] != pw[i], i++, i < n, ret r}) &\text{and} \\ \tau _2^{(d)} &= (\texttt {r = 1, i = 0, i < n, r &= g[i] != pw[i], i++, i < n, ret r}). \end{align*}
Notice that \(\tau _1^{(a)} \ne \tau _2^{(a)}\), while \(\tau _1^{(d)} = \tau _2^{(d)}\). That is, the instructions executed in oFdF vary depending on the secret pw, but are always the same in function oTdT regardless of the value of the secret.
If the addresses from the data cache are invariant with respect to secret inputs, then the program is said to be data invariant. Definition 2.4 states this concept.
Definition 2.4 (Data Invariance).
Let \(\mathcal {I} = (\mathcal {S}, \mathcal {P})\) be the inputs taken by a program P, where \(\mathcal {S}\) is the set of secret and \(\mathcal {P}\) is the set of public inputs. Let \(\tau _{1}\) and \(\tau _{2}\) be traces of memory addresses in the data cache that correspond to the execution of P when given instances \(\mathcal {I}_{1} = (\mathcal {S}_{1}, \mathcal {P})\) and \(\mathcal {I}_{2} = (\mathcal {S}_{2}, \mathcal {P})\), \(\mathcal {S}_{1} \ne \mathcal {S}_{2}\). Program P is said to be data invariant if \(\tau _{1} = \tau _{2}\) always holds.
Example 2.5 (Data Invariance).
Consider, again, the procedures from Figure 2. Functions oFdF and oTdF are not data invariant, whereas oFdT and oTdT are. To illustrate the notion of data invariance, let us observe the execution of functions oFdF (Figure 2(a)) and oTdT (Figure 2(d)) when called with public inputs g = {0,0} and n = 2. When called with secret inputs pw = {0,0} and pw = {1,0}, the traces of memory addresses that correspond to function oFdF are, respectively,
\begin{align*} \tau _1^{(a)} &= (\texttt {g[0], pw[0], g[1], pw[1]}) &\text{and} \\ \tau _2^{(a)} &= (\texttt {g[0], pw[0]}). \end{align*}
Notice that, similarly to Example 2.3, we use the syntax of an array access, e.g., g[0], instead of the address of that memory position, to represent traces in the data cache. Continuing with the example, if the function oTdT is called with the same secret inputs as above—namely, pw = {0,0} and pw = {1,0}—then the corresponding traces are, respectively,
\begin{align*} \tau _1^{(d)} &= (\texttt {g[0], pw[0], g[1], pw[1]}) &\text{and} \\ \tau _2^{(d)} &= (\texttt {g[0], pw[0], g[1], pw[1]}). \end{align*}
Notice that \(\tau _1^{(a)} \ne \tau _2^{(a)}\), while \(\tau _1^{(d)} = \tau _2^{(d)}\). That is, the data addresses accessed in oFdF vary depending on the secret pw but are always the same in oTdT regardless of the value of the secret.
Function oTdT is a typical constant-time transformation of function oFdF, e.g., it is close to the code produced by SC-Eliminator [Wu et al. 2018]. However, as pointed out by Soares and Pereira [2021], the transformed version might incur into out-of-bounds memory accesses that were absent in the original program.3 Example 2.6 illustrates the problem of memory safety.
Example 2.6 (Memory Safety).
Suppose that functions oFdF and oTdT are called with arguments g = {0}, pw = {1} and n = 2. The former, oFdF, will immediately return after comparing g and pw, whereas the latter will move on to the second iteration of the loop, thus accessing arrays g and pw at index 1, which is out of bounds. These invalid accesses do not occur in the original code oFdF.
In general, it is impossible to ensure data invariance in a memory-safe way. Soares and Pereira [2021] have shown that there are programs that cannot be transformed to be data invariant and memory safe while preserving their semantics. Thus, usually code linearizers settle for a compromise: They replace potentially unsafe memory accesses with accesses to a dummy memory position—the shadow memory. Nevertheless, the use of a shadow memory as a surrogate address might cause the transformed code to be data variant. Example 2.7 illustrates this issue.
Example 2.7.
As seen in Example 2.6, function oTdT would be a memory-unsafe linearized version of function oFdF, both seen in Figure 2. Figure 3, in turn, shows a transformation of the function oFdF that preserves memory safety. This linearization assumes that the sizes of arrays g and pw can be inferred symbolically by a static-analysis tool. These sizes are represented by integers g->size and pw->size. In-bounds memory accesses happen as is; however, out-of-bounds addresses are replaced with the dummy variable shadow. Consider that memsafe_oTdT is called with public inputs g->data = {0, 0} and n = 2. Furthermore, assume that it was not possible to infer the size of the arrays and thus g->size = pw->size = 0. Let \(\tau _1\) be the trace produced for the secret input pw->data = {0, 0} and let \(\tau _2\) be the trace produced for the secret input pw->data = {1, 0}. Then, we have
\begin{align*} \tau _1 &= (\texttt {g-> data[0], pw-> data[0], g-> data[1], pw-> data[1]}) \text{ and} \\ \tau _2 &= (\texttt {g-> data[0], pw-> data[0], shadow, shadow}). \end{align*}
Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. This function is a partially linearized version of the function oFdF seen in Figure 2(a). The code transformation introduced in this article transforms function oFdF into function memsafe_oTdT automatically. We named the repaired function as memsafe_oTdT to indicate that the code transformation corresponds to a memory-safe version of the transformation that led to function oTdT (Figure 2(d)). Notice that our techniques are implemented in LLVM, and work at the level of the LLVM intermediate representation—we show code in C for readability. We assume the existence of a ctsel function that conditionally select between two values and runs in constant time (see Section 4.2). Function memsafe_oTdT is operation invariant but is data invariant only if the array sizes, i.e., g->size and pw->size, are known to be greater than or equal to the loop bound n. In this article, we omit how the signature of oFdF is augmented with the sizes of the objects, because our interventions are similar to the ones described in detail in Section IIIC of Soares and Pereira’s work.
As a second example, consider that function memsafe_oTdT is called with arguments g->data = {0}, g->size = pw->size = 1, and n = 2. Let \(\tau _3\) be the trace produced for the secret pw->data = {1} (similarly to Example 2.6), and let \(\tau _4\) be the trace produced for the secret pw->data = {0}. Then,
\begin{align*} \tau _3 &= (\texttt {g-> data[0], pw-> data[0], shadow, shadow}) \text{ and} \\ \tau _4 &= (\texttt {g-> data[0], pw-> data[0], g-> data[1], pw-> data[1]}). \end{align*}
Notice that, as opposed to function oTdT, when pw->data = {1} there was no out-of-bounds accesses in the second iteration of the loop (trace \(\tau _3\)). Notice also that the out-of-bounds accesses verified in \(\tau _4\) would also happen in the original function oFdF, when called with arguments g = {0}, pw = {0}, and n = 2. In other words, memsafe_oTdT has not introduced new out-of-bounds accesses and thus the transformation that produced memsafe_oTdT preserves memory safety.
There are alternative approaches for solving the problem of memory safety. Constantine [Borrello et al. 2021], for instance, “obliviously accesses all the locations that the original program can possibly reference for any initial input.” In practice, Constantine surrounds every memory access m[i] with a loop that traverses every address in the buffer m. The drawback of this approach, if applied naïvely, is that the performance overhead may be prohibitive. Furthermore, Constantine requires the sizes of objects to be public. Example 2.8 illustrates the behavior of Constantine.
Example 2.8.
Consider the function oFdF from Figure 2(a). If we assume that the sizes of arrays g and pw are fixed and only their contents can vary, then Constantine can safely linearize oFdF and deliver data invariance: Regardless of the contents of the secret pw, considering fixed and publicly known array sizes, the trace of data addresses will be the same. If, however, we allow the size of pw to vary, then any access past the size of pw must be replaced with an access to a valid address, and thus data invariance cannot be guaranteed. Notice that, under the assumption of public sizes, and provided that we can correctly infer the sizes of the objects, our approach delivers the same guarantees as Constantine.
Nonetheless, there is a class of programs for which data invariance can always be delivered: the publicly safe programs, which Definition 2.11 shall formalize. Definition 2.11 relies on the notions of data and control dependency. These concepts are present in Ferrante et al. [1987]’s seminal work. Definition 2.9 revisits them to keep this article self-consistent.
Definition 2.9 (Data and Control Dependency [Ferrante et al. 1987]).
Variable y is data dependent on variable x if y is assigned in an instruction that uses x. Variable x is control dependent on a variable p if the value assigned to x depends on the outcome of a branch whose condition uses p. Variable x is dependent on variable y if either x is data or control dependent on y, or if x is dependent on some variable z, which is either data or control dependent on y.
Example 2.10.
Variable r in Figure 2(c) is data dependent on variables t, g, pw, and i, due to the assignment in Line 8. This variable is control dependent on the predicate \(\mathtt {i} < \mathtt {n}\), which controls the loop at Line 6 of Figure 2(c).
To delimit the set of codes that we transform, Definition 2.11 establishes two classes of programs: those that are shadow safe and those that are publicly safe. The latter is a proper subset of the former. Notice that in Definition 2.11, shadow safety refers to the expression e used to index a memory access, e.g., \(m[e]\). Public safety, in turn, refers to the site, within the program, where the instruction that refers to \(m[e]\) exists.
Definition 2.11 (Safety).
A program meets shadow safety if, for every memory access \(m[i]\), the index i is not dependent on secret. If, in addition, for every access \(m[i]\) that is control dependent on secret, \(i < \mathtt {size}(m)\) holds, then this program meets public safety [Cauligi et al. 2019].
Public safety was initially proposed by Cauligi et al. [2019] to characterize programs whose accesses to data can always be safely linearized. Definition 2.11 provides a weaker version of public safety, which we call shadow safety. This notion is important to this article, because, as we shall demonstrate in Section 4.7 (Theorem 4.26), programs that meet shadow safety, once transformed, become “almost” data invariant: Data addresses that can vary with secret inputs are replaced with the shadow memory whenever these accesses should not happen and cannot be proven safe. Example 2.12 clarifies the difference between public safety and shadow safety.
Example 2.12.
Function oFdF in Figure 2(a) is shadow safe: Variable i, used to index memory accesses at Line 6, is neither data nor control dependent on any secret. However, the accesses at Line 6 are control dependent on the predicate g[i] != pw[i], which relies on the secret input pw. Therefore, this program will be publicly safe if it can be proven that \(\mathtt {i} < \mathit {size}(\mathtt {g}) \wedge \mathtt {i} < \mathit {size}(\mathtt {pw})\) (the proof technique is immaterial to this discussion). If these two properties hold, then it follows that g_i = g->data[i] and pw_i = pw->data[i], for every \(0 \le i < n\) in the linearized code (Figure 3, Lines 20–25), and thus every trace of accesses to the data cache produced by function memsafe_oTdT will be the same (i.e., data invariant).
When transforming publicly safe programs we guarantee operation and data invariance. We also preserve memory safety. Nevertheless, we emphasize that is not our goal to provide proper solutions for data invariance; rather, our focus is to demonstrate that Moll and Hack’s partial control-flow linearization can be adapted to make programs operation invariant with regards to secret inputs. Data invariance comes as a bonus for publicly safe programs.

3 Partial Control-flow Linearization

Partial control-flow linearization is a code generation technique conceived for the SIMD execution model. SIMD machines are an economically viable alternative to process the “embarrassingly parallel” workloads. The model characterizes the stream processors in graphics processing units [Garland and Kirk 2010] or the vector units found in modern CPUs [Chen et al. 2021], like Intel x86’s SSE and AVX, AMD’s 3DNow!, ARM’s NEON, Sparc’s VIS, PowerPC’s AltiVec, and MIPS’ MSA. In this environment, multiple processing elements, or threads, simultaneously execute the same operation on different data. Example 3.1 will make this modus operandi more concrete.
Example 3.1.
Figure 4(a) shows a simplified CUDA kernel—a program meant to run on a graphics processing unit. This program counts how many occurrences of keys stored in the array q are present in the matrix d. Results are stored in the array r. Syntactically, function search looks like standard C code. Semantically, it is very different: The program will be executed by multiple threads in lockstep. Although threads see the same arguments q, d, and r, they differ with respect to the special register tid. This identifier is unique per thread. A common pattern in this environment is to use this register to set up the work that each processing element will carry out. In this example, each thread uses its own tid as the index of the value in q that must be searched in the matrix d. The thread identifier also indicates the position in r where each thread will store its answer.
Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. (a) CUDA kernel that counts occurrences of keys in a matrix. (b) Control-flow graph of the kernel. (c) Partially linearized control-flow graph.
The SIMD model suits very well straight-line code, that is, code without branches, because the execution flow of the different processing elements never diverges in this setting. However, programs do have branches over which threads might disagree. In face of divergences, threads still move in lockstep at the hardware level; however, some processing elements stop doing useful work. Typically, predicated instructions are used to ensure that processing elements only write back their results when they run along paths actually taken within the program. Example 3.2 illustrates this trend.
Example 3.2.
Figure 4(b) shows the control-flow graph (CFG) of the kernel seen in Figure 4(a). This CFG contains two conditional branches at the end of blocks 1 and 2. The former can be determined to be uniform, meaning that threads always take the same decision when executing it; the latter is divergent. There exist standard compiler analyses to separate uniform and divergent branches [Coutinho et al. 2011; Sampaio et al. 2014]. Figure 4(c) shows a linearization of the CFG in Figure 4(b) that removes the divergent branch while preserving the uniform one. The store in block 4 still happens but is silent, unless the predicate p1, which controls the divergent branch in Figure 4(b), is true. A silent store writes to memory the same value that was already there. A conditional selector (ctsel), guarded by p1, determines if the store is silent or not.
Because only some, but not all, branches in Example 3.2 are removed, the linearization is said to be partial. The current state-of-the-art algorithm for partial control-flow linearization is due to Moll and Hack [2018]. Figure 5 shows a version of that algorithm in Python syntax. We present the algorithm for the sake of completeness, for it is extensively described in its original exposition [Moll and Hack 2018]. The algorithm visits the basic blocks in the target graph in a special order: the compact topological ordering, which is formalized in Definition 3.3.
Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Partial Control-flow Linearization. linearize(G) produces a graph GL that is a linearized version of G. A preprocessing step removes the back-edges in G before linearization; hence, linearize receives an acyclic graph.
Definition 3.3 (Compact Topological Ordering).
Given a directed graph G with a unique root vertex s, we say that vertex udominates vertex v if every path from s to v must go through u. An n-sequence of vertices \(v_1, \ldots , v_n\) is dominance compact if whenever \(v_1\) dominates \(v_n\) then \(v_1\) dominates every \(v_i, 1 < i < n\). Similarly, an n-sequence of vertices \(v_1, \ldots , v_n\) is loop compact if whenever \(v_1\) and \(v_n\) belong to a loop L, then every \(v_i, 1 < i < n\), belong to L as well. A topological ordering of the graph G is compact if it is both dominance and loop compact with respect to all dominance sets and loops.
Function compact_order, in Figure 5 produces a compact topological ordering “Index” of the vertices in graph G. This function uses an auxiliary routine, topological_sort, to produce some topological ordering of the nodes in a graph. Our code also assumes the existence of an “idom” relation, such that \(\mathtt {idom}(v, u)\) is true if v is the immediate dominator of u. We say that v is the immediate dominator of node u if, and only if, v dominates u, and for any other node t that also dominates u, t also dominates v.
Function linearize in Figure 5 builds a graph GL that is a linearized version of the graph G. Once a compact ordering “Index” of the vertices in the CFG is built, the function linearize, in Figure 5 visits this sequence of nodes in order. The algorithm keeps a set D of deferred edges, which are edges that point to attractors: Vertices that will attract the next nodes yet to be visited. Once attractors are connected to the linearized graph, edges pointing to them are removed from D. The successors of uniform branches can still change (Lines 23–26); however, the out-degree of those branches remains the same. Divergent branches undergo more extensive changes: They keep only one successor (Lines 29–32). The links that disappear are added to the set of deferred edges; hence, these successors become attractors to be eventually reintegrated into the linearized graph.
Example 3.4.
Figure 6 shows the order in which edges are added to the linearized graph. The original edges are mostly kept, except when node 2 is visited (\(\mathtt {b} = \mathtt {2}\)) in Line 19 of Figure 5. Node 2 contains a divergent branch. Thus, the node nxt of the smallest index among the attractors and successors of 2 is chosen to bear the edge that leaves node 2 (Lines 27–31 in Figure 5). The other successors s of node 2 are marked as targets of edges \(\mathtt {nxt}\rightarrow s\) in the set D of deferred edges.
Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Sequence of steps that function linearize in Figure 5 performs on the program from Figure 4, given that Index = [0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5].

4 From PCFL to Sce

This section shows how we use PCFL to perform side-channel elimination. This exposition will rely on nomenclature typically adopted in compiler textbooks, which we revisit in Section 4.1. Our explanations happen on top of a minimalistic programming language—subject of Section 4.2. The remaining sections of this article (Section 4.3–Section 4.7) describe the other steps of the proposed code transformation. Figure 7 lists these steps. We omit two of these phases from our article, because they have been described in previous work. The array-bounds analysis that we use to infer the length of arrays is described in the work of Sperle Campos et al. [2016]. Our transformation updates the interface of functions to receive these inferred lengths. This step is described in the work of Soares and Pereira [2021]. Our presentation is constructed around the example program in Figure 9. The goal of this article is to convert this program into the semantically equivalent program in Figure 22.
Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. Overview of the linearization approach proposed in this article.

4.1 Preliminaries

Partial Control-flow Linearization works on programs containing loops; however, it requires said loops to be Natural. Although a natural loop is a well-established concept [Appel 1997], Definition 4.1 revisits it for the sake of completeness. Throughout the article, we shall adopt the same terminology used in the LLVM documentation4 when referring to Natural Loops.
Definition 4.1 (Natural Loop).
A CFG is a directed graph with an entry node start. If G is a CFG, then a loop \(L \subseteq G\) is a strongly connected subgraph of G. L is called natural if it contains a header h such that every path from start to any node \(v \in L\) goes through h.
As a consequence of Definition 4.1, the header dominates all nodes in the loop. Most loops in programs will be natural: They are produced by statements like while, do-while, for, and foreach. The creation of non-natural loops usually requires abusing the go-to statement. The original description of partial control-flow linearization also requires loops to have unique latches (see Definition. 4.2). This requirement can be met for any program via a standard compiler transformation, which we shall not explain further in this article.
Definition 4.2 (Loop Terminology).
A Forward Edge is an edge from a node outside the loop to the loop header. A Back Edge is an edge from a node inside the loop to the loop header. A Latch is the source of a back edge. An Exiting Edge is an edge from inside the loop to a node outside of it. The source of an exiting edge is called an Exiting Block. Similarly, the destination of an exiting edge is called an Exit Block.

4.2 Baseline Language

Figure 8 shows the syntax of the toy language that will be used to explain our ideas. In Figure 8, {} indicates zero or more occurrences, [] denotes optional terms, id represents names of variables, n stands for numerals, and \(\ell\) ranges over basic block labels. In this article, we assume all programs to be in the Static Single Assignment (SSA) form [Cytron et al. 1989].5 Thus, every variable has a single definition site and the definition of a variable dominates all its uses. To meet these properties, the toy language is equipped with phi functions—special instructions that join multiple definitions of the same variable. In addition, the language provides a ctsel (constant-time selector) operation, which is parameterized by a condition c, such that \(\mathbf {ctsel}\, c,\, v_t,\, v_f \equiv v_t\) if \(c \equiv \mathbf {true}\) or \(v_f\) otherwise.6 We represent stores with a left arrow instead of an equal sign to distinguish them from simple assignments. For convenience, we write stores of the form \(\mathtt {v[0]} \leftarrow e\) as \(\mathtt {v} \leftarrow e\). Example 4.3 shows a program in our toy language.
Fig. 8.
Fig. 8. Syntax of the baseline language used to design the isochronous transformation. We use prime markers, e.g., \(^{\prime }]^{\prime }\) to delimit terminal symbols.
Example 4.3.
The code in Figure 9(a) compares a user’s guess g with the secret password pw.7 It returns true if g equals pw. Function oFdF immediately returns false if the test at Line 5 evaluates to true. Hence, oFdF might leak the secret password due to the non-constant behavior of the loop at Lines 4 and 5. Figure 9(b) shows the implementation of function oFdF in our toy language.
Fig. 9.
Fig. 9. (a) Password comparison function that leaks information due to the conditional branch on secret input pw. This code is the same seen in Figure 2(a)—we copy it to facilitate the understanding of the control-flow graph on the right. (b) Control-flow graph of the password comparison function.

4.3 Tainted-flow Analysis

PCFL was first devised to eliminate divergent branches from programs. In the context of side-channel resistance, however, we are interested in tainted branches. Our toy language defines two instructions, secret and public, which we shall use to separate tainted from non-tainted variables. Definition 4.4 categorizes these concepts.
Definition 4.4 (Tainted Information).
The backward slice of a variable x is the transitive closure of its control and data dependencies (see Definition 2.9). A variable is tainted if its backward slice contains a secret value. A branch whose condition uses a tainted predicate is said to be tainted. A basic block that ends with a tainted branch is a tainted block. A loop that contains an exiting tainted block is a tainted loop.
There are standard static analyses that can be used to identify tainted branches [Almeida et al. 2016; Rodrigues et al. 2016]. However, these techniques are orthogonal to the transformation presented in this article and shall not be discussed further. In practice, we use the information analysis of Rodrigues et al. to label variables as either tainted or non-tainted. Example 4.5 illustrates how this analysis works.
Example 4.5.
Input pw is defined as secret in Figure 9. Since the definition of predicate p1 relies—indirectly, through pw.i—on pw, the conditional branch at the end of the basic block body is tainted. If a conditional branch is tainted, then the program might contain a timing leak, following the tainted-flow may-analysis of Rodrigues et al. In the opposite direction, if the program contains no tainted conditional branch, then it does not contain timing leaks, according to that static analysis. One could think that, because the predicate p1 controls whether the execution of the program flows back to the loop header, then the definition of i0—which is used to index arrays g and pw — is control dependent (Definition 2.9) on a secret and therefore should be tainted (Definition 4.4). This, however, is not the case: The variable i0 starts with zero and, as the loop executes, is always incremented by one; hence, the value of i0inside the loop does not depend on the branch governed by p1. However, if i0 was used after the loop, then its value outside the loop would be control dependent on p1, since the value of i0 outside the loop might vary due to the tainted branch controlled by p1. In this scenario, i0 would be clean inside the loop and tainted after the loop. There is an analogue when we do divergence analysis too: A variable can be uniform inside a loop and divergent outside it. The original formulation of divergence analysis [Sampaio et al. 2014] would use special instructions, called \(\eta\) functions, to split the live ranges of variables inside and outside loops. These different versions of the same variable could then be mapped to a uniform abstract state within the loop and a divergent abstract state outside it. In our case, phi-functions fill the role of \(\eta\) instructions.

4.4 Predication

We let the side effects of a program be the set of state modifications that said program carries out on the machine that it controls. In the context of this work, side effects are memory writes. If P is a program and \(P_{l}\) is the partial linearization of P, then we want both P and \(P_{l}\) to have the same side effects when given the same public inputs. To achieve this property, we need to ensure that instructions of \(P_{l}\) only cause side effects when their counterparts in P do. For that, we resort to predication, a classic compiler transformation already mentioned in Example 3.2.
In this article, predication is implemented via the ctsel instruction, whose syntax Figure 8 shows. This instruction is controlled by a Boolean condition. To find the Boolean associated with each instruction that requires predication, we introduce the notions of edge and block conditions. We start by formalizing these concepts in Definition 4.6 for loop-free programs. Later, in Figure 12, we shall define these conditions for programs with loops.
Definition 4.6 (Block and Edge Conditions).
The block condition \(\mathit {BC}(v)\) determines when block v executes. The edge condition \(\mathit {EC}(u \rightarrow v)\) determines when the edge \(u \rightarrow v\) is traversed. The equations in Figure 10 define these mutual relations.
Fig. 10.
Fig. 10. Block and edge conditions. Function \(\mathit {predecessors}(\ell)\) gives the blocks that are predecessors of block \(\ell\). Function \(\mathit {terminator}(\ell)\) returns the last instruction of the block labeled by \(\ell\) (see Figure 8).
Example 4.7.
Figure 11 shows the CFG of a simplified version of function oFdF seen in Figure 9(a), with \(\mathtt {n} = 2\) and the loop unrolled. Each edge is labeled with its corresponding edge condition. Block if.0 always executes; hence, its block condition is true. Block if.1 executes whenever p0 is false; thus, its block condition is \(\overline{\mathtt {p0}}\). The block condition of end is the disjunction \((\mathtt {p0} \vee (\overline{\mathtt {p0}} \wedge \mathtt {p1})) \vee (\overline{\mathtt {p0}} \wedge \overline{\mathtt {p1}})\), which reduces to true, since block end always executes.
Fig. 11.
Fig. 11. CFG of function oFdF from Figure 9(a), with \(\mathtt {n} = 2\) and the loop unrolled. Edges are labeled with edge conditions.

4.4.1 From Loop-Free to General Programs.

Figure 10 models edge and block conditions of loop-free programs. Once loops are introduced, it becomes necessary to account for the fact that the same control-flow edge might be traversed multiple times. This fact requires adjustments when modeling the conditions associated with loop headers and tainted loop exits. These adjustments will ensure that Property 4.8 holds.
Property 4.8 (Loop Termination).
If \(P_{l}\) is the partial linearization of a program P, then any loop of \(P_{l}\) can only terminate due to non-tainted (i.e., public) predicates. If, during the execution of program P, a loop L would have exited through a tainted edge \(u \rightarrow v\), then the rest of the iterations of L in the linearized program \(P_{l}\) shall produce no side effects.
To model the fact that blocks and edges in loops might be predicated with multiple conditions, we associate these block and edge conditions with a number i. \(\mathit {BC}_{i}(\ell)\) corresponds to the block condition of \(\ell\) at its ith execution (similarly for \(EC_{i}\)). In this sense, the definitions seen in Figure 10 correspond to \(EC_{i}\) and \(BC_{i}\), \(i \ge 1\). Figure 12 shows the definition of \(EC_{i}\) and \(BC_{i}\) for, respectively, tainted exiting edges and loop headers.
Fig. 12.
Fig. 12. Recursive definitions of block and edge conditions for headers and tainted exiting edges. Function \(\mathit {predecessors}_{f}\) is related to forward edges and \(\mathit {predecessors}_{b}\) to back edges. When written without subscripts, \(\mathit {BC}(\ell)\) (similarly for \(\mathit {EC}\)) refers to the last execution of block \(\ell\).
Example 4.9.
Figure 13 shows the edge and block conditions, as computed by the rules in Figure 12 when applied over function oFdF, from Figure 9. In this example, we assume that the public parameter n contains the value 2. Thus, the loop iterates twice and the header block is visited three times.
Fig. 13.
Fig. 13. Block and edge conditions computed on function oFdF from Figure 9. We assume that n, the public parameters that controls the number of loop iterations, holds value 2. We use \(e \mathtt {[b]}\) on some edges to denote that b is an alias for the Boolean condition e, to simplify the figure.
Loop Headers. Figure 10 does not work for loop headers. That is because, when dealing with loops, forward and back edges (see Definition 4.2) play different roles: Only forward edges can be traversed to enter a loop and only back edges can be traversed to continue to the next iteration of the loop. But, the original definition of block condition is the conjunction of all the conditions from incoming edges (see Figure 10). Figure 12 adjusts the definition of block conditions to distinguish between forward edges and back edges in the case of loop headers as follows: If \(\ell _h\) is a loop header, then \(\mathit {BC}_{i}(\ell _h)\), in iteration i, is the disjunction of all the forward-edge conditions (if \(i = 1\)) or back-edge conditions (if \(i > 1\)) that reach \(\ell _{h}\). Since back-edge conditions implicitly carry the previous block condition \(\mathit {BC}_{i - 1}(\ell _{h})\) of \(\ell _{h}\), as soon as one iteration of the loop becomes false, all the subsequent iterations will be false, too. Example 4.10 provides more details.
Example 4.10.
The edge condition of \(\mathtt {begin}~\rightarrow ~\mathtt {header}\) is true in Figure 13. Hence, if we use Figure 10 to compute \(\mathit {BC}(\mathtt {header})\), then it will always be true. As a result, body would always be able to produce side effects, even when not supposed to. Thus, when computing \(\mathit {BC}_i(\mathtt {header}), i > 1\), the rules in Figure 12 uses \(\mathtt {latch}~\rightarrow ~\mathtt {header}\), the back edge, but not \(\mathtt {begin}~\rightarrow ~\mathtt {body}\), the forward edge. The condition of the second execution of header becomes \(\mathtt {p0}_1 \wedge \overline{\mathtt {p1}_1}\), and the condition of the third visit becomes \(\mathtt {p0}_1 \wedge \overline{\mathtt {p1}_1} \wedge \mathtt {p0}_2 \wedge \overline{\mathtt {p1}_2}\). Notice how conditions of previous iterations contribute to compose the condition of the current iteration of the loop.
Tainted Exiting Edges. Figure 10 does not work for tainted exiting edges. Due to Property 4.8, if loop L exits through a tainted edge \(u \rightarrow v\), then node v should be the only exit with a true block condition in \(P_{l}\), once L terminates. To meet this property, Figure 12 modifies Figure 10 as follows: If \(\ell \rightarrow \ell _x\) is a tainted exiting edge, then \(\mathit {EC}(\ell \rightarrow \ell _x)\) is the disjunction of all the edge conditions of \(\ell \rightarrow \ell _x\) at every iteration of the loop. Thus, as soon as one such condition becomes true for the first time, it will remain true during the entire execution of the partially linearized loop. And, more importantly, no other different tainted edge condition of that loop will ever become true. The predicate that has enabled \(\ell \rightarrow \ell _{x}\) disables \(\ell \rightarrow \ell _{L}\), the edge that points to inside the loop. Consequently, the edge condition of \(\ell \rightarrow \ell _{L}\) becomes false, and it is propagated inside the loop, making the next iterations “dummy.”
Example 4.11.
Going back to Figure 13, lets us assume that \(\mathit {EC}_{1}(\mathtt {body} \rightarrow \mathtt {ret.false})\) is true. In other words, the loop should stop thru the tainted exiting edge right in the first iteration. However, Property 4.8 forbids this early exit. Indeed, the code that we shall produce will traverse all the solid edges in Figure 13 but always with false conditions. Thus, from the moment that body is first visited onwards, all the edge and block conditions in the loop become false, while every \(\mathit {EC}_i(\mathtt {body} \rightarrow \mathtt {ret.false}), i > 1\) remains true. As a consequence, \(\mathit {EC}(\mathtt {ret.true} \rightarrow \mathtt {end})\) is false, for it is the conjunction of three false predicates, and \(\mathit {EC}(\mathtt {ret.false} \rightarrow \mathtt {end})\) is true, for it includes \(\mathtt {b}_5\), which was the first exit condition to be true.
Intuitively, conjunctions are applied whenever a whole set of conditions must hold for an instruction to be executed. For instructions outside loops, we conjunct the set of conditions of every branch leading to that instruction. For instructions inside loops, this set also includes the conditions of different iterations of these loops. In Figure 14, the variables bc.header, bc.body and bc.latch accumulate these conditions. In contrast, disjunctions are used every time the execution of an instruction requires one of the conditions in the set to be true (i.e., when there are multiple paths that lead to that instruction). In the case of tainted edges that exit loops, there are multiple routes that lead to that exit, hence the use of disjunctions. In Figure 14, variable ec.body_ret.false accumulates these disjunctions. Notice that disjunctions are not necessary when dealing with clean exiting edges, since that exit will still exist in the final, repaired program.
Fig. 14.
Fig. 14. Function oFdF from Figure 9, embedded with code that compute all of its block and edge conditions, following the rules from Figures 10 and 12.

4.4.2 Materializing Block/Edge Conditions.

The rules from Figures 10 and 12 establish how block and edge conditions shall be computed, according to the types of the blocks and edges. However, these conditions cannot be determined statically, and thus we must materialize them into code that will be embedded into the final, repaired program. Example 4.12 illustrates this process.
Example 4.12.
Figure 14 shows the program from Figure 9 augmented with code to compute all of its block and edge conditions. Following the rules for loop headers (Figure 12), the block condition of header is either the edge condition from begin to header (forward edge, first iteration), which is always true, or the edge condition from latch to header (back edge, subsequent iterations), which is just the block condition of latch. The edge from header to ret.true is clean, and thus its condition is defined according to the rules from Figure 10: It is the conjunction of the predicate p0 and the block condition of header. In contrast, the edge from body to ret.false is tainted; hence, its condition follows the rules from Figure 12: It is the disjunction of the values of the edge condition from body to ret.false at each iteration of the loop.
The code from Figure 14 contains extra Booleans that keep track of edge and block conditions across iterations of the loop. However, this code is not yet linearized. In the next sections, we show how that program can be partially linearized and how the Booleans mentioned in Example 4.12 are used to predicate the other instructions. As already explained, predication will ensure that original and transformed codes have the same set of side effects.

4.5 Control-flow Linearization

The control-flow graph of the partially linearized program must be rewritten so that original and transformed programs carry out the same set of side effects. These rewriting rules entail a number of properties concerning the elimination of time-based side channels, which Theorems 4.16 and 4.26 summarize. Additionally, these transformations preserve semantics of terminating programs, as Theorem 4.13 states. Proofs of these theorems are available as supplementary material.
Theorem 4.13.
restateSemantics Let \(T(P) = P^{\prime }\) be the partial linearization of program P with instructions rewritten, as described in Section 4.6 and 4.7. If \(P^{\prime }\) terminates, then programs P and \(P^{\prime }\) produce the same set of side effects.
Proofs of Lemmas and Theorems are given in Appendix A.

4.5.1 Finding a Compact Ordering.

Partial Control-flow Linearization demands a compact ordering (see Definition 3.3), which implies dominance compactness and loop compactness. The former is guaranteed by function compact_order seen in Figure 5. To attain the latter, we collapse all loops into single nodes, producing a new graph structure with two types of nodes—basic blocks and loops. Loop nodes, by construction, are compact. Hence, we can apply compact_order to the root CFG as well as to every loop node and then join the compact orderings obtained, as Example 4.14 shows.
Example 4.14.
Figure 15 shows the linearization of the CFG of function oFdF from Figure 9. We first collapse the loop formed by nodes header, body, and latch into a single node L. Loop L is tainted, because one of its exiting blocks—body—is tainted. We then produce a compact ordering of the CFG with its loop collapsed, which Figure 15(b) shows, as well as a compact ordering of L, shown in Figure 15(c). Since there is no tainted branch in the loop L, the loop is left unchanged. The compact ordering for the CFG can be seen as the merge of the two compact orderings from Figure 15(b) and (c): begin, header, body, latch, ret.true, ret.false, end.
Fig. 15.
Fig. 15. (a) CFG of oFdF from Figure 9; dashed arrows represent back edges; gray nodes are tainted. (b) The CFG with collapsed loop; numbers indicate the compact ordering. (c) Compact ordering of loop. (d) The collapsed CFG after linearization. (e) Whole CFG after linearization.

4.5.2 Rewriting Loop Exits.

To deal with divergent loops (i.e., loops with divergent exiting blocks), Moll and Hack [2018] merge every loop exit into a single exiting block at the end of the loop, which becomes the new loop latch. The transformed loop then terminates only when all threads do. This approach, however, leads to dummy execution of instructions that could have been avoided had the public exits been preserved. In this article, we follow a different path: We redirect every public exiting edge of a tainted loop to the first exit block that appears in the compact ordering of the basic blocks. The following example further clarifies our partial linearization.
Example 4.15.
Figure 15(d) shows the linearization of the CFG with the loop collapsed. Notice that there is now a single edge leaving the loop L. This edge corresponds to every public exiting edge of a loop. In this example, there is only one such edge from header to ret.true, but there could be more. Figure 15(e) shows the final version of the CFG.
In Example 4.15, the tainted branch at node body does not exist after linearization. Thus, the transformed CFG is operation invariant according to Definition 2.2: Regardless of secret inputs, it runs the same sequence of instructions. This observation is not exclusive to Example 4.15. As Theorem 4.16 states, partial linearization ensures operation invariance with regard to secret inputs.
Theorem 4.16.
restateOpInv Let \(P_{l}\) be the partial linearization of P. \(P_{l}\) is operation invariant.
Partial control-flow linearization is optimal, in the sense that it only modifies tainted branches. In other words, edges departing from branches that are controlled exclusively by public information are not modified. This result follows as a corollary of Theorem C.1 in Moll and Hack [2018], as we state it as Corollary 4.17. In fact, Moll and Hack’s result goes a bit beyond Corollary 4.17: There are a few edges departing from tainted branches that shall remain present in the linearized control-flow graph.
Corollary 4.17.
restateOptimality Let \(\ell\) be a basic block within a control-flow graph \(G = (E, V)\), such that \(\mathit {terminator}(\ell) = \mathtt {br} p, \ell _1, \ell _2\) and \(\mathtt {not}(\mathit {tainted}(p))\) is true. The edges \(\ell \rightarrow \ell _1\) and \(\ell \rightarrow \ell _2\) remain in E after partial control-flow linearization.

4.5.3 On the Termination of Linearized Programs.

As a consequence of Property 4.8, if every exit condition of a loop is controlled exclusively by secret inputs, then linearization will transform it in non-terminating code. If such is the case, then the generation of a non-terminating loop is statically known: This event happens once every branch condition is identified as tainted by the analysis of Section 4.3. Thus, generation of non-terminating code can be reported back to users. Example 4.18 illustrates this phenomenon.
Example 4.18.
The program in Figure 16(a) contains a loop that has only one exit. This single exit is dependent on secret information, which will be tagged as “tainted” by the flow analysis of Section 4.3. This exit will be removed after linearization. Thus, partial control-flow linearization will produce a program without exiting edges. Figure 17(a) and (b) show, respectively, the CFG of the loop depicted in function f before and after partial control-flow linearization. Notice that, by looking at the CFG from Figure 17(b), it is possible to detect that the loop will not terminate.
Fig. 16.
Fig. 16. (a) Loop controlled exclusively by secret inputs. (b) Loop controlled by public and secret inputs. This loop will not terminate after linearization if public == false.
Fig. 17.
Fig. 17. (a) CFG of the loop from Figure 16(a) before PCFL. (b) CFG of the loop from Figure 16(a) after PCFL.
The general consequence of Property 4.8 is that, after partial linearization, loops can only contain exiting edges dependent on public data. Notice that if the conditions controlled by public data never become true during the execution of the linearized loop, then said loop will not terminate. Example 4.19 discusses this possibility.
Example 4.19.
The program in Figure 16(b) contains a loop with two exits: one controlled by tainted information and another controlled by public data. The exiting edge controlled by secret data will be removed by PCFL. Hence, if public == false, then the linearized loop will run forever.
Discussion. By preventing control flow from leaving loops through edges controlled by tainted data, our implementation of partial control-flow linearization ensures operation invariance with regards to secret values. Previous linearization techniques either forgo loops altogether, as Lif [Soares and Pereira 2021] and SC-Eliminator [Wu et al. 2018] do, or handle them dynamically, like Constantine [Borrello et al. 2021] does. The approach adopted by Constantine avoids non-termination; however, it still allows leakage of secret information. Quoting Borrello et al. [2021], “We validate the prediction of the oracle: Whenever real program paths wish to iterate more than k times, we adaptively update k allowing the loop to continue, and use the \(k^{\prime }\) seen on loop exit as the new bound when the program reaches the loop again. The handling of this comparison is also linearized.” Nevertheless, whenever the control flow reaches the loop current upper bound, information about secret data will leak. In this article’s approach, the behavior of the loop controlled exclusively by secret data will be the same regardless of these values: The loop will not terminate. Yet, a non-terminating program has problems of its own, at which point the merits of our solution becomes more a question of taste than effectiveness.

4.6 Rewriting Phi-Functions

As we have explained in Section 4.2, our transformation has been designed to operate on programs in the SSA Form. The SSA representation uses phi functions to join definitions of variable names that, in the original—pre-SSA transformation—code, would represent the same memory location. The partial linearization of a program P may lead to invalid phi functions in the linearized version \(P_{l}\), for a predecessor of a block v in P may not be a predecessor of v in \(P_{l}\). Example 4.20 illustrates this issue.
Example 4.20.
Figure 18(a) shows a CFG before linearization, with block b marked as tainted. Figure 18(b) shows that CFG after PCFL. Linearization removes the edge \(d \rightarrow g\); hence, reducing the arity of the phi function at g from three to two arguments. The rest of this section will explain how the phi function must be rewritten.
Fig. 18.
Fig. 18. (a) CFG before linearization; block b is tainted. (b) CFG after linearization, with the phi function at block g rewritten; variable ec.d_e stores the edge condition of edge \(d \rightarrow g\) from the original graph (see Definition 4.6, Figures 10 and 12).
Phi functions are parameterized by pairs of arguments. Thus, \(x = \mathbf {phi}[e_1, \ell _1], [e_2, \ell _2], \ldots , [e_n, \ell _n]\) exists at the beginning of a basic block \(\ell\), which has n predecessors. If the program flow reaches \(\ell\) coming from \(\ell _i\), then the phi function indicates that the assignment \(x = e_i\) must occur. The difficulty arises, because the linearized CFG \(G_l\) might not contain the edge that, in the original graph G, would connect \(\ell _i\) to \(\ell\). To deal with the elimination of edges, we split the arguments of the original phi function into two sets K and R. The former represents the arguments whose corresponding blocks still are predecessors of \(\ell\) in \(G_l\). These arguments are safe to keep without modifications. R contains arguments from blocks that are no longer predecessors of \(\ell\). The rules that rewrite phi nodes rely on three helper functions, split, fill, and fold, which Figure 19 defines. Function Split, in Figure 19 separates the arguments of a phi node into the K and R sets. Let \(\varphi\) be the phi function to be transformed and \(\varphi _{l}\) the new phi function that shall replace \(\varphi\) in \(P_{l}\). Arguments in K are safe to be transported to \(\varphi _{l}\) without any modifications, since the predecessor relation has not changed; thus, we fill as much as possible of the arguments of \(\varphi _{l}\) with K.
Fig. 19.
Fig. 19. Transformation rule for phi nodes. \(\mathit {inst} \mathbin {@} \ell\) indicates that the instruction belongs to the block labeled by \(\ell\). \(E(G)\) are the edges of graph G. Fold relies on edge conditions (see Definition 4.6, Figures 10 and 12).
Dealing with missing edges. Function fill is responsible for moving the old arguments from \(\varphi\) to \(\varphi _{l}\) (unstarred version, third rule). Once all pairs from K were consumed, we start filling the arguments of \(\varphi _{l}\) with set R. However, the basic blocks in R are not predecessors of \(\ell\) in \(P_{l}\) anymore. Hence, we need to adjust the pairs from R before attaching them as arguments of \(\varphi _{l}\). We proceed as follows: If there is a block \(\ell _{j}\) in R that reaches \(\ell ^{\prime }\) (a predecessor of \(\ell\) in \(G_{l}\)) in the graph G (unstarred version, first rule), then we replace \(\ell _{j}\)—the original predecessor associated with value \(x_{j}\)—with \(\ell ^{\prime }\). However, \(x_{j}\) might not be always available in \(\ell ^{\prime }\), which could potentially break the SSA constraints. Hence, we must guarantee that \(x_{j}\) is defined when the program flows to \(\ell ^{\prime }\); we encapsulated that as function \(\mathit {SSAfy}\). If there is no such a block \(\ell _{j}\) (unstarred version, second rule), then we associate the (new) predecessor \(\ell ^{\prime }\) with a special value undef, meaning that there is no incoming value for \(\varphi\) that relates to block \(\ell ^{\prime }\). The starred version of fill applies fill to all the predecessors of \(\ell\) in \(G_{l}\) and returns the arguments from \(\varphi\) that have not yet been linked to \(\varphi _{l}\).
The third and final step for rewriting a phi function is to link with \(\varphi _{l}\) those arguments from \(\varphi\) that are still unlinked. This is accomplished with function fold, which uses the block conditions (see Definition 4.6) of the old predecessors of \(\ell\) to conditionally select between values. The transformation of phi functions is thus the composition of split, fill, and fold, and it is represented by function \(\mathit {rewrite}_{\phi }\) in Figure 19. Function \(\mathit {rewrite}_{\phi }\) returns the variable that shall hold the value of \(\varphi\) in \(P_{l}\); it is worth noting, however, that there are intermediate instructions that must be added to the basic block as well. Example 4.21 illustrates the transformation of phi nodes.
Example 4.21.
The phi function at block g in Figure 18(a) is rewritten in Figure 18(b). It is almost intact, except for the argument \([ \mathtt {x1}, \mathtt {d} ]\), because the edge \(d \rightarrow g\) was deleted. A ctsel instruction links the erased argument with the new phi function. The ctsel is parameterized by the edge condition of \(d \rightarrow g\), which in Figure 18(b) is encoded as variable ec.d_e. Two new phi nodes are created to preserve the SSA property, since x1 may not be available in blocks c and f. Notice that x will never be assigned undef. To explain why such is the case, let us walk through Figure 18(b) bottom-up: Variable x is either assigned x\(^{\prime }\) or x\(^{\prime \prime }\), of which only x\(^{\prime \prime }\) can be undef. To be assigned x\(^{\prime \prime }\), it is necessary that the edge condition ec.d_e is true, which, in turn, requires that edge \(d \rightarrow e\) be taken. Walking upwards, x\(^{\prime \prime }\) can only be undef if the edge \(f \rightarrow g\) was taken, and there is no path \(d \rightarrow e \rightsquigarrow f\). Therefore, x cannot be assigned undef through the incoming value from f to g. It remains to analyze the case of x1’, which can only be assigned undef if the edge \(c \rightarrow e\) was taken, and there is no path \(d \rightarrow e \rightsquigarrow c\). In other words, the only path in which ec.d_e is true is \(a \rightarrow b \rightarrow d \rightarrow e \rightarrow g\), and it assigns a valid value to x1, x1\(^{\prime }\), x1\(^{\prime \prime }\) and, finally, x.

4.7 Rewriting Memory Operations

The transformation of memory operations has two goals. First, to guarantee that stores only modify state in the linearized program \(P_{l}\) when their counterpart would do the same in the original program P. Second, to prevent the introduction of out-of-bound accesses in \(P_l\). In this work we linearize programs partially; hence, not all memory operations need to be modified. To identify which instructions require interventions, we rely on the influence region of basic blocks, a notion that Definition 4.22 formalizes. We apply the rules from Figure 20 to loads and stores in the influence region of tainted blocks.
Fig. 20.
Fig. 20. Transformation rules for memory operations. Function \(\mathit {rewrite}_{\mathit {ld}}\) preserves loads’ memory safety, while function \(\mathit {rewrite}_{\mathit {st}}\) preserves stores’ memory safety and make stores sound with respect to whether they should or not take effect. Both rules rely on block conditions (see Definition 4.6, Figures 10 and 12). \(\mathit {inst} \mathbin {@} \ell\) indicates that the instruction belongs to the block labeled by \(\ell\).
Definition 4.22 (Influence Region).
Given a directed graph G with a unique exit vertex d, we say that vertex v post-dominates vertex u if every path from u to d must go through v. The influence region of a node u is the set of all nodes in paths from u to its post dominator v, excluding u and v.
Example 4.23.
The influence region of the tainted block body, from Figure 9(b), is the set formed by blocks in paths from body to its post dominator end: body, latch, header, ret.true, and ret.false. The block body is within its own influence region, because it is inside a loop and thus there are paths from body to end that go through body itself.
Loads. Function \(\mathit {rewrite}_{\mathit {ld}}\), in Figure 20, takes the original load and returns a new load that is memory safe, plus the base address and the index that compose the new access. For that, we follow Soares and Pereira [2021]’s approach: We replace memory accesses that should not occur—i.e., the block condition is false—and are not safe with accesses to a shadow address. To determine whether an access is safe or not, we need the size of the structure being manipulated. This can be obtained in multiple ways, e.g., by inferring the size or by asking the user to provide it. Figure 20 abstracts away this computation by relying on a function named size. If the size of the value cannot be determined, then the access is still guaranteed to be safe, but it becomes data variant (see Theorem 4.26). In practice, we conservatively estimate the size of LLVM arrays without user intervention, using the array-size inference analysis of Sperle Campos et al. [2016].
Example 4.24.
The load \(\mathtt {pw.i} = \mathtt {pw}[\mathtt {i0}]\) in Figure 9(b) must be transformed, because it is in the influence region of a tainted block (see Example 4.23). Let bc.body store the block condition of body and pw.size store the size of pw. Then, function \(\mathit {rewrite}_{\mathit {ld}}\) from Figure 20 transforms the original code in Figure 21(a) into the code in Figure 21(b).
Fig. 21.
Fig. 21. (a) Original load from Figure 9. (b) Transformed load. (c) Example of a store. (d) Transformed store.
Stores. Function \(\mathit {rewrite}_{\mathit {st}}\), in Figure 20, takes the original store and produces a new store that is both memory safe and sound with respect to side effects. We first create a safe load to get the current value stored in that memory region (or in the shadow memory, depending on the circumstances). Then, we use the block condition \(\mathit {BC}(\ell)\) to select between the current value and the value to be stored: If \(\mathit {BC}(\ell)\) is true, then the original store is performed, updating the value under that address and producing a side effect; otherwise, the store is silent. Example 4.25 wraps up the transformation of loads and stores presented in this section.
Example 4.25.
Suppose that we had a store like \(\mathtt {pw}[ \mathtt {i0} ] \leftarrow \mathtt {x}\) in block body in Figure 9(b). Following function \(\mathit {rewrite}_{\mathit {st}}\) from Figure 20, we first create a safe load, as shown in Example 4.24. For convenience, let us reuse pw.i. The store will then be rewritten from the original code seen in Figure 21(c) into the sequence in Figure 21(d).
Like previous work [Borrello et al. 2021; Cauligi et al. 2019; Soares and Pereira 2021], we cannot transform a program that contains memory indexation data dependent on secret inputs. In other words, we cannot transform the following code: int foo(secret v, int m[]): return m[v]. Quoting Cauligi et al. [2019], the above code is not “publicly safe” (see Definition 2.11) and cannot be made data invariant (see Definition 2.4) using control-flow linearization. Data invariance, as stated by Theorem 4.26, is guaranteed whenever the original program is publicly safe. If the program is shadow safe, then data invariance is not guaranteed, as Example 2.12 has explained.
Theorem 4.26.
restateDataContract Let \(T(P) = P^{\prime }\) be the partial linearization of P with loads and stores rewritten after Figure 20. If P is publicly safe, then \(P^{\prime }\) is data invariant. If P is shadow safe, then either \(P^{\prime }\) is data invariant or there exist two input instances \(\mathcal {I}_{1} = (\mathcal {S}_{1}, \mathcal {P})\) and \(\mathcal {I}_{2} = (\mathcal {S}_{2}, \mathcal {P})\), \(\mathcal {S}_{1} \ne \mathcal {S}_{2}\), with corresponding traces of memory addresses \(\tau _{1}\) and \(\tau _{2}\) such that \(\tau _{1}[i] = \mathbf {shadow}\) or (exclusive) \(\tau _{2}[i] = \mathbf {shadow}\), for some i.
Example 4.27.
Figure 22 shows the transformed version of function oFdF that we obtain after applying PCFL onto the control-flow graph seen in Figure 9(b). Variables g.size and pw.size hold the sizes of the arrays g and pw whenever function oFdF is invoked. If the length of the array is not known statically, then its size variable is initialized with zero. Notice that the length does not have to be a constant: It can be a symbolic expression. Every expression used to index an array in the transformed code is compared against the length of that array. If the comparison returns false and the block condition is false, then the special variable shadow is used as a surrogate address.
Fig. 22.
Fig. 22. Function oFdF from Figure 9 after PCFL and with the instructions rewritten. (a) The shadow memory and the size of input pw, used in the transformation of a tainted load. (b) Computation of the block condition of the loop header (Section 4.4, Figure 12). (c) Computation of the edge condition of the tainted exiting edge \(\mathtt {body} \rightarrow \mathtt {ret.false}\) (Section 4.4, Figure 12). (d) Predication of load instructions to ensure memory safety (Section 4.7, Figure 20). (e) Transformation of a phi function (Section 4.6).

5 Evaluation

This section evaluates the techniques described in this article through five research questions:
By how much does the proposed approach increase code size?
What is the running time of applying the proposed transformation onto programs?
How does the proposed approach impact the running time of programs?
What are the security guarantees achieved by the proposed approach?
How the general C programs compiled with the proposed approach compare with programs written in a domain-specific language for constant-time cryptography?
To provide perspective on our results, we compare them with those produced by Lif [Soares and Pereira 2021], FaCT [Cauligi et al. 2019], SC-Eliminator [Wu et al. 2018], and Constantine[Borrello et al. 2021]. The last two tools aim at making programs data and operation invariant with regard to their secret inputs. Our PCFL and Lif, in turn, only guarantee operation invariance, although when handling publicly safe programs they also ensure data invariance. Code written in the FaCT domain-specific language is, by construction, publicly safe; hence, FaCT delivers both operation and data invariance for this class of programs. When presenting results for SC-Eliminator and Constantine, we show how these tools fare with and without dataflow protection.
Hardware. Experiments run on an Intel Core i5-1035G1 4-Core Processor, clocked at 3.6 GHz. L1 data and instruction caches have 128 KB. Main memory has 8 GB.
Software. The above hardware runs in Linux Manjaro 21.2.5 (5.16.14-1-generic x86_64). Our program transformation plus Soares and Pereira [2021]’s (Lif) are implemented in LLVM 13.0. We use a version of Lif downloaded from We use a version of Constantine downloaded from, which is implemented in LLVM 9.0. SC-Eliminator is available as an ACM artifact at using LLVM 3.9.1. However, due to problems to reuse that artifact, we have downloaded SC-Eliminator directly from, and have updated it to use LLVM 13.0. We use a version of FaCT downloaded from, which uses libraries from LLVM 6.0. These tools were downloaded on December 6, 2021. Thus, results from this article can be directly compared with Lif and SC-Eliminator, for both use LLVM 13.0 to obtain the original bytecode that will be transformed. Constantine, however, uses LLVM 9.0; hence, the starting bytecode file is not guaranteed to be the same.
To detect examples of operation variance, we use CTgrind, available at, and CFGgrind, available at These tools are Valgrind [Nethercote and Seward 2007] plugins. To detect examples of data variance, we insert instrumentation in the transformed programs to print the addresses that they access during execution. Instrumentation is inserted in the intermediate representation of programs, via a pass that we have implemented. In addition of linearizing the control-flow graph of programs, Constantine and SC-Eliminator also try to eliminate memory-based side channels. SC-Eliminator does it by preloading data in the beginning of functions; Constantine does it by traversing the entire buffer whenever a cell within said buffer is read or written. Such interventions make code much slower and much bigger. Thus, for fairness, we show results for these tools with and without data preloading. It is our understanding that, once data linearization is disabled, SC-Eliminator and Constantine have the same purpose as our implementation of PCFL.
Benchmarks. We use 13 benchmarks, including seven from Wu et al. [2018].8 Each benchmark has at least two inputs, with parts tagged as either public or secret. Two of the benchmarks, ssl3 and donna, are from the FaCT repository. We have translated them into C. We implemented the four remaining benchmarks: hash-one, plain-many, plain-one and log-redactor, to exercise control-flow constructs absent in Wu et al.’s collection. The benchmark plain-one corresponds to the example that we have been using throughout the article (Figure 9). Programs hash-one and plain-many are variations of plain-one.
We handle, without any user intervention, all these benchmarks, except loki91. The original implementation of loki91 contains a loop whose every exit is controlled by sensitive information; hence, it is inherently leaky. To make loki91 amenable to linearization, we had to modify this loop with a terminating condition based on public information. This condition is the maximum 16-bit integer, i.e., 32,767 iterations. Figure 23 illustrates this change. The transformation is safe: Once the secret condition triggers, further iterations become innocuous. In other words, as a consequence of linearization, the loop stops producing side effects. The modification in Figure 23 was implemented manually, but we could have performed it automatically, if necessary, to apply it on more benchmarks. However, such pattern—a loop controlled exclusively by secret information—is rare. Our implementation of PCFL handles all the 21 benchmarks used by Soares and Pereira [2021] that are also available in Wu et al. [2018]’s and Borrello et al. [2021]’s artifacts without modification (again, except for loki91).
Fig. 23.
Fig. 23. (a) Loop controlled exclusively by secret inputs (as shown in Figure 16). (b) Version of the loop modified to ensure termination—similar change was performed in the benchmark loki91.
Numbers reported in this section refer to the transformed program after it is optimized with LLVM opt -O3. The evaluation of security guarantees (Section 5.5) uses these optimized programs, in binary format. The benchmarks contain code to initialize inputs and print outputs; however, our numbers refer only to their kernels. Lif and SC-Eliminator cannot transform three benchmarks due to unbounded loops: donna, ssl3 and loki91. One of the other benchmarks, plain-many, when transformed by Constantine, Lif and SC-Eliminator crashes at running time. Furthermore, for benchmark ssl3, Constantine produces code whose output is incorrect.

5.1 RQ1: Size of Transformed Code

Figure 24 reports the size of the programs produced by the different tools that we evaluate in this article. Size is measured by counting LLVM instructions in the intermediate representation of the transformed kernel after optimizations run.
Fig. 24.
Fig. 24. Code size (in number of LLVM instructions) of transformed programs. Symbols in gray boxes show tools that are missing for particular benchmarks. CTT refers to Constantine, SC refers to SC-Eliminator. Orig refers to these two tools as originally implemented. CFL refers to these two tools with control-flow linearization only—thus, closer to our implementation of PCFL in purpose. The figure uses log scale; hence, for reference purposes, we include the actual size of the original programs, when compiled with LLVM 13.0 at the -O3 optimization level.
Considering only the nine benchmarks that SC-Eliminator and Lif handle, we generate 3,393 LLVM instructions. The original version of SC-Eliminator produces 97,772 instructions, whereas SC-Eliminator’s CFL gives 76,004. Lif generates 138,079 instructions. It is worth remembering that both SC-Eliminator and Lif were applied to a version of the programs with loops entirely unrolled, for neither of the two tools can handle general loops; hence the higher number of instructions. The complete implementation of Constantine (CFL + DFL) yields 4,182 LLVM instructions, while Constantine’s CFL outputs 3,293. When compiled with LLVM 13.0 at -O3, the original 13 benchmarks add up to 4,130 instructions, 2,977 of which corresponds to the subset of nine benchmarks handled by all tools. In relative terms, our partial linearization increases code size by 1.33\(\times\). Considering only the 11 benchmarks correctly handled by Constantine, Constantine’s original and CFL-only implementations increase code size by, respectively, 2.73\(\times\) and 2.64\(\times\).

5.2 RQ2: Transformation Time

Figure 25 shows the time (in milliseconds) that each technique evaluated in this article takes to transform programs. To provide the reader a baseline, we also show the time that LLVM takes to apply all the optimizations at the -O3 level onto these programs. Numbers refer only to the time taken by opt, LLVM’s optimizer, to run passes onto LLVM intermediate representation: It does not include time to parse C or to generate machine code—roughly the same for all the approaches.
Fig. 25.
Fig. 25. Time (in milliseconds) to apply each transformation onto the benchmarks. To facilitate comparison, the figure explicitly includes values for the time taken to run LLVM opt -O3 on each benchmark. The gray boxes mark benchmarks that some tools could not handle.
Considering only the nine benchmarks that all tools can deal with, it takes, on average, 24.73 ms to apply opt -O3 onto each benchmark, without any transformation. Our PCFL technique takes about 33.49 ms per benchmark. Lif, not counting the time to unroll loops, takes 271.61 ms. The original implementation of SC-Eliminator takes 2,697.06 ms, whereas SC-Eliminator’s CFL takes 2,149.28 ms. SC-Eliminator and Lif are slower, because they operate on larger programs, due to unrolling. Constantine’s CFL takes about 65.19 ms per benchmark. However, when we consider the entire script used to apply Constantine—which includes everything from profiling up to all the transformations that it applies—this number grows up to 2,045.22 ms. This total is the summation of several independent passes that Constantine applies—some of them coming from LLVM’s accompanying tools. Thus, LLVM bytecodes are read and traversed multiple times. We understand that were these passes grouped into a single LLVM pass, Constantine could run faster.

5.3 RQ3: Performance of Transformed Code

Figure 26 shows the running time of transformed programs. Timing the benchmarks was challenging: Except for loki91, they all run under less than 1 ms. We executed each benchmark 20 times per tool, removed the two fastest and the two slowest samples per benchmark and averaged the remaining 16 samples. We then used Student’s t-test [Gosset 1908] to check for statistically significant results across all the three populations, pairwisely. Assuming a confidence level of 99%, and considering only the nine benchmarks that SC-Eliminator and Lif can handle, we could observe five results where the programs produced by our implementation of PCFL run faster than those generated by SC-Eliminator’s CFL and six results where our approach performs better than both SC-Eliminator’s original implementation and Lif. Lowering the confidence interval to 0.95, we observe one additional benchmark for which our approach yields code that runs faster than the code produced by SC-Eliminator’s CFL. The mean overhead introduced by both SC-Eliminator and our PCFL is of 1.61\(\times\). The CFL-only version of SC-Eliminator adds less overhead onto programs: 1.42\(\times\). Lif, however, generates code that is 3.74\(\times\) slower. Nonetheless, the expressive overhead promoted by Lif was hugely influenced by the benchmark des (8.32\(\times\) slower).
Fig. 26.
Fig. 26. Running time (in microseconds) of transformed programs. To facilitate comparison, the figure explicitly shows the running time of the original programs when compiled with LLVM 13.0. Symbols in gray boxes show missing tools for particular benchmarks.
Assuming a confidence level of 99%, our technique performs better than both Constantine’s original and CFL-only implementations in 6 of the 11 benchmarks correctly handled by Constantine. By lowering the confidence interval to 0.95, we could observe one additional benchmark for which we produce faster code than Constantine (both versions). The overhead introduced by Constantine with respect to the nine benchmarks that all tools can correctly deal with was larger than ours: 4.62\(\times\) for the original implementation and 1.94\(\times\) for Constantine’s CFL-only version. Similarly to the case of Lif, the huge overhead introduced by Constantine’s original tool was heavily influenced by the benchmark histogram (12.26\(\times\) slower). If we consider the 11 benchmarks that Constantine handles, then its average overhead is of 2.24\(\times\) (original) and 2.12\(\times\) (CFL), whereas the overhead imposed by our implementation of PCFL is of 1.17\(\times\)—which is also the mean overhead caused by our tool if we consider all 13 benchmarks. However, most of the overhead caused by Constantine happens in loki91. This is the benchmark with the largest number of branches: 76, of which 16 are tainted (see Borrello et al. [2021]’s Table 1). Constantine uses more instructions than our implementation of PCFL: The linearized code that it produces, after optimizations, contains 1,031 LLVM instructions, whereas the code that we produce contains 196. The effects of this difference are amplified by the large trip count of loki91’s core loop: 32,767 iterations.

5.4 R4: Security Evaluation

To investigate if the different techniques evaluated in this section are strengthening the security guarantees of programs, we use three tools: CTgrind [Langley 2010], CFGgrind [Rimsa et al. 2021], and an LLVM pass that instruments load and store operations. CTgrind and CFGgrind are Valgrind plugins. The former checks if a program contains a branch that reads data tainted by secret information. The latter counts the number of binary instructions executed per function. The LLVM pass, a tool of our own craft, inserts instrumentation to print the addresses accessed by the load and store operations present in the LLVM intermediate representation of programs. We compare the strings of addresses produced by programs fed with two distinct inputs. Different strings demonstrate data variance. Figures 27 and 28 subsume the results of the security analyses.
Fig. 27.
Fig. 27. Security guarantees achieved by the different tools. Cor indicates if the transformed program produces the same output as its original counterpart. Data is the largest difference between data addresses in corresponding positions in the traces produced by the two inputs without compiler optimizations. The subscript next to each number is the index of the most significant bit where addresses have diverged. Opr refers to operation invariance without compiler optimizations, given two different inputs. Opr3 refers to operation invariance at the LLVM opt -O3 optimization level, again, considering two different inputs.
Fig. 28.
Fig. 28. Number of instructions fetched during the execution of functions linearized by different tools. input-1: number of instructions executed with the first input. input-2: number of instructions executed with the second input. Whenever \(\mathtt {input-1} = \mathtt {input-2}\), we merge the two columns. Because SC-Eliminator outlines part of the linearized code, we can count only a small fraction of the code that it generates. As a consequence, the number of instructions measured for the code transformed by SC-Eliminator is the same if we use it with our without data linearization.
CTgrind :. Columns Opr and Opr3 of Figure 27 summarize the results of CTgrind’s analysis. CTgrind is a dynamic analysis tool; hence, it requires running each program. These programs come with two inputs each. This experiment uses both. CTgrind reports that SC-Eliminator failed to achieve operation invariance for two benchmarks: hash-one and histogram. We analyzed the LLVM intermediate files produced by SC-Eliminator and confirmed that SC-Eliminator indeed failed to linearize some of the tainted branches. In several benchmarks, CTgrind reports that code produced by Constantine is not operation invariant. Debugging the code produced by Constantine is harder than analyzing the code produced by SC-Eliminator, because Constantine’s code transformations are more extensive. We inspected the code that Constantine produced for plain-only, our smallest kernel. In that case, Constantine uses memory cells whose purpose is similar to our shadow memory. These blocks of memory are not initialized but might be used in conditional operations. In this case, CTgrind issues warnings, because it considers as tainted any memory that is not initialized. In spite of these results, we emphasize that the absence of warnings issued by CTgrind does not demonstrate that the code has been correctly linearized: It is still possible that different inputs cause tainted branches to be executed.
Data Variance:. When probing data variance in Figure 27, we use an LLVM instrumentation pass to verify if the sequence of addresses accessed by each kernel is the same, regardless of the input. In this case, we consider the original versions of Constantine and SC-Eliminator, not the versions that only do control-flow linearization. The column data in Figure 27 reports the maximum difference between corresponding addresses in the traces produced when the programs run with the two different inputs. We could not compute this result for loki91: Log generation stops once traces reach 26.3 GB of size. If the traces contain a different number of addresses, then column data reports \(\infty\). If all the addresses match up perfectly, then column data shows the number zero. If code produced by Lif or PCFL accesses the shadow memory, then column data reports “SH.” Any difference in these traces necessarily have one of the addresses equal to the shadow memory slot, which is always the same address. Traces cover every address accessed by instructions in the linearized parts of instrumented programs.
Two benchmarks, cast5 and histogram, are not shadow safe. Both use tables indexed by secret inputs. As an example, histogram counts the frequency of characters in the sensitive input by incrementing cells within an array of integers, e.g., c[sensitive_char % SIZE]++. Constantine and SC-Eliminator can still generate data-invariant code to programs that are not shadow safe, assuming the hit-miss threat model seen in Section 2. For instance, if we assume9 that differences of less than 64 in code produced by either Constantine or SC-Eliminator will be in the same cache line, then benchmarks like des and cast5 should be considered safe after linearization. Five binaries produced via PCFL fail to achieve complete data invariance, because some memory accesses are replaced with the shadow memory, which is a unique address for the entire program. Nevertheless, we could verify that the data contract stated in Theorem 4.26 holds for all the 11 benchmarks that are shadow safe. Furthermore, in all 13 benchmarks transformed via PCFL, traces of data addresses have always the same length—a direct consequence of operation invariance. As a final observation in regards to data invariance, we ported ssl3 and donna from FaCT. When written in FaCT, every benchmark is publicly safe, and we succeed in delivering the same guarantees as that domain-specific language: complete non-interference between secret inputs and addresses accessed in the instruction and data caches.
CFGgrind :. Figure 28 reports the number of instructions fetched during the execution of the linearized functions. In this case, we use CFGgrind to count only instructions that exist within the scope of linearized functions.10 This dynamic analysis does not prove operation invariance; however, a divergence in the number of fetched instructions demonstrates the absence of this property. We show results only for non-optimized programs, for the sake of space. Nevertheless, the same qualitative results (column opr) remain true for codes optimized with clang -O3.
In all 13 benchmarks, codes partially linearized using our technique always fetch the same number of instructions. Such is also the case for programs that could be compiled with Lif. We failed to observe operation invariance in one program produced by SC-Eliminator: dijkstra, confirming the warning issued by CTgrind. Two programs transformed by Constantine, plain-one and log-redact, did not process the same number of instructions. These issues have been reported back to Borrello et al. According to Pietro Borrello, one of Constantine’s authors, the leak happens, because the input used to test the tool forces more iterations of the linearized loop than the input used to train it. In Borrello’s words: “Constantine is expecting such a case, and dynamically updates the loop-controlling variable if it observes the loop being executed more than it expects, and at the next iteration, the loop will be executed the new maximum number of times. This incurs a one-time side channel but mitigates the fact of Constantine not being fully trained with worst-case conditions.11

5.5 RQ5: Comparison with a Domain-specific Language

Our implementation of partial-control flow linearization in LLVM in practice gives developers the chance to obtain in C (or other languages that LLVM supports) the same security guarantees provided by FaCT [Cauligi et al. 2019]. However, contrary to C, FaCT deals with less general control-flow constructs. Currently, FaCT supports three control-flow statements: if-then-else; for-from-to and return. Our implementation of PCFL, in contrast, handles the whole of the LLVM intermediate representation, whose unstructured control flow subsumes C/C++’s, including constructs absent in FaCT, such as do-while, break, continue, and goto.12 Figure 29 compares programs written in FaCT with similar codes written in C and linearized with PCFL. This evaluation uses five benchmarks. Three of them, openssl-ssl3, donna, and crypto-secretbox, were taken from the FaCT repository and translated to C. The other two, plain-one and plain-hash, were translated from C to FaCT. Except for crypto-secretbox, all these programs are used in the experiments that we report in previous sections. We omit crypto-secretbox from those experiments, because none of the other tools, Lif, Constantine, or SC-Eliminator, can linearize it.
Fig. 29.
Fig. 29. Comparison between programs written in C and linearized with PCFL, and similar programs written in FaCT, using equivalent control-flow structures. The column .o shows the size, in bytes, of the binary object file. The column Instrs shows the number of instructions in the LLVM representation of each program. Because they use different main functions, we show results with and without this routine. All these programs, once converted to the LLVM representation, are optimized with opt -O3.
The programs written in FaCT are, usually, shorter and faster. However, the programs that we generate contain code to ensure memory safety, like the use of the shadow memory, as in Figure 21(b). Therefore, every linearized load operation in a program produced with our technique will contain four extra instructions absent in the equivalent FaCT program. Moreover, the transformation of a store operation requires a load to read the current value in memory. Because this load is also safe, the four-instruction overhead also applies. In FaCT, developers use a type qualifier, \(\mathtt {assume}(e)\), to specify that the expression e is the upper bound of an array. This clause works as a contract: The compiler does not generate code to ensure in-bounds memory accesses; rather, the programmer promises that buffer limits will be respected. Thus, it is possible to provoke out-of-bounds access in the FaCT program, because contracts are not verified. To this effect, we have forced out-of-bounds accesses in plain-one—something that cannot happen in the binary produced with PCFL.
Programmability. In our experience, porting C programs to FaCT was relatively difficult: Only two benchmarks, plain-one and plain-hash, admitted straightforward translation to FaCT. The main challenge is dealing with control-flow constructions that are absent in the DSL. Porting FaCT programs to C, in turn, was easier, albeit time-consuming. Nevertheless, even when translation is simple, the benchmarks written in C are not strictly equivalent to the programs written in FaCT. FaCT contains builtin functions that do not translate directly to C as follows:
The builtin function view, which returns a slice of an array. We simulate it with pointer arithmetics: the upper limit of a “view” is given by a base address plus an offset.
The builtin function len that returns the length of an array. To replace it, our C benchmarks use a struct with two fields: a pointer data to the array and an unsigned integer size, denoting the size of that array (see Figure 3). In most programs, our static analysis suffices to associate size information with the array itself. When such is not possible, memory accesses in non-executed paths are replaced with accesses to the shadow memory.
The declassify function, which marks data as “public.” We could not simulate this feature in C; hence, our code will contain more linearized parts than the code produced from FaCT programs that use it.

6 Related Work

This article draws its contributions from two different communities: high-performance computing and software security. Concerning the former, this work is related to research about control-flow linearization. Concerning the latter, it is related to the static elimination of side channels. In this section, we explain how the article connects with previous contributions in these two domains.
Partial Control-flow Linearization. In its essence, Moll and Hack [2018]’s algorithm for control-flow linearization is an efficient way to support predication, inasmuch as it spares uniform branches from being predicated. Predication, as already explained in Section 3, is a technique to convert control dependencies into data dependencies. To the best of our knowledge, the first description of a systematic way to perform predication is due to Allen et al. [1983], although the problem had already been described in earlier work [Towle 1976; Wolfe 1978]. After Allen et al.’s original foray in the field, predication has been refined and expanded in many different ways and today is standard textbook material [Clements 2013].
The fact that control-flow linearization was already a concern almost 40 years ago makes it surprising that Moll and Hack’s algorithm took so long to emerge. Compared to previous work, PCFL enjoys a number of advantages. First, when compared to Ferrante and Mace [1985]’s well-known linearization approach, Moll and Hack’s algorithm has better complexity (linear vs. log-linear). Second, it is substantially simpler than previous approaches of similar service, such as Karrenberg and Hack [2012]’s. In the words of Moll and Hack, “Karrenberg and Hack’s method spans over five algorithm listings,” whereas the PCFL routine is fully described by the 33 lines of Python in Figure 5. Finally, PCFL handles unstructured control flows, in contrast to heuristics used in practice [Moreira et al. 2017] by the Intel SPMD Compiler, for instance.
Nevertheless, we emphasize that this article is not about the design of a partial control-flow linearization approach. We reuse Moll and Hack’s algorithm almost without modifications. Our changes in the algorithm have been described in Section 4.5. There exists only one important difference between Moll and Hack’s implementation and ours, which is a consequence of the different purpose that we have when using partial control-flow linearization. In Moll and Hack’s context, loops only terminate when all threads exit it; thus, the linearized loop contains only one exit block, at its end. Moll and Hack add phi functions to identify through which exit each thread left the loop. This approach is similar to what Constantine does: It computes an upper bound for the loop and forces execution up to this trip count. In our case, a loop can have multiple exits: Indeed, any exit that is only dependent on public data will be left untouched by our transformation.
Side Channel Elimination via Control-flow Linearization. Timing attacks attracted much attention during the 1990s [Dhem et al. 1998; Kocher 1996; Kocher et al. 1999; Wray 1992]. However, the problem was known before [Singel 1976]. The literature contains many examples of protections against such attacks. This article is concerned with the so-called white-box mitigations, which require intervening in the software. Wu et al. [2018] calls such methodologies program repair. For an overview of black-box approaches, such as defenses implemented at the operating-system level, we refer the reader to the comprehensive discussion presented by Cock et al. [2014].
The current state-of-the-art techniques that make programs operation invariant via some form of control-flow linearization are Soares and Pereira [2021]’s and Borrello et al. [2021]’s works. The former is fully static; the latter combines static and dynamic analyses. As mentioned in Section 1, our approach is more general than Soares and Pereira’s, because it handles programs with loops. When dealing with loop-free programs where all branches are tainted, these techniques are equivalent. If the loop-free program contains non-tainted branches, then our technique will not linearize them, whereas Soares and Pereira’s will. In terms of operation invariance, we expect our method to handle the same programs that Constantine does; however, Constantine also protects the data cache, something that we only do for publicly safe programs. Nevertheless, whereas Constantine requires executing the program, our approach is fully static.

7 Conclusion

The key contribution of this work is to adapt a vectorization technique—partial control-flow linearization—to solve an open question in side-channel resistance: the static elimination of operation-based side channels in general programs while preserving branches controlled by public inputs. We believe that the techniques discussed in this article let a programmer write, directly in C, code that meets the same safety properties of algorithms written in the FaCT [Cauligi et al. 2019] domain-specific language. As we have discussed in Section 5, our side-channel elimination technique performs favorably when compared with Lif [Soares and Pereira 2021] and Constantine [Borrello et al. 2021], state-of-the-art tools released in 2021. Yet, in contrast to Lif, it handles programs with unbounded loops, and in contrast to Constantine, it delivers operation invariance statically.
Software. Our prototype is available at


We thank Pietro Borrello for kindly explaining his implementation of Constantine to us, and for being always available to answer our questions. This article incorporates comments from Sebastian Hack and Diego Aranha, who participated in Luigi Soares’ master defense committee. Finally, we thank the TOPLAS reviewers for many comments and suggestions that greatly improved the final version of this work.


Definition 2.11 explains the notion of public safety, which was originally formalized by Cauligi et al. [2019]. For now, it suffices to know that memory accesses in a publicly safe program are either independent from secret inputs or happen within buffers whose bounds are known to the code linearizer.
Microarchitectural behavior, such as speculative execution, store-to-load forwarding, and prefetching influence which addresses flow to the cache. Thus, the string-of-addresses threat model is still an approximation of what an actual attacker can learn with regard to program execution.
The implementations used by Soares and Pereira [2021] as examples can be seen as loop-free versions of the codes from Figure 2. Recall that neither Lif [Soares and Pereira 2021] nor SC-Eliminator [Wu et al. 2018] can deal with general loops.
The SSA assumption is not a necessary condition to enable the code transformation described in this article. Nevertheless, we assume it for convenience, because this format is adopted in the LLVM program representation.
We treat zero as false and any integer different from zero as true.
The code depicted in Figure 9 is merely used as an example. Bear in mind that passwords should never be stored as plain text.
Section 5.5 uses one more program: crypto-secretbox, which we translated from FaCT. We omit this program from the remaining experiments, because it cannot be linearized by tools other than our implementation of PCFL.
Notice that assuming that address differences smaller than 64 fit in the same cache line is an oversimplification. If we have 64B memory blocks, then two addresses are in the same cache line (considering a typical set-associative architecture) whenever they differ only in their last six address-bits. Thus, we can have addresses that differ less than 64 that still belong to different memory blocks. As an example, 0b00111110 = 62 and 0b01000001 = 65 are less than 64 apart but belong to blocks 0b00xxxxxx and 0b01xxxxxx. To provide a more informative metric, Figure 27 also reports the maximum among indices of the most significant differing bit between pairs of addresses.
The numbers that Figure 28 show is not a proxy for running time of linearized programs. In this experiment, we cannot use CFGgrind to count the number of instructions fetched during the execution of the entire binary file. It is necessary to probe only linearized functions, because the ELF executables contain code that is not touched by linearization. For instance, the code inserted by the lld linker (like runtime symbol resolution and the procedure linkage table), or the code invoked from external libraries (mostly to implement input/output). In particular, we experimented difficulty to count instructions that SC-Eliminator linearized. It outlines large chunks of the linearized code, and we cannot, at the binary level, distinguish code linearized by SC-Eliminator from code that it has not touched. Thus, Figure 28 shows only a small part of the code transformed by SC-Eliminator, namely, the instructions that remain in the original linearized functions.
P. Borrello, personal communication, December 29, 2022.
PCFL has one restriction concerning the goto statement: loops must be natural. The implication of this fact is that PCFL will not linearize a loop with multiple entry points. In the C programming language, such loops can be created with goto.

A Proofs of Theorems

This section contains proofs for the theorems in Section 4, which we have omitted from the main body of the article. We shall henceforth refer to properties about partial control-flow linearization from Moll and Hack [2018]. For more details about the proofs, we refer the reader to Moll and Hack’s original presentation. The first property that we revisit talks about the correspondence between paths in the original CFG G and in the partially linearized CFG \(G_{l}\), and it is stated as follows.
Theorem A.1 (Path Embedding [Moll and Hack 2018, Theorem 3.2]).
For each path \(\pi \in G\), there is a path \(\pi _{l} \in G_{l}\) such that \(\pi\) is a subpath of \(\pi _{l}\). By subpath, we mean that the nodes seen in \(\pi\) can be found in \(\pi _{l}\) in the same order that they appear in \(\pi\).
Lemma A.2 says that PCFL, as described in this article, does not add to nor remove any blocks from the CFG of a program. We write \(V(G)\) for the vertices of a graph G.
Lemma A.2 (PCFL Preserves Basic Blocks).
Let \(G_{l}\) be the partial linearization of CFG G. Then, \(V(G) = V(G_{l})\).
The proof follows from the PCFL algorithm defined in Figure 5 and the approach for handling tainted loops described in Section 4.5.2, which differs from Moll and Hack’s method.□
Lemma A.4 states that any block executed in program P has a corresponding block that is active in the linearized program \(P_{l}\) when given the same input. Definition A.3 formalizes the notion of active block/instruction and edge/incoming value. We write \(\langle \ldots \rangle\) for ordered sequences.
Definition A.3 (Active Block/Edge).
Let u and v be basic blocks in a program P. Block v is said to be active if its block condition is true. An instruction that belongs to v is active whenever block v itself is active. Similarly, an edge \(u \rightarrow v\) in P is said to be active if its edge condition is true. Finally, we say that an incoming value of a phi function is active whenever its corresponding incoming edge is active.
Lemma A.4 (Active Trace).
Let \(P_{l}\) be the partial linearization of P and let \(\tau\) be the trace of blocks executed in P when given an arbitrary input. There exists a unique trace of blocks \(\tau _{l}\) executed in \(P_{l}\) when given the same input such that, for every block \(v \in \tau\), it follows that \(v \in \tau _{l}\) and v is active in \(P_{l}\).
The proof will be by induction on \(\tau\) as follows:
Base case:
In the base case, there exists a single block \(v \in \tau\), which consequently is the first block of P. Since the first block has no predecessors in P and we do not add to nor remove any blocks from \(P_{l}\)—as stated by Lemma A.2—the block condition of v is true. Therefore, block v will be active in \(P_{l}\) (see Definition A.3).
Induction step:
Let \(\tau = \langle v_{1}, \ldots , v_{k}\rangle\). By induction, we know that there exists \(\tau _{l}\) executed in \(P_{l}\) such that \(v_{i}\) is active, \(1 \le i < k\). Let \(v_{j} \in \tau\), \(j < k\), be the predecessor of \(v_{k}\) that was executed in P. Since the edge \(v_{j} \rightarrow v_{k}\) was taken, we know that the edge condition of edge \(v_{j} \rightarrow v_{k}\) is true, and from the way block conditions are computed (Figures 10 and 12)—i.e., based on edge conditions—it follows that the block condition of \(v_{k}\) is true as well. Hence, we have that \(v_{k}\) is active in \(P_{l}\). Furthermore, from Theorem A.1, we know that \(v_{k}\) will be reachable from \(v_{j}\) in \(P_{l}\). Thus, since we are considering the same input for P and \(P_{l}\), it must be that \(v \in \tau _{l}\), which is the unique trace for such an input.
The next lemma is about the equivalence between the expressions in the original program P and the transformed program \(P^{\prime }\). It will be used in the proof for Theorem 4.13 (correctness). We write \([\![ e ]\!]\) to indicate the evaluation of e. When writing \(\mathop {:=}\) in assignments, \(\mathop {:=}\) can be either \(=\) (for general assignments) or \(\mathop {< \!\!-}\) (for stores).
Lemma A.5 (Expression Equivalence).
Let \(T(P) = P^{\prime }\) be the partial linearization of program P with instructions rewritten, as described in Section 4.6 and 4.7. Let \(x \mathbin {:=} e\) be an assignment in P and let \(x^{\prime } \mathbin {:=} e^{\prime }\) be the counterpart assignment of x in \(P^{\prime }\). Then, for any instance of the inputs such that \(x \mathbin {:=} e\) is executed in P, it follows that \(x^{\prime } \mathbin {:=} e^{\prime }\) is active in \(P^{\prime }\) and \([\![ e]\!] = [\![ e^{\prime } ]\!]\).
Consider an arbitrary instance of the inputs and let \(\tau\) be the ordered sequence of assignments in P when given such an input. From Lemma A.4, any block executed in P is active in \(P^{\prime }\). Hence, if \(x \mathbin {:=} e \in \tau\), then its counterpart \(x^{\prime } \mathbin {:=} e^{\prime }\) will be active in \(P^{\prime }\), since they belong to the same block. It remains to show the correspondence between expressions e and \(e^{\prime }\). The proof will be by structural induction on the multiple assignment forms:
\(\mathtt {x}\) = public \(\mid\) secret: These special assignments only indicate that x corresponds to an input and the transformation described in this chapter never really touches them. Hence, if the assigment is active in \(P^{\prime }\), then the value assigned will be the same as in P, for we are considering the same inputs for both the original program P and the repaired version \(P^{\prime }\).
\(\mathtt {x} = e\): Let expression e be composed by subcomponents \(v_{1}, \ldots , v_{n}\). Then, by induction on each \(v_{i}\), \(1 \le i \le n\), we know that \([\![ v_{i} ]\!] = [\![ v^{\prime }_{i} ]\!]\), where \(v^{\prime }_{i}\) is the counterpart of \(v_{i}\) in \(P^{\prime }\). Thus, it must be that e evaluates to the same value in both P and \(P^{\prime }\), when given the same inputs.
\(\mathtt {x} = \mathtt {m}{[i]}\): From rule \(\mathit {rewrite}_{\mathit {ld}}\) seen in Figure 20, we know that this assignment will be rewritten as \(\mathtt {x} = \mathtt {a}[ \mathtt {i^{\prime }} ]\). But, since the assignment is active, i.e., the block condition is true, it follows that \(\mathtt {a} \equiv \mathtt {m}\) and \(\mathtt {i^{\prime }} \equiv i\). That is, the assignment that will be performed is the same in both P and \(P^{\prime }\). By induction we know that the values of \(\mathtt {m}\) and i are the same in P and \(P^{\prime }\), when given the same input. Hence, the memory access in \(P^{\prime }\), under the described circumstances, will be the same as in P. It remains to show that the value stored in that address is the same in P and \(P^{\prime }\), which follows by induction.
\(\mathtt {m}{[i]} \leftarrow e\): From rule \(\mathit {rewrite}_{\mathit {st}}\) (Figure 20), we know that this assignment will be rewritten as \(\mathtt {a}[ \mathtt {i^{\prime }} ] \leftarrow e^{\prime }\). Since the assignment is active in \(P^{\prime }\), we have \(e^{\prime } \equiv e\), \(\mathtt {a} \equiv \mathtt {m}\) and \(\mathtt {i^{\prime }} \equiv i\). By the same reasoning used in case (b), we can conclude that \([\![ e]\!] = [\![ e^{\prime }]\!]\). Thus, since the memory region accessed in P and \(P^{\prime }\) will be the same, the value stored in this address, after the store operation is performed, will be the same in P and \(P^{\prime }\).
\(\mathtt {x} =\) phi \({[e_{1}, \ell _{1}]}, \ldots , {[e_{n}, \ell _{n}]}\): First notice that there cannot be two edge conditions \(\mathit {EC}(\ell _{i} \rightarrow \ell)\) and \(\mathit {EC}(\ell _{j} \rightarrow \ell)\), \(i \ne j\), that are true at the same time, since two edges cannot be taken simultaneously. From function \(\mathit {rewrite}_{\phi }\) defined in Figure 19, we know that the edge conditions are used as the conditions of ctsel instructions that link incoming values that did not fit in the transformed phi function. The counterpart of \(\mathtt {x}\) in \(P^{\prime }\) will either be the transformed phi function or the last ctsel created, when any. Let \(\ell _{i} \rightarrow \ell\) be the active edge (i.e., edge condition is true). Then, either the incoming value \(e_{i}\) still is an incoming value in the transformed phi function, and consequently the condition of every ctsel will be false, or there will be a single ctsel whose condition is true and which will select \(e_{i}\). In both cases, we have \([\![ \mathbf {phi}\, [e_{1}, \ell _{1}], \ldots , [e_{n}, \ell _{n}]]\!] = [\![ e^{\prime }]\!]\).
\(\mathtt {x} =\) ctsel \(c, v_{t}, v_{f}\): This kind of assignment is never modified by the transformation described in this chapter. Thus, it suffices to show that c, \(v_{t}\) and \(v_{f}\) evaluate to the same values in P and \(P^{\prime }\), which follows directly by induction.
With Lemmas A.4 and A.5, we can prove Theorem 4.13:
The only instruction in our toy language that can produce side effects is a store. From function \(\mathit {rewrite}_{\mathit {st}}\) defined in Figure 20, we have the following three cases:
Store is active:
Let the store be of the form \(m^{\prime } \mathbin {< \!\!-} e^{\prime }\) and let \(m \mathbin {< \!\!-} e\) be its counterpart in P. Since \(m^{\prime } \mathbin {< \!\!-} e^{\prime }\) is active in \(P_{l}\), the original memory region is accessed, i.e., \(m \equiv m^{\prime }\), and the store updates the state of the memory. By Lemma A.5, we have \([\![ e]\!] = [\![ e^{\prime }]\!]\). Therefore, the state of m in both P and \(P_{l}\) is updated with the same value, thus causing the same effects.
Store is not active \(\wedge\) access is safe:
The original memory region is accessed, but the value to be assigned is replaced with the current value stored in that memory address; hence, the store is silent and no effect can be observed, i.e., the state of the memory does not change after the store is executed.
Store is not active \(\wedge\) access is not safe:
The original store is replaced with a store to shadow and the value to be assigned is replaced with the value currently stored in shadow; hence, the store is performed silently and no effect can be observed.
It remains to show that every store executed in program P is active in program \(P^{\prime }\), which follows from Lemma A.4.□
The second property from Moll and Hack [2018] that we revisit is related to the post-dominance relation in \(G_{l}\). We write \(u \succeq ^{\mathit {PD}} v\) for post dominance in the original graph G and \(u \succeq ^{\mathit {PD}}_{l} v\) for post dominance in the linearized graph \(G_{l}\).
Lemma A.6 (PD for Deferral Edges [Moll and Hack 2018, Lemma B.3]).
Let \(b \in \mathit {Index}\) be the block currently being visited by the loop at Lines 19–32 of the PCFL algorithm in Figure 5 and let s be a block such that \(s \in T\) at Line 20—in other words, s is the target of a deferral edge. Then, it follows that \(s \succeq ^{\mathit {PD}}_{l} b\).
Lemma A.7 (PD for Tainted Branches).
Let u be a tainted block and let \(v_{1}\) and \(v_{2}\) be the successors of block u in program P. Then, after PCFL either \(v_{1} \succeq ^{\mathit {PD}}_{l} v_{2}\) or \(v_{2} \succeq ^{\mathit {PD}}_{l} v_{1}\).
Notice that either \(v_{1} \rightarrow v_{2}\) or \(v_{2} \rightarrow v_{1}\) become a deferral edge at Line 31 of Figure 5, depending on which of them comes first in the compact ordering. Since the proof is the same for both cases, we will assume the first scenario: \(v_{1}\) comes first in the compact ordering and thus \(v_{1} \rightarrow v_{2}\) becomes a deferral edge. When node \(v_{1}\) is visited, we have \((v_{1}, v_{2}) \in D\) and thus \(v_{2} \in T\) at Line 20 of Figure 5. Hence, from Lemma A.6 it follows that \(v_{2} \succeq ^{\mathit {PD}}_{l} v_{1}\).□
Lemma A.8 (PCFL Induces a Single Trace of Operations).
Let \(\mathcal {I} = (\mathcal {S}, \mathcal {P})\) be the inputs taken by P, where \(\mathcal {S}\) is the set of secret and \(\mathcal {P}\) is the set of public inputs. Let u and v be blocks in P such that \(v \succeq ^{PD} u\) and assume that u is tainted. Then, after PCFL there is a single trace \(\tau\) of operations from u to v for every instance of \(\mathcal {P}\), regardless of \(\mathcal {S}\).
We shall assume an arbitrary fixed instance of \(\mathcal {P}\). The proof will be by induction on the number of operation traces from block u to block v in the original program P:
Base case:
If there is no tainted branch in the influence region of node u (see Definition 4.22), then for a fixed instance of \(\mathcal {P}\) there are exactly two subtraces \(\tau _{1}\) and \(\tau _{2}\) of operations, each one starting with one of the successors \(w_{1}\) and \(w_{2}\) of u. Assuming that \(w_{1}\) comes first than \(w_{2}\) in the compact ordering (the proof is the same for the opposite scenario), we know that the edge \(u \rightarrow w_{2}\) will be removed and, from Lemma A.7, we know that \(w_{2} \succeq ^{\mathit {PD}}_{l} w_{1}\). Hence, the instructions from \(w_{2}\) to v will be merged into \(\tau _{1}\)—the trace in P that starts with \(w_{1}\)—forming a single trace \(\tau\) in \(P_{l}\).
Induction step:
Let W be the set of tainted blocks in the influence region of node u that are not further nested, i.e., blocks that have nesting level equals to the nesting level of u plus one. By induction, there is exactly one trace \(\tau _{w}\) in \(P_{l}\) from every \(w \in W\) to their post dominators. By combining these disjoint traces, following the paths in \(P_{l}\), we get two traces \(\tau _{1}\) and \(\tau _{2}\) starting with each one of the successors of u. Then, the same reasoning that we used for the base case applies and we get a single trace \(\tau\) from u to v in \(P_{l}\).
Corollary A.9 (Local Operation Invariance).
Let \(\mathcal {I} = (\mathcal {S}, \mathcal {P})\) be the inputs taken by P, where \(\mathcal {S}\) is the set of secret and \(\mathcal {P}\) is the set of public inputs. Let u and v be blocks in P such that \(v \succeq ^{PD} u\) and assume that u is tainted. Then, after PCFL the region from block u to block v in \(P_{l}\) is operation invariant.
Now we are ready to prove Theorem 4.16 that talks about operation invariance (see Definition 2.2), which we recall below.
Let V be the set of tainted blocks with nesting level equals zero in the original program P (i.e., the outermost branches in P). From Lemma A.8, we know that, for a fixed instance of \(\mathcal {P}\) (the set of public inputs), there is exactly one trace \(\tau _{v}\) of operations in \(P_{l}\) for every \(v \in V\). Hence, by joining these disjoint traces, we get a single trace \(\tau\) for the entire program \(P_{l}\). Therefore, for a fixed instance of \(\mathcal {P}\), the sequence of instructions in \(P_{l}\) is the same regardless of \(\mathcal {S}\).□
Corollary A.10 (Trace Relations).
Let \(P_{l}\) be the partial linearization of P. Let \(\tau _{1}\) and \(\tau _{2}\) be traces of memory addresses that correspond to the execution of P when given instances \(\mathcal {I}_{1} = (\mathcal {S}_{1}, \mathcal {P})\) and \(\mathcal {I}_{2} = (\mathcal {S}_{2}, \mathcal {P})\), \(\mathcal {S}_{1} \ne \mathcal {S}_{2}\). If \(P_{l}\) is operation invariant, then \(\vert \tau _{1} \vert = \vert \tau _{2} \vert\) and, for any i, the accesses to the addresses \(\tau _{1}[i]\) and \(\tau _{2}[i]\) are caused by the same instruction.
We then move to the second property that characterizes isochronous programs: data invariance (see Definition 2.4). We restate Theorem 4.26 below and prove it right after.
First, recall that, from Corollary A.10, it follows that \(\vert \tau _{1} \vert = \vert \tau _{2} \vert\) and, for any i, \(\tau _{1}[i]\) and \(\tau _{2}[i]\) are memory accesses produced by the same instruction. Nevertheless, their addresses might not be equal. Let \(\tau _{1}[i] = a\), \(\tau _{2}[i] = a^{\prime }\), and let \(\mathtt {m}[i]\) be the combination of the base address and the index that caused such memory accesses. If \(P^{\prime }\) is publicly safe, then we know that \(i < \mathit {size}(m)\). Hence, even if the access to \(\mathtt {m}[i]\) is not active, the original address will always be selected in the ctsels that define m and i (\(\mathit {rewrite}_{\mathit {st}}\), Figure 20). Therefore, \(a = a^{\prime }\) and the theorem holds. If \(P^{\prime }\) is not publicly safe, but is shadow safe, then let \(\mathcal {S}_{1}\) and \(\mathcal {S}_{2}\) be instances of the secret inputs such that \(a \ne a^{\prime }\)—otherwise, the theorem already holds. By inspecting rule \(\mathit {rewrite}_{\mathit {st}}\), we know that the only possible values for \([\![ \mathtt {m}[i]]\!]\) are the original address from P or shadow. Since we assumed \(a \ne a^{\prime }\), either address a or \(a^{\prime }\)—but not both—must be the shadow memory.□
From Theorem 4.26, it follows that the only way to have shadow as one of the addresses accessed by \(P^{\prime }\) is to have indices larger than the known size of the associated buffer.
A final property of partial control-flow linearization, as designed by Moll and Hack concerns optimality. In this case, optimality means that branches controlled by non-tainted predicates are not modified by linearization. Quoting from Moll and Hack: “Partial linearization preserves uniform branches in blocks with uniform predicates, as implied by Theorem 4.1 [From Moll and Hack’s work].” To keep this article self-sufficient, we restate optimality as a corollary of Theorem C.1 from Moll and Hack [2018]’s work:
Theorem C.1 in Moll and Hack’s work states that given a dominance-compact block index, partial linearization will preserve an edge \(b \rightarrow y \in E\) if b is uniform (i.e., not tainted). This fact only yields Corollary 4.17. Yet, Theorem C.1 gives us more: \(b \rightarrow y\) remains also if there exists a block \(d \in V\) with the following properties in G:
d dominates the edge \(b \rightarrow y\)
edge \(b \rightarrow y\) is uniform in the dominance region d.


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  1. Side-channel Elimination via Partial Control-flow Linearization



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
      ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems  Volume 45, Issue 2
      June 2023
      378 pages
      • Editor:
      • Jan Vitek
      Issue’s Table of Contents


      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 26 June 2023
      Online AM: 03 May 2023
      Accepted: 13 April 2023
      Revised: 23 February 2023
      Received: 28 July 2022
      Published in TOPLAS Volume 45, Issue 2


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      1. Side channel
      2. cryptography
      3. compiler


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