Seams and Bending in Cloth Simulation

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The Eurographics Association
Accurate modeling of bending behavior is one of the most important tasks in the field of cloth simulation. Bending stiffness is probably the most significant material parameter describing a given textile. Much work has been done in recent years to allow a fast and authentic reproduction of the effect of bending in cloth simulation systems. However, these approaches usually treat the textiles as consisting of a single, homogeneous material. The effects of seams, interlining and multilayer materials have not been considered so far. Recent work showed that the bending stiffness of a textile is greatly influenced by the presence of seams and that a good cloth simulation system needs to consider these effects. In this work we show how accurate modeling of bending and seams can be achieved in a state-of-the-art cloth simulation system. Our system can make use of measured bending stiffness data, but also allows intuitive user control, if desired. We verify our approach using virtual draping tests and garments in the simulation and comparing the results to their real-world counterparts. Furthermore, we provide heuristics derived from measurements that can be used to approximate the influence of several common types of seams.

, booktitle = {
Workshop in Virtual Reality Interactions and Physical Simulation "VRIPHYS" (2008)
}, editor = {
Francois Faure and Matthias Teschner
}, title = {{
Seams and Bending in Cloth Simulation
}}, author = {
Pabst, Simon
Krzywinski, Sybille
Schenk, Andrea
Thomaszewski, Bernhard
}, year = {
}, publisher = {
The Eurographics Association
}, ISBN = {
}, DOI = {
} }