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Reading Face, Reading Health: Exploring Face Reading Technologies for Everyday Health

Published: 02 May 2019 Publication History


With the recent advancement in computer vision, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and mobile technologies, it has become technically feasible for computerized Face Reading Technologies (FRTs) to learn about one's health in everyday settings. However, how to design FRT-based applications for everyday health practices remains unexplored. This paper presents a design study with a technology probe called Faced, a mobile health checkup application based on the facial diagnosis method from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). A field trial of Faced with 10 participants suggests potential usage modes and highlights a number of critical design issues in the use of FRTs for everyday health, including adaptability, practicality, sensitivity, and trustworthiness. We end by discussing design implications to address the unique challenges of fully integrating FRTs into everyday health practices.

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    CHI '19: Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
    May 2019
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    Published: 02 May 2019


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    1. design study
    2. everyday healthcare
    3. face reading technologies
    4. facial diagnosis
    5. health
    6. health monitoring
    7. self care
    8. tcm
    9. traditional chinese medicine
    10. wellbeing


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