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ReCo: A Dataset for Residential Community Layout Planning

Published: 27 October 2023 Publication History


Layout planning is centrally important in the field of architecture and urban design. Among the various basic units carrying urban functions, residential community plays a vital part for supporting human life. Therefore, the layout planning of residential community has always been of concern, and has attracted particular attention since the advent of deep learning that facilitates the automated layout generation and spatial pattern recognition. However, the research circles generally suffer from the insufficiency of residential community layout benchmark or high-quality datasets, which hampers the future exploration of data-driven methods for residential community layout planning. The lack of datasets is largely due to the difficulties of large-scale real-world residential data acquisition and long-term expert screening. In order to address the issues and advance a benchmark dataset for various intelligent spatial design and analysis applications in the development of smart city, we introduce Residential Community Layout Planning (ReCo) Dataset, which is the first and largest open-source vector dataset related to real-world community to date. ReCo Dataset is presented in multiple data formats with 37,646 residential community layout plans, covering 598,728 residential buildings with height information. ReCo can be conveniently adapted for residential community layout related urban design tasks, e.g., generative layout design, morphological pattern recognition and spatial evaluation. To validate the utility of ReCo in automated residential community layout planning, two Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) based generative models are further applied to the dataset. We expect ReCo Dataset to inspire more creative and practical work in intelligent design and beyond. The ReCo Dataset is published at: and related code can be found at: \url


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  1. ReCo: A Dataset for Residential Community Layout Planning



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    Published: 27 October 2023


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    1. dataset
    2. layout generation
    3. layout planning and design
    4. residential community layout


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    • (2025)Generative artificial intelligence (AI) in built environment design and planning – A state-of-the-art reviewProgress in Engineering Science10.1016/j.pes.2024.1000402:1(100040)Online publication date: Mar-2025
    • (2024)U2UData: A Large-scale Cooperative Perception Dataset for Swarm UAVs Autonomous FlightProceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia10.1145/3664647.3681151(7600-7608)Online publication date: 28-Oct-2024

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