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Rainbow particle imaging velocimetry for dense 3D fluid velocity imaging

Published: 20 July 2017 Publication History


Despite significant recent progress, dense, time-resolved imaging of complex, non-stationary 3D flow velocities remains an elusive goal. In this work we tackle this problem by extending an established 2D method, Particle Imaging Velocimetry, to three dimensions by encoding depth into color. The encoding is achieved by illuminating the flow volume with a continuum of light planes (a "rainbow"), such that each depth corresponds to a specific wavelength of light. A diffractive component in the camera optics ensures that all planes are in focus simultaneously. With this setup, a single color camera is sufficient for tracking 3D trajectories of particles by combining 2D spatial and 1D color information.
For reconstruction, we derive an image formation model for recovering stationary 3D particle positions. 3D velocity estimation is achieved with a variant of 3D optical flow that accounts for both physical constraints as well as the rainbow image formation model. We evaluate our method with both simulations and an experimental prototype setup.

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  1. Rainbow particle imaging velocimetry for dense 3D fluid velocity imaging


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        ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 36, Issue 4
        August 2017
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        Association for Computing Machinery

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        Published: 20 July 2017
        Published in TOG Volume 36, Issue 4


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        1. fluid velocity imaging
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        3. rainbow PIV


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