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Post-completion error in software development

Published: 14 May 2016 Publication History


Post-completion errors have been observed in a variety of tasks by psychologists, but there is a lack of empirical studies in software engineering. This paper investigates whether post-completion errors occur in software development and the likelihood that software developers commit this error when a post-completion scenario is presented. An experimental study was conducted in the context of a programming contest. In the experiment, a programming task specification that contained a post-completion sub-task requirement was presented to the subjects. The results showed that 41.82% of the subjects committed the post-completion error in the same way---forgetting to design and implement a software requirement which is supposed to be the last sub-task and is not necessary for the completion of the main sub-task. This percentage of subjects committing the post-completion error was significantly higher than that of subjects committing other errors. This study has confirmed that post-completion error occurs in software development and, moreover, different software developers tend to commit this error in the same way with a high likelihood at the location where a post-completion scenario is presented. Strategies are proposed to prevent post-completion errors in software development.


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CHASE '16: Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering
May 2016
142 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 14 May 2016


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  1. common-cause failure
  2. human errors in software engineering
  3. post-completion errors
  4. programming errors
  5. software development
  6. software psychology


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