Start Date
16-8-2018 12:00 AM
Information technologies (IT) have reached such degrees of functional richness that forming a complete, coherent, and stable understanding of a given IT product may be challenging for some users. The need to theorize this phenomena and to measure its effect on IT adoption empirically is rife. This paper introduces the construct of perceived IT ambiguity (PITA), which captures the extent with which the perception of an IT is unclear in the mind of a user. A multi-item measurement scale is developed and its validity and reliability pre-tested on a pilot sample. The effect of the focal variable on technology adoption is tested using covariance-based SEM. Preliminary results indicate that ambiguity is a double-edged sword that simultaneously boosts and impede IT adoption.
Recommended Citation
Pillet, Jean-Charles; Carillo, Kévin; Vitari, Claudio; and Pigni, Federico, "Perceived IT Ambiguity: Development of a Measurement Instrument" (2018). AMCIS 2018 Proceedings. 21.
Perceived IT Ambiguity: Development of a Measurement Instrument
Information technologies (IT) have reached such degrees of functional richness that forming a complete, coherent, and stable understanding of a given IT product may be challenging for some users. The need to theorize this phenomena and to measure its effect on IT adoption empirically is rife. This paper introduces the construct of perceived IT ambiguity (PITA), which captures the extent with which the perception of an IT is unclear in the mind of a user. A multi-item measurement scale is developed and its validity and reliability pre-tested on a pilot sample. The effect of the focal variable on technology adoption is tested using covariance-based SEM. Preliminary results indicate that ambiguity is a double-edged sword that simultaneously boosts and impede IT adoption.