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10.1145/1458082.1458172acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagescikmConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Modeling LSH for performance tuning

Published: 26 October 2008 Publication History


Although Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH) is a promising approach to similarity search in high-dimensional spaces, it has not been considered practical partly because its search quality is sensitive to several parameters that are quite data dependent. Previous research on LSH, though obtained interesting asymptotic results, provides little guidance on how these parameters should be chosen, and tuning parameters for a given dataset remains a tedious process.
To address this problem, we present a statistical performance model of Multi-probe LSH, a state-of-the-art variance of LSH. Our model can accurately predict the average search quality and latency given a small sample dataset. Apart from automatic parameter tuning with the performance model, we also use the model to devise an adaptive LSH search algorithm to determine the probing parameter dynamically for each query. The adaptive probing method addresses the problem that even though the average performance is tuned for optimal, the variance of the performance is extremely high. We experimented with three different datasets including audio, images and 3D shapes to evaluate our methods. The results show the accuracy of the proposed model: the recall errors predicted are within 5% from the real values for most cases; the adaptive search method reduces the standard deviation of recall by about 50% over the existing method.


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  1. Modeling LSH for performance tuning



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    CIKM '08: Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Information and knowledge management
    October 2008
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 26 October 2008


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