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Knowledge Reconstruction with Kit-Build Concept Map: A Review from Student Experience

Published: 13 January 2023 Publication History


Improving learning strategies through digital technology could contribute to educational enhancement. Concept mapping, as one example of prevailing learning strategies, has been known to be effective in supporting learning and teaching. Previous studies have demonstrated how concept maps could benefit learning. Despite the positive effects of concept maps and concept mapping on students’ learning performance, several studies have suggested that students struggled to enhance their understanding through concept map composition due to a lack of relevant understanding and prior knowledge of a particular learning topic. The role of the teacher as instructor remains important to exploit the potential of concept maps in their teaching and learning activities optimally. Thus, expect improvement in the students’ learning performance. This study reviewed how Kit-Build as a learning strategy could help students improve their understanding through the concept map recomposition activity. An in-lecture experiment with undergraduate students was conducted to experience several learning strategies as an activity to support their learning during the class. According to their acquaintances, the benefits and drawbacks of using Kit-Build and other strategies were investigated. The results suggested that Kit-Build concept map is the preferred learning strategy to support efficient and meaningful learning for students.


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Published: 13 January 2023


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  1. Kit-Build
  2. concept map
  3. interaction
  4. reconstruction
  5. user experience


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