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ICD-9 Tagging of Clinical Notes Using Topical Word Embedding

Published: 25 April 2018 Publication History


Medical records, which contains text, has been dramatically increasing everyday. This means that there is a greater need of analyzing health information in a better way. And this can be done through document classification in natural language applications. In this study, we describe tagging of patient notes with ICD-9 codes through topical word embedding in deep learning called EnHANs. We formulate this paper as a multi-label, multi-class classification problem to categorize the ICD-9 codes of a dataset with 400,000 critical care unit medical records. Knowing accurate diagnosis using ICD-9 codes is a vital information for billing and insurance claims. We demonstrate that through the use of topical word embedding model, we learn to classify patient notes with their corresponding ICD-9 labels moderately well than single-label classification.


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    ICIEB '18: Proceedings of the 2018 1st International Conference on Internet and e-Business
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    • Wuhan Univ.: Wuhan University, China
    • City University of Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong


    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 25 April 2018


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    1. Hierarchical Attention Networks
    2. ICD-9 codes
    3. Recurrent Neural Network
    4. Topical Word Embedding


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