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Enabling Hands-Free Voice Assistant Activation on Earphones

Published: 04 June 2024 Publication History


We present the design and implementation of EarVoice, a lightweight mobile service that enables hands-free voice assistant activation on commodity earphones. EarVoice comprises two design modules: one for joint speech detection and primary user identification that explores the attributes of the air channel and in-body audio pathway to differentiate between the primary user and others nearby; and another for accurate wakeup word enhancement, which employs a "copy, paste, and adapt" approach to reconstruct the missing high-frequency component in speech recordings. To minimize false positives, enhance agility, and preserve privacy, we deploy EarVoice on a dongle where the proposed signal processing algorithms are streamlined with a gating mechanism to permit only the primary user's speech to enter the pairing device (e.g., a smartphone) for wakeup word recognition, preventing unintended disclosure of ambient conversations. We implemented the dongle on a 4-layer PCB board and conducted extensive experiments with 23 participants in both controlled and uncontrolled scenarios. The experiment results show that EarVoice achieves around 90% wakeup word recognition accuracy in stationary scenarios, which is on par with the high-end, multi-sensor fusion-based Airpods Pro earbud. EarVoice's performance drops to 84% on mobile cases, slightly worse than Airpods (around 90%).


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  • (2024)EchoGuide: Active Acoustic Guidance for LLM-Based Eating Event Analysis from Egocentric VideosProceedings of the 2024 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers10.1145/3675095.3676611(40-47)Online publication date: 5-Oct-2024



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MOBISYS '24: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and Services
June 2024
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Published: 04 June 2024

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  1. voice activation
  2. bone conduction
  3. earable computing


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  • (2024)EchoGuide: Active Acoustic Guidance for LLM-Based Eating Event Analysis from Egocentric VideosProceedings of the 2024 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers10.1145/3675095.3676611(40-47)Online publication date: 5-Oct-2024

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