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Quantum Information and Computation     ISSN: 1533-7146      published since 2001
Vol.14 No.7&8  May 2014

Distillation protocols for Fourier states in quantum computing (pp0560-0576)
Cody Jones
doi: https://doi.org/10.26421/QIC14.7-8-2

Abstracts: Fourier states are multi-qubit registers that facilitate phase rotations in fault-tolerant quantum computing. We propose distillation protocols for constructing the fundamental, n-qubit Fourier state with error O(2−n) at a cost of O(n log n) Toffoli gates and Clifford gates, or any arbitrary Fourier state using O(n 2 ) gates. We analyze these protocols with methods from digital signal processing. These results suggest that phase kickback, which uses Fourier states, could be the current lowest-overhead method for generating arbitrary phase rotations.
Key words:  QEC, quantum computation
