Discovering Speed Changes of Vehicles from Audio Data
:1. Introduction
2. Use of Audio Data in Automotive Research
2.1. Parametrization and Classification of Audio Data
- time domain parameters: Zero Crossing Rate (the rate of sign-changes of the signal in a particular frame), or Zero Crossing Rising (the number of times when the audio signal rises to 0 and becomes positive);
- Energy;
- spectral features: Spectral Centroid (the gravity center of the spectrum), Spectral Spread (the second central moment of the spectrum), RollOff (the frequency below which 85–90% of the spectrum is concentrated; the threshold value depends on implementation), Spectral Flux (the squared difference between the normalized magnitudes of the spectra of two successive frames);
- Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC), a cepstral representation where the frequency bands are distributed according to the mel-scale;
- features designed to describe music: Pitch, Chroma Vector (12-element vector, with elements representing the spectral energy of the 12 pitch classes in equal temperament); Harmonic Spectral Centroid and Harmonic Spectral Flux.
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Audio Data
- in the summer, on August 2nd 2016, in Ciecierzyn, Lublin voivodship, Poland,
- in the winter, on January 16th 2017, in Lubartów, Lublin voivodship, Poland,
- in the spring, on March 31st 2017 and on April 5th 2017, in Lubartów, Lublin voivodship, Poland.
3.1.1. Summer Recordings
3.1.2. Winter Recordings
3.1.3. Spring Recordings
- 77 drives for acceleration, from 50 to 70 km/h, and from 50 to 80 km/h for Skoda Octavia;
- 58 drives for stable speed, at 60, 70, and 80 km/h; the speed limit in this area is 90 km/h;
- 80 drives for deceleration, with the following speed ranges: 80–40 km/h, 80–50 km/h, and 70–40 km/h; deceleration included applying brakes in these recordings, as we wanted to obtain data corresponding to more intensive deceleration.
3.2. Data Parametrization
- feature vector, consisting of 85 features calculated for consecutive frames (with 2/3 frame overlap) of the entire parameterized audio segment and then averaged;
- parametric description of the evolution of 85 basic features in time, observed within the analyzed audio segment on frame-by-frame basis; these trends were also approximated separately for the time segments before and after passing the microphone;
- parametric description of curves (lines) in the spectrogram, calculated separately for the time segment before approaching the microphone and for the time segment after passing the microphone. Spectrogram shows the evolution of spectrum over time, i.e., horizontal axis represents time, vertical axis represents frequency, and spectral coefficients are encoded using a selected color scale. Exemplary spectrograms for our audio data are shown in Figure 5. As we can see, lines can be observed in these spectrograms, but very few of them are pronounced.
3.2.1. 85 Basic Features
- Zero Crossings Rising (ZCR);
- Audio Spectrum Envelope (SE) calculated as sums of the power spectrum coefficients within logarithmically spaced frequency bands [53];
- SumSE—sum of the spectrum envelope values;
- MaxSE, IndMaxSE—value and index of the SE maximum;
- Audio Spectrum Flatness, Flat1, …, —a vector describing the flatness property of the power spectrum [53], i.e., the deviation of the signal’s power spectrum from a flat shape; flat spectrum corresponds to noises, otherwise the spectrum has tonal components;
- MFCC—13 coefficients. The cepstrum is calculated as the logarithm of the mel-scaled magnitudes of the spectral coefficients, submitted to DCT (discrete cosine transform); the mel scale reflects the properties of the human perception of frequency; 24 mel filters were applied, and we took the first 12 coefficients. The thirteenth coefficient is the 0-order coefficient of MFCC, corresponding to the logarithm of the energy;
- F0_ACor—fundamental frequency, calculated from the autocorrelation function; this frequency changes with the speed change;
- Energy—energy of the entire spectrum;
- EnAb4kHz—proportion of the spectral energy above 4 kHz to Energy;
- Audio Spectrum Centroid (SC) [53];
- Audio Spectrum Spread (SS); [53];
- RollOff—the frequency below which 85% of the accumulated magnitudes of the spectrum is concentrated,
- BW10dB, BW20dB, BW30dB—bandwidth of the frequency band comprising the power spectrum maximum and the level drop by 10, 20 and 30 dB, respectively, towards both lower and upper frequencies;
- Flux—the comparison of the power spectrum for a given frame and the previous one, calculated as the sum of squared differences between the magnitudes of the DFT points in the given frame and their corresponding values in the preceding frame.
3.2.2. Trends
3.2.3. Time Series-Based Approach
3.2.4. Lines
- Method 1
- In the 5 s when the vehicle is approaching the microphone, we look for the three lines of the highest energy, spanning slantwise in the spectrogram (based on 8192-element spectrum), as follows [58]:
- For each frame, we look for three candidates for the lines. We analyze the following ranges: 50–100 Hz, 100–200 Hz, 200–300 Hz, 300–400 Hz, and 400–500 Hz. Frequencies most often indicated as local maxima in these ranges are returned as candidates to start lines. For the selected three candidates, three continuous paths in the spectrogram are traced starting from the moment of passing the microphone (towards the decrease of energy). We traced the paths through following local maxima, i.e., in the next frame we considered the average of the last three frequencies (if available) already added to the line and its two neighbors. Next, for each path we find a line, which best approximates this path, by means of linear approximation.
- Similarly, we look for three lines in the 5 s segment after passing the microphone.
This solution has several drawbacks, namely we can lose the path, or the algorithm may follow the path even if the line is no longer visible in the spectrogram, and each point influences the line with the same weight. - Method 2
- In this method we decided to down-sample audio data to 1 kHz sampling rate; low-pass filter was applied here (averaging). We aimed at high-resolution spectrogram, so we decided to perform zero-padding of our 170 ms long frames to 1024 samples, thus achieving spectral bins of 1 Hz. The procedure of calculating lines remained the same.
- Method 3
- In this case we calculated the logarithm of the energy (base 10), and frequency was also expressed in logarithmic scale (base 2). On a logarithmic scale lines are parallel on the spectrogram.
- Method 4
- Since we expected harmonic lines (i.e., for frequencies representing multiples of the lowest, fundamental frequency) and the obtained lines were often situated very close to each other, we decided to simplify the procedure of searching for candidates. The candidate from 50–150 Hz was considered to represent the first line, with maximal value of energy in the center of our 10 s segment. Additionally, we corrected octave errors, i.e., erroneous indication of the double of the fundamental frequency.
- Method 5
- Weighted linear regression. The linear regression was weighted with , where is the normalized energy of each point, on a logarithmic scale.
- Method 6
- Modification of method no. 4 by changing the starting moment of tracing lines. Namely, the tracing starts from the time moment when the energy is 10 dB less than in the loudest moment (center, passing the microphone), to avoid the part most affected by the Doppler effect. As we can see in Figure 5, the central part of the spectrogram shows curves, corresponding to frequency changes. Extracting line parameters is difficult in such case.
- Method 7
- Higher tolerance of local declinations. In this method, the range of possible declination of each line was increased, from 2 nearest neighbors of the average of the last 3 points, to the range of a musical tone, i.e., a semitone below and a semitone above. As a result, lines for higher frequencies were properly tracked.
- Method 8
- Modification of determining the gradient of each line, through searching for the most frequent gradient. In this method, when line tracking was completed, the mode of gradient values for ten-point segments was indicated as the new gradient.
- Method 9
- Variation of the method above: three most frequent values were found (i.e., the mode and the next two most frequent values), and their average was used as the new gradient value.
3.3. Classification
3.3.1. Forest of Shapelets
4. Results and Discussion
- RF: 90.5%,
- SVM: SVML 85.4%, SVMQ 87.1%, SVMR 90.9%,
- MLP: 88.6%.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Method | RF | SVML | SVMQ | SVMR |
Method1 | 84.9% | 72.9% | 74.1% | 74.5% |
Method2 | 80.4% | 74.1% | 75.9% | 77.6% |
Method3 | 80.7% | 75.3% | 75.6% | 77.8% |
Method4 | 89.8% | 89.4% | 89.3% | 89.0% |
Method5 | 81.3% | 75.0% | 76.6% | 78.5% |
Method6 | 81.7% | 74.6% | 76.1% | 80.3% |
Method7 | 87.3% | 82.6% | 84.2% | 88.3% |
Method8 | 83.1% | 76.5% | 77.8% | 81.2% |
Method9 | 90.3% | 85.6% | 87.4% | 88.3% |
Method | RF | SVML | SVMQ | SVMR | MLP |
Basic 85 + Method4 | 92.6% | 89.7% | 89.8% | 91.8% | 92.6% |
Basic 85 + Method9 | 91.8% | 86.2% | 86.5% | 91.5% | 89.7% |
Method | Features | RF | SVML | SVMQ | SVMR |
NS, no selection | 595 | 85.6% | 87.5% | 88.2% | 90.2% |
SM3, no selection | 595 | 85.7% | 87.1% | 87.8% | 88.9% |
SM5, no selection | 595 | 85.9% | 86.1% | 87.1% | 89.9% |
SM7, no selection | 595 | 86.3% | 86.4% | 87.3% | 90.1% |
No smoothing, SEL1 | 217 | 88.4% | 84.7% | 86.7% | 88.6% |
SM3, SEL1 | 283 | 88.5% | 85.3% | 86.8% | 89.7% |
SM5, SEL1 | 340 | 87.8% | 82.7% | 85.1% | 89.2% |
SM7, SEL1 | 364 | 87.4% | 85.3% | 87.0% | 89.6% |
No smoothing, SEL2 | 91 | 90.8% | 85.7% | 88.3% | 90.7% |
SM3, SEL2 | 97 | 90.8% | 85.1% | 88.2% | 91.0% |
SM5, SEL2 | 100 | 90.6% | 84.5% | 87.1% | 90.6% |
SM7, SEL2 | 106 | 90.6% | 84.5% | 86.9% | 90.5% |
SEL3 | 345 | 86.4% | 88.2% | 89.2% | 91.3% |
Classified as: | Acceleration | Deceleration | Stable Speed |
Acceleration | 216 | 0 | 6 |
Deceleration | 0 | 216 | 12 |
Stable speed | 5 | 11 | 172 |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Kubera, E.; Wieczorkowska, A.; Kuranc, A.; Słowik, T. Discovering Speed Changes of Vehicles from Audio Data. Sensors 2019, 19, 3067.
Kubera E, Wieczorkowska A, Kuranc A, Słowik T. Discovering Speed Changes of Vehicles from Audio Data. Sensors. 2019; 19(14):3067.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKubera, Elżbieta, Alicja Wieczorkowska, Andrzej Kuranc, and Tomasz Słowik. 2019. "Discovering Speed Changes of Vehicles from Audio Data" Sensors 19, no. 14: 3067.
APA StyleKubera, E., Wieczorkowska, A., Kuranc, A., & Słowik, T. (2019). Discovering Speed Changes of Vehicles from Audio Data. Sensors, 19(14), 3067.