Detecting IoT Attacks Using an Ensemble Machine Learning Model
:1. Introduction
2. Background and Related Work
2.1. IoT-Specific Attacks Overview
- An authentication attack is an attack against privileged access. A remote to the user (R2U) attack (such as HTTPtunnel and FTP_write) occurs when an intruder sends malformed packets to a computer or server to which he/she does not have access. User-to-root (U2R) attacks (such as Rootkit) occur when a malicious intruder attempts to gain access to a network resource by posing as a normal user and then accessing it using full permission;
- In a probe attack, an intruder runs a scan of a network device to determine potential vulnerabilities in the design of its topology or port settings and then exploits those in the future to gain illegal access to confidential information. There are several types of probe attacks, such as IPsweep, Nmap, and Portsweep.
2.2. ML-Specific Related Work on Security and Privacy
2.3. Voting and Stacking Techniques
2.4. Ensemble Machine Learning-Based Attack Detection
2.5. IoT System with Cloud and Fog
3. Proposed Approach
- Data collection at Cloud LayerThis step involves collecting data from the thing layer and passing it to the cloud layer. To accomplish this, data from the thing layer can first be transported to the fog layer. The fog layer can then transport it to the cloud layer. While transporting the data to the cloud layer, the fog layer can also filter data to decide which data to be transported to the cloud. IoT attacks can be predicted using the following attributes: (1) login details, (2) the fields of network data packets, such as fragment details, protocol type, source and destination address, (3) service type, (4) flags, and (5) duration. We provide detailed information about the data used in our simulation in the next section.
- Selecting a best model on the cloudThe objective of this step is to combine various basic machine learning classifiers (such as naïve Bayes, KNN, and decision trees) with ensemble techniques (such as stacking, bagging, and voting) to obtain optimal results (accuracy, precision, execution time). As this is a time-consuming step, we recommend running it in the cloud. In addition, we simply apply the basic machine learning classifiers, as they require a short execution time.Figure 3 illustrates this step by including four layers: (1) the data layer, (2) the base layer, (3) the meta-layer, and (4) the method selection layer. In the data layer, collected data from the previous step is pre-processed and fed into the base layer. The base layer applies different combinations of base classifiers, such as naïve Bayes , decision trees , and KNN . The results of these combinations are then fed into the meta layer, where ensemble methods, such as stacking , bagging , and voting , aggregate the outcomes. Each ensemble method is evaluated in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and ROC and execution time. Further, the model with a combination of base classifiers and an ensemble method that yields the best results is selected.Algorithm 1 describes the above-proposed approach in detail. The input parameters of the algorithms are: (1) base classifiers (i.e., ), (2) ensemble methods (i.e., ), and (3) training dataset (D). At the first two lines of the algorithm, the output and the result (i.e., variable OUTPUT and Result in Algorithm 1) are initialized to . The third line initializes the execution time to the maximum value.In the fourth line, we store all the combinations of the base classifiers (i.e., using the function findAllCombinations) in variable C. The proposed approach aims to determine the best combination and the best ensemble method. Therefore, in line 5, we iterate each of the combinations, and then, again, in line 7, each base classifier in the corresponding combination is iterated. Each base classifier is applied to the training dataset (D) with the outcome being stored in o (line 8).Line 10 involves an iteration of the ensemble methods and the application of each ensemble method to the outcome (o) at step 11. At line 12, the ensemble result is calculated in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, etc. Further, at line 13, the execution time of the combination of base classifiers and an ensemble method is calculated. The new result (r) and execution time (time) is then compared to the previous best result (Result) and time (ExcecutionTime). If this is the best result so far, the corresponding combination and ensemble method is stored in the output (OUTPUT); see line 14. Further, the result is stored in line 15. In the end, the best output is returned at line 21.
- Running the best model on the fog layerThis step involves executing the model selected in the previous step over the fog layer with the real-time data collected from the thing layer. The model consists of a combination of base classifiers and an ensemble method.
Algorithm 1: Find a best model. |
4. Simulation Environment
4.1. Server Configuration
4.2. Dataset Description
4.3. Data Separation for the Cloud and Fog Layers
4.4. Simulated Base Classifiers and Ensemble Methods
5. Results and Analysis
5.1. Cloud Layer Result Analysis
5.1.1. Execution Time
5.1.2. Performance Measures
5.2. Fog Layer Result Analysis
5.2.1. Performance Measures
5.2.2. Errors Associated
5.2.3. Execution Time and CPU Usage
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Model | Base Classifier Combinations | ||
1 | DT | RF | KNN |
2 | RF | KNN | LR |
3 | KNN | LR | NB |
4 | LR | NB | DT |
5 | NB | DT | RF |
6 | DT | KNN | LR |
7 | RF | LR | NB |
8 | KNN | NB | DT |
9 | LR | DT | RF |
10 | NB | RF | KNN |
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Tomer, V.; Sharma, S. Detecting IoT Attacks Using an Ensemble Machine Learning Model. Future Internet 2022, 14, 102.
Tomer V, Sharma S. Detecting IoT Attacks Using an Ensemble Machine Learning Model. Future Internet. 2022; 14(4):102.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTomer, Vikas, and Sachin Sharma. 2022. "Detecting IoT Attacks Using an Ensemble Machine Learning Model" Future Internet 14, no. 4: 102.
APA StyleTomer, V., & Sharma, S. (2022). Detecting IoT Attacks Using an Ensemble Machine Learning Model. Future Internet, 14(4), 102.