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Constant-Round Nonmalleable Commitments from Any One-Way Function

Published: 02 March 2015 Publication History


We show unconditionally that the existence of commitment schemes implies the existence of constant-round nonmalleable commitments; earlier protocols required additional assumptions such as collision-resistant hash functions or subexponential one-way functions.
Our protocol also satisfies the stronger notions of concurrent nonmalleability and robustness. As a corollary, we establish that constant-round nonmalleable zero-knowledge arguments for NP can be based on one-way functions and constant-round secure multiparty computation can be based on enhanced trapdoor permutations; also here, earlier protocols additionally required either collision-resistant hash functions or subexponential one-way functions.


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  1. Constant-Round Nonmalleable Commitments from Any One-Way Function



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    cover image Journal of the ACM
    Journal of the ACM  Volume 62, Issue 1
    February 2015
    264 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 02 March 2015
    Accepted: 01 September 2014
    Received: 01 April 2012
    Revised: 01 March 2012
    Published in JACM Volume 62, Issue 1


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    Author Tags

    1. Cryptography
    2. constant-round
    3. nonmalleability


    • Research-article
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    Funding Sources

    • Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, Microsoft New Faculty Fellowship, NSF Award CNS-1217821, NSF CAREER Award CCF-0746990, NSF Award CCF-1214844, AFOSR YIP Award FA9550-10-1-0093, and DARPA and AFRL
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