Challenging Common Assumptions about Catastrophic Forgetting and Knowledge Accumulation

Timothée Lesort, Oleksiy Ostapenko, Pau Rodríguez, Diganta Misra, Md Rifat Arefin, Laurent Charlin, Irina Rish
Proceedings of The 2nd Conference on Lifelong Learning Agents, PMLR 232:43-65, 2023.


Building learning agents that can progressively learn and accumulate knowledge is the core goal of the continual learning (CL) research field. Unfortunately, training a model on new data usually compromises the performance on past data. In the CL literature, this effect is referred to as catastrophic forgetting (CF). CF has been largely studied, and a plethora of methods have been proposed to address it on short sequences of non-overlapping tasks. In such setups, CF usually leads to a quick and significant drop in performance in past tasks. Nevertheless, despite CF, recent work showed that SGD training on linear models accumulates knowledge in a CL regression setup. This phenomenon becomes especially visible when tasks reoccur. We might then wonder if DNNs trained with SGD or any standard gradient-based optimization accumulate knowledge in such a way. Such phenomena would have interesting consequences for applying DNNs to real continual scenarios. Indeed, standard gradient-based optimization methods are significantly less computationally expensive than existing CL algorithms. In this paper, we study the progressive knowledge accumulation (KA) in DNNs trained with gradient-based algorithms in long sequences of tasks with data re-occurrence. We propose a new framework, SCoLe (Scaling Continual Learning), to investigate KA and discover that catastrophic forgetting has a limited effect on DNNs trained with SGD. When trained on long sequences with data sparsely re-occurring, the overall accuracy improves, which might be counter-intuitive given our understanding of catastrophic forgetting in CL. We empirically investigate KA in DNNs under various data occurrence frequencies. We show that the catastrophic forgetting usually observed in short scenarios does not prevent knowledge accumulation in longer ones. Moreover, propose simple and scalable strategies to increase knowledge accumulation in DNNs.

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@InProceedings{pmlr-v232-lesort23a, title = {Challenging Common Assumptions about Catastrophic Forgetting and Knowledge Accumulation}, author = {Lesort, Timoth\'ee and Ostapenko, Oleksiy and Rodr\'iguez, Pau and Misra, Diganta and Arefin, Md Rifat and Charlin, Laurent and Rish, Irina}, booktitle = {Proceedings of The 2nd Conference on Lifelong Learning Agents}, pages = {43--65}, year = {2023}, editor = {Chandar, Sarath and Pascanu, Razvan and Sedghi, Hanie and Precup, Doina}, volume = {232}, series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research}, month = {22--25 Aug}, publisher = {PMLR}, pdf = {}, url = {}, abstract = {Building learning agents that can progressively learn and accumulate knowledge is the core goal of the continual learning (CL) research field. Unfortunately, training a model on new data usually compromises the performance on past data. In the CL literature, this effect is referred to as catastrophic forgetting (CF). CF has been largely studied, and a plethora of methods have been proposed to address it on short sequences of non-overlapping tasks. In such setups, CF usually leads to a quick and significant drop in performance in past tasks. Nevertheless, despite CF, recent work showed that SGD training on linear models accumulates knowledge in a CL regression setup. This phenomenon becomes especially visible when tasks reoccur. We might then wonder if DNNs trained with SGD or any standard gradient-based optimization accumulate knowledge in such a way. Such phenomena would have interesting consequences for applying DNNs to real continual scenarios. Indeed, standard gradient-based optimization methods are significantly less computationally expensive than existing CL algorithms. In this paper, we study the progressive knowledge accumulation (KA) in DNNs trained with gradient-based algorithms in long sequences of tasks with data re-occurrence. We propose a new framework, SCoLe (Scaling Continual Learning), to investigate KA and discover that catastrophic forgetting has a limited effect on DNNs trained with SGD. When trained on long sequences with data sparsely re-occurring, the overall accuracy improves, which might be counter-intuitive given our understanding of catastrophic forgetting in CL. We empirically investigate KA in DNNs under various data occurrence frequencies. We show that the catastrophic forgetting usually observed in short scenarios does not prevent knowledge accumulation in longer ones. Moreover, propose simple and scalable strategies to increase knowledge accumulation in DNNs.} }
%0 Conference Paper %T Challenging Common Assumptions about Catastrophic Forgetting and Knowledge Accumulation %A Timothée Lesort %A Oleksiy Ostapenko %A Pau Rodríguez %A Diganta Misra %A Md Rifat Arefin %A Laurent Charlin %A Irina Rish %B Proceedings of The 2nd Conference on Lifelong Learning Agents %C Proceedings of Machine Learning Research %D 2023 %E Sarath Chandar %E Razvan Pascanu %E Hanie Sedghi %E Doina Precup %F pmlr-v232-lesort23a %I PMLR %P 43--65 %U %V 232 %X Building learning agents that can progressively learn and accumulate knowledge is the core goal of the continual learning (CL) research field. Unfortunately, training a model on new data usually compromises the performance on past data. In the CL literature, this effect is referred to as catastrophic forgetting (CF). CF has been largely studied, and a plethora of methods have been proposed to address it on short sequences of non-overlapping tasks. In such setups, CF usually leads to a quick and significant drop in performance in past tasks. Nevertheless, despite CF, recent work showed that SGD training on linear models accumulates knowledge in a CL regression setup. This phenomenon becomes especially visible when tasks reoccur. We might then wonder if DNNs trained with SGD or any standard gradient-based optimization accumulate knowledge in such a way. Such phenomena would have interesting consequences for applying DNNs to real continual scenarios. Indeed, standard gradient-based optimization methods are significantly less computationally expensive than existing CL algorithms. In this paper, we study the progressive knowledge accumulation (KA) in DNNs trained with gradient-based algorithms in long sequences of tasks with data re-occurrence. We propose a new framework, SCoLe (Scaling Continual Learning), to investigate KA and discover that catastrophic forgetting has a limited effect on DNNs trained with SGD. When trained on long sequences with data sparsely re-occurring, the overall accuracy improves, which might be counter-intuitive given our understanding of catastrophic forgetting in CL. We empirically investigate KA in DNNs under various data occurrence frequencies. We show that the catastrophic forgetting usually observed in short scenarios does not prevent knowledge accumulation in longer ones. Moreover, propose simple and scalable strategies to increase knowledge accumulation in DNNs.
Lesort, T., Ostapenko, O., Rodríguez, P., Misra, D., Arefin, M.R., Charlin, L. & Rish, I.. (2023). Challenging Common Assumptions about Catastrophic Forgetting and Knowledge Accumulation. Proceedings of The 2nd Conference on Lifelong Learning Agents, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 232:43-65 Available from

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