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View all- Song DGao SHe BSchilder F(2022)On the Effectiveness of Pre-Trained Language Models for Legal Natural Language Processing: An Empirical StudyIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2022.319040810(75835-75858)Online publication date: 2022
Legal case retrieval is a specialized IR task aiming to retrieve supporting cases given a query case. While recent research efforts are committed to improving the automatic retrieval models' performances, little attention has been paid to the practical ...
Legal case retrieval is of vital importance for ensuring justice in different kinds of law systems and has recently received increasing attention in information retrieval (IR) research. However, the relevance judgment criteria of previous retrieval ...
Legal case retrieval, which aims to retrieve relevant cases given a query case, has drawn increasing research attention in recent years. While much research has worked on developing automatic retrieval models, how to characterize relevance in this ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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