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BayesWipe: A Scalable Probabilistic Framework for Improving Data Quality

Published: 25 October 2016 Publication History


Recent efforts in data cleaning of structured data have focused exclusively on problems like data deduplication, record matching, and data standardization; none of the approaches addressing these problems focus on fixing incorrect attribute values in tuples. Correcting values in tuples is typically performed by a minimum cost repair of tuples that violate static constraints like Conditional Functional Dependencies (which have to be provided by domain experts or learned from a clean sample of the database). In this article, we provide a method for correcting individual attribute values in a structured database using a Bayesian generative model and a statistical error model learned from the noisy database directly. We thus avoid the necessity for a domain expert or clean master data. We also show how to efficiently perform consistent query answering using this model over a dirty database, in case write permissions to the database are unavailable. We evaluate our methods over both synthetic and real data.


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Journal of Data and Information Quality  Volume 8, Issue 1
Special Issue on Web Data Quality
November 2016
125 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 25 October 2016
Accepted: 01 August 2016
Revised: 01 July 2016
Received: 01 November 2015
Published in JDIQ Volume 8, Issue 1


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