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Automatic preparation of media objects in multimedia applications

Published: 29 October 2019 Publication History


In multimedia applications, spatiotemporal relationships among media objects should be controlled during the execution phase in order to preserve the quality of presentation. When the content that composes the application is delivered over a communication network, some delays may occur due to network congestion problems. In order to avoid synchronization faults during the presentation of the distributed multimedia applications, this work proposes the automatic preparation of media objects. The automatic preparation of media objects aim to ensure that all media objects are available in the receiver device at their presentation moment. In our proposal, the multimedia presentation engine (formatter) builds a preparation plan based on the network conditions and the presentation behavior learned from the multimedia document that defines the application. As proof of concept, we implemented the automatic creation of the preparation plan in the Ginga-NCL middleware. Furthermore, a use case is presented to demonstrate the automatic preparation for NCL applications. Finally, a brief discussion about garbage collection in multimedia applications containing non-deterministic events is also presented.


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  1. Automatic preparation of media objects in multimedia applications



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    WebMedia '19: Proceedings of the 25th Brazillian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web
    October 2019
    537 pages
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    Published: 29 October 2019


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    1. NCL application
    2. NCL events
    3. content preparation
    4. multimedia application
    5. multimedia content preparation


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    WebMedia '19
    WebMedia '19: Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web
    October 29 - November 1, 2019
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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