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Automated assistance for program restructuring

Published: 01 July 1993 Publication History


Maintenance tends to degrade the structure of software, ultimately making maintenance more costly. At times, then, it is worthwhile to manipulate the structure of a system to make changes easier. However, manual restructuring is an error-prone and expensive activity. By separating structural manipulations from other maintenance activities, the semantics of a system can be held constant by a tool, assuring that no errors are introduced by restructuring. To allow the maintenance team to focus on the aspects of restructuring and maintenance requiring human judgment, a transformation-based tool can be provided—based on a model that exploits preserving data flow dependence and control flow dependence—to automate the repetitive, error-prone, and computationally demanding aspects of restructuring. A set of automatable transformations is introduced; their impact on structure is described, and their usefulness is demonstrated in examples. A model to aid building meaning-preserving restructuring transformations is described, and its realization in a functioning prototype tool for restructuring Scheme programs is discussed.


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cover image ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology  Volume 2, Issue 3
July 1993
101 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 01 July 1993
Published in TOSEM Volume 2, Issue 3


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  1. CASE
  2. flow analysis
  3. meaning-preserving transformations
  4. software engineering
  5. software evolution
  6. software maintenance
  7. software restructuring
  8. source-level restructuring


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