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Healthcare activities rely heavily on socio-technical information systems. Such systems should be developed according to a socio-technical approach. The Activity Driven (AD) approach has been developed to contribute to the early phases of information system development in healthcare. Multi-professional and multi-disciplinary education in teams has been used to introduce the approach to prospective analysts, including “lay” healthcare professionals. ‘Almost real life cases’ have been emphasized as promoters of learning. This paper reports on a study on site visits as a crucial element for adopting socio-technical methods of analysis in healthcare. The paper presents feedback collected from an intensive course on health information systems development held in Mozambique. The results indicate the high importance of site visits - not only as a starting point of system analysis but also as a crucial promoter to learning socio-technical methods. Based on the results, needs for improvements are identified to the usability of AD tools and to the practical arrangements of site visits.
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