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Achieving long-term operation with a capacitor-driven energy storage and sharing network

Published: 25 September 2012 Publication History


Energy is the most precious resource in sensor networks. The ability to move energy around makes it feasible to build distributed energy storage systems that can robustly extend the lifetime of networked sensor systems. eShare supports the concept of energy sharing among multiple embedded sensor devices by providing designs for energy routers (i.e., energy storage and routing devices) and related energy access and network protocols. In a nutshell, energy routers exchange energy sharing control information using their data network while sharing energy freely among connected embedded sensor devices using their energy network. To improve sharing efficiency subject to energy leakage, we develop an effective energy charging and discharging mechanism using an array of ultra-capacitors as the main component of an energy router. We extensively evaluate our system under seven real-world settings. Results indicate our charging and discharging control can effectively minimize the energy leaked away. Moreover, the energy sharing protocol can quantitatively share 113J energy with 96.82% accuracy in less than 2 seconds.


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Harekrishna Misra

Contemporary computing resources are network intensive, and thus energy management is quite challenging. Energy management is important in the context of environmental factors. Any small contribution that saves energy and compensates for use through alternate renewable sources is always encouraging. However, there is also the need to avoid imposing severe constraints on network quality management when optimizing energy consumption. Therefore, costs and quality of service would of course be factors in the acceptance of any alternate technology-driven interventions. This paper amply demonstrates the novel propositions in energy management for wired sensor networks. The authors emphatically assert the grounding hypotheses of energy-saving approaches that would influence network availability for critical applications. They also include a comprehensive literature review regarding the measures they present, including developing hardware designs for energy routers, building distributed energy storage devices through various optimized combinations of devices, building power-embedded sensor devices, and planning and sharing energy requirements. The authors present the whole life cycle of the project, from the identification of tasks through the case-based validations. This provides the reader with a clear understanding of the process and the deliverables. However, there was scope to include discussions on worst-case scenarios in managing wire-based systems (such as wires getting snapped, voltage regulations due to distance, and the quality of wired connections) in which self-adaptive algorithms could learn the network situations and establish command and control under dynamic energy-sharing scenarios. Such projects also have ample scope for standardization and user acceptance. It would have been appropriate to include a section on benchmarking based on the findings of the cases with assessments on total cost of ownership, benefits, and return on investment. The paper represents an important direction in the study of energy management in sensor networks. It would be beneficial reading for students, researchers, and practitioners interested in conceptualizing, designing, prototyping, and commercializing the concept. Online Computing Reviews Service

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ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks  Volume 8, Issue 4
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Published: 25 September 2012
Accepted: 01 May 2011
Received: 01 January 2011
Published in TOSN Volume 8, Issue 4


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