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10.1145/967900.967931acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagessacConference Proceedingsconference-collections

A new framework for clustering algorithm evaluation in the domain of functional genomics

Published: 14 March 2004 Publication History


Clustering algorithms are widely used in the computational analysis of microarray data. However, due to the lack of domain knowledge, it is often difficult to judge their performance. In this paper, we introduce a new framework for the evaluation of clustering algorithms in application to regulatory pathway reconstruction. A pilot study was conducted on the hierarchical clustering algorithm for which we obtained qualitative characterizations of the number of samples needed as well as the denseness of the subnetwork required to achieve accurate partition. For experimental scientists, this evaluation framework provides a method to select and calibrate clustering algorithms. It can also provide a confidence measure to the results of a clustering algorithm when certain restrictions on the experimental setup, such as the number of samples available, are known in advance.


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  1. A new framework for clustering algorithm evaluation in the domain of functional genomics



      Adrian Pasculescu

      Clustering algorithms, a special aspect of data mining, are the focus of this paper. Its main objective is to describe a way to evaluate different clustering algorithms. The immediate application that the author has in mind is in the domain of regulatory pathway reconstruction in functional genetics. This endeavor is inspired by the difficulties encountered by researchers in judging the best clustering, especially when such methods are used in domains where very little is known. The proposed framework bases its evaluation of different clustering algorithms on how well they partition nodes of Bayesian network models of gene interactions. The main reasons given for choosing this well-studied statistical method are that it has been adopted in the reconstruction of gene regulatory and interaction networks, and captures, albeit not perfectly, the stochastic process that gene regulation is believed to be. The main contribution of the paper, according to its author, is in establishing a framework by which scientists can select and calibrate clustering algorithms. The initial studies were conducted for hierarchical clustering algorithms, using correlation as a distance metric. It is the author's intent to further extend the framework, and the study, to k-means, self-organizing maps, support vector machines, and even to time clustering analysis of time series data. The author also promises to test the validity of the findings for larger networks (those with much more than 40 nodes). To fully understand the statistical and genetic background of the paper, readers should consult the specified references. Online Computing Reviews Service

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      cover image ACM Conferences
      SAC '04: Proceedings of the 2004 ACM symposium on Applied computing
      March 2004
      1733 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 14 March 2004


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      1. Bayesian network
      2. evaluation
      3. hierarchical clustering


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