Transforming Lives: DYS and QuantHub Join Forces to Empower At-Risk Youth

In a groundbreaking move, the Department of Youth Services (DYS) has partnered with QuantHub to revolutionize education for at-risk youth in Alabama. This collaboration aims to provide cutting-edge learning resources and career readiness tools to students under the DYS umbrella, opening doors to brighter futures. A Comprehensive Approach to EducationDYS, operating under the Alabama State […]

QuantHub Awards STEM Scholarships to Hunter Cain and Brileigh Vanderver

QuantHub is proud to announce that Hunter Cain of Jasper Jr. High School and Brileigh Vanderver of Arab Jr. High School have been awarded STEM camp scholarships to attend the CyberCharged Summer Camp at the University of Alabama at Huntsville. This opportunity promises an exciting and educational experience filled with hands-on learning and innovation. CyberCharged […]

Camp Thrive: Building Future Leaders in STEM

  Black Belt Technology’s Camp Thrive offered a comprehensive four-week program designed to equip students with essential skills needed for success in STEM fields. The camp focused on strengthening core academic abilities in math, writing, and reading comprehension, specifically targeting non-fiction and technical texts. Beyond academics, participants developed crucial social-emotional competencies, including goal setting, time […]

QuantHub for Summer Programming

Beat the Summer Slide with QuantHub Summer vacation – a time for swimming, barbeques, and…learning loss? Studies show students across the country lose academic ground over the summer break, with math and reading skills especially vulnerable. This “summer slide” can widen the achievement gap, particularly for students from underserved communities.  But there’s hope! Engaging summer […]

Understanding Visual Data Encoding: Position, Length, Angle/Slope, Area, and Volume

This article explores the art of data storytelling through different types of visual data encoding: position, length, angle/slope, area, and volume. It aims to illuminate how each encoding type can be strategically used to tell a compelling story with data, enhancing the audience’s understanding and engagement. Mastering these visual encoding methods will provide valuable skills […]