QTS es el sistema operativo para NAS de QNAP de nivel básico y medio. Con Linux y ext4, QTS ofrece un almacenamiento fiable para todos, con funciones y aplicaciones versátiles de valor añadido, como instantáneas, servidores multimedia Plex y un acceso sencillo a su nube personal.


QuTS hero

QuTS hero es el sistema operativo para modelos de NAS de QNAP empresariales y de alta gama. Con Linux y ZFS, QuTS hero admite avanzadas tecnologías de reducción de datos para reducir aún más los costes y aumentar la fiabilidad del almacenamiento en SSD (all-flash).



QuTScloud es el sistema operativo para dispositivos virtuales de NAS en la nube de QNAP. Con la posibilidad de una implementación local y en la nube, QuTScloud permite optimizar el uso de los datos en la nube y asignar recursos de forma flexible con un coste mensual previsible.



QES es el sistema operativo para modelos NAS QNAP con doble controladora. Con FreeBSD y ZFS, QES está optimizado para el almacenamiento flash y es capaz de ofrecer un rendimiento increíble para matrices de almacenamiento all-flash.


QNE Network

QNE Network es el sistema operativo para QuCPE, la serie de equipos locales para clientes universales de QNAP. Ejecute funciones de red virtual, configure libremente redes definidas por software y disfrute de otras ventajas, como unos costes reducidos y un menor esfuerzo de administración.



QNAP Switch System (QSS) es la interfaz de configuración para la serie de switches gestionados de QNAP. Habilite funciones de administración como la agregación de enlaces, VLAN y RSTP para cuidar de la topología de su red con facilidad.



El sistema operativo QuRouter de QNAP simplifica la administración de LAN/WAN de alta velocidad y alta cobertura. Con NAT, VPN, seguridad y QuWAN de SD-WAN, la administración de red resulta más fácil y las conexiones remotas se vuelven más seguras.


QVR Surveillance

QVR Surveillance es una solución de software de grabadora de vídeo en red de QNAP. Ofrece el software QVR Elite basado en suscripción y el software QVR Pro perpetuo, y se puede usar con una serie de aplicaciones, como el reconocimiento facial y el control de accesos en puerta para una mayor variedad de escenarios.


QVR Face

QVR Face es una solución de reconocimiento facial inteligente que incluye el análisis de vídeo en tiempo real de las transmisiones en vivo de las cámaras conectadas. Se puede integrar en múltiples escenarios para ofrecer funciones inteligentes de administración de asistencias, gestión del control de accesos en puerta, sistemas de bienvenida para personas VIP y servicios de tienda inteligente.



Las soluciones de vídeo inteligente de QNAP ofrecen paquetes inteligentes integrados, como videoconferencia y tienda inteligente, que aumentan la productividad tanto de particulares como de empresas.

Tienda inteligente

Start your career with QNAP

Who we are

QNAP stands for Quality Network Appliance Provider. We have professionalin-house software and hardware R&D facilities dedicated to softwaredevelopment and hardware design optimization, and with our own productionlines, we are committed to providing comprehensive and advancedtechnology solutions. QNAP focuses on storage, networking, and smart videoinnovation. We provide Cloud NAS solutions to build new technologyecosystems through software subscriptions and diversified service channels.






Corporate Culture


    Redefine storage, network communication, and video integration solutions through smart innovation


    Use software-defined development architecture to build future-proof digital information flows


    Use innovative data technology to drive enterprise digital transformation

  • Stay one step ahead.

    With an innovative spirit, we lead our colleagues to explore new paths, toshowcase our innovations and enlarge the enterprise horizon. From a globalperspective, we aim to be the pioneer in various product fields and becomethe world's leading brand.


QNAP will provide you with a growth environment full of challenges,opportunities, and will become the most important decision you make in yourcareer. We welcome everyone to join us to grow and achieve our goalstogether, and be part of an extraordinary QNAPer Life!

  • Innovation culture

    QNAP fully embraces the spirit of innovation, and is constantly seeking newtechnological and innovative solutions. We provide an environment thatinspires creativity and innovation. We encourage employees to come up withnew ideas and achieve technological breakthroughs.

  • Great workplace environment

    QNAP is committed to creating a positive, cooperative, and interactiveworkplace environment. We value teamwork, mutual respect, and encouragediversity and open communication.

  • Global impact

    QNAP's products and solutions have been widely used in various industrialfields around the world. You will work with the company's professional teamsin various fields to understand global customer needs while cooperating andcontributing to the development of related fields.

  • Technology leader

    QNAP is a globally renowned brand as a network storage solutions provider.Joining QNAP means becoming a member of a top-notch team and acontributor in developing innovative and advanced products and solutions.

Employee experience sharing

QNAP’s team culture encourages colleagues to share their work experiences,values, and work approaches and to learn more about QNAPer things!

The concept of working together across departments to solve problemsenables us to make our products better!

- Andy, product manager

As a Software DPM, I need to assist in defining product features andscheduling, coordinate internal and external communication, and facilitatecross-border collaboration. My supervisor usually gives me plenty of space touse my talents and grow my skills, and also lends a helping hand and givessuggestions when I encounter difficulties. While challenges are inevitable atwork, I'm fortunate to have supportive colleagues who face and solveproblems together. I'm happy to have the opportunity to grow alongsideeveryone in such a positive workplace environment.

The open and free atmosphere allows me to express my creativity andshowcase my talents!

- Wenhan, mechanical engineer

I am mainly responsible for designing the mechanical components of thecompany's products. Many factors need to be considered during themechanical design process, such as product functionality, aesthetics,electronic component layout, heat dissipation, structural strength, materials,and more. Therefore, it is necessary to have a combination of mechanicalengineering knowledge and computer-aided design skills. It is also essential tohave effective communication and to collaborate across departments and with vendors to meet the requirements of the product. I feel incredibly fortunate to be part of such an amazing team. My colleagues and supervisor not only provide a lot of guidance and advice but also encourage me to share my ideas for discussion. This allows me to fully showcase my abilities and creativity in the workplace. Working in such an open and challenging environment is truly a fantastic experience. I look forward to continuing to develop and learn further in the future.

The team's culture of sharing and learning fosters an environment where Ican accumulate a more diverse set of knowledge and skills, which hasbeen immensely beneficial.

- Diandy, back-end software engineer

I am mainly responsible for designing and implementing systemfunctionality/architecture, as well as integrating related systems andprotocols. When a newcomer joins the team, even if he or she has years ofwork experience, the supervisor will still assign more experienced colleaguesto assist the newcomer in understanding job responsibilities, until eventuallyhe or she can handle the tasks independently. At the end of each sprint in theproject development, there are also reviews and insights sharing, which notonly make things more efficient but also enhance everyone's knowledge.Working in such a team that values sharing and learning has really benefitedme a lot.

The transparency of our work processes and information allows me topromptly find communication channels and relevant resources wheneverI have questions!

- Ann, Firmware Engineer

Firmware engineers are responsible for managing tasks from when thecomputer power button is pressed to when the system is ready for userinteraction. This requires high level of familiarity with both hardwarearchitecture and software programming to handle the tasks effectively. I havealso learned a lot about the causes and solutions to software and hardwarecompatibility issues, and accumulated valuable experience along the way.The company's workflow is transparent, with tasks assigned through thesystem. I can see the relevant personnel responsible for each task, and if thereare any issues, I can directly find the contact person for assistance. If I don’tunderstand something, my supervisor and senior colleagues will teach mehow to handle it. This smooth flow of information and knowledge transfermakes everything feel seamless.

Through cooperation and communication in large teams and projects, I have accumulated collaborative skills and the ability to effectively solve problems!

- Yao, automation test engineer

I am mainly responsible for the development of software testing and automation tools. I came to QNAP as an intern in my senior year and became a full-time employee after graduation. In addition to accumulating a lot of product knowledge and testing skills here, I've also learned the importance of teamwork and communication during the division of internal testing software tasks, and learned how to solve and arrange work-related matters through communication. This is something that I find quite rewarding.

QNAP has an innovative and challenging environment that allows me tocontinuously learn and grow

- Luke, technical customer service engineer

As a technical customer service engineer for a NAS brand company, I deeplyunderstand the importance of teamwork and communication. Faced withvarious customer issues and challenges, I've learned how to respond andsolve problems quickly. I also collaborate closely with the R&D team to ensurethat customer needs are met.QNAP has an innovative and challenging environment that allows me tocontinuously learn and grow. From RAID configuration to SAMBA and domainmanagement, continuously expanding my technical knowledge has helped meunderstand the importance of continuous learning and improvement in theever-evolving industry. QNAP provides an environment and opportunitiesconducive to this growth. If you're passionate about technology, customerservice, and teamwork, QNAP is the place to go!

Are you ready to join us?

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