Call for Entries Deadline:

This program is now closed.

Learn more about current programs here.

Get ahead by getting recognized with a PR Daily Award!

Ragan's PR Daily Awards is where excellence meets recognition and where your hard work finds its rightful place in the spotlight.

The industry’s most esteemed recognition program honors the most impactful campaigns, events, individuals and teams of the past year. This is more than just an awards program; it's a mark of prestige, a testament to your dedication and talent in the field of communications.

Save the date for December 11th for the PR Daily Awards Gala at the City Winery in New York City. This is a can’t-miss gathering where we shine a spotlight on the PR community.

Don't let your achievements go unnoticed. Submit your top work to Ragan’s 2024 PR Daily Awards by June 28 for the opportunity for you and your team to earn the recognition you deserve.



 PR Campaign of the Year

This year’s winner will show command of an impressive number of PR tools, tactics and strategies. Share the specialized PR campaign that got unbelievable results. Our judges will look at everything from your mission and goals to your strategy and tactics—and again, results, results, results.


 B2B Campaign

Tell us about your product or service and the audience you were hoping to get out in front of. How did you target businesses that could benefit from yours? We want to see the campaign you created and how it strengthened the new and established relationships you’ve built in your industry. Please include examples and results.

 B2C Campaign

This category celebrates exceptional campaigns targeting consumers directly, showcasing how brands connect with audiences through impactful messaging and innovative strategies. Entries should demonstrate strong creativity, clear objectives and measurable results that drive engagement and brand loyalty.

 Branding Campaign

Whether you built your brand from scratch or revamped it this past year, we want to hear about it. Explain how you crafted your new identity and marketed your brand to stand out among your competitors. Share stats that prove your branding or rebranding was a success. If this is a rebrand, please share before-and-after samples and let us know the strategy behind your change.

 Brand Reputation Campaign

This category recognizes campaigns that excel in building, maintaining, or restoring a brand's reputation. Submissions should demonstrate strategic planning, crisis management if applicable, and the ability to positively influence public perception and stakeholder trust.

 Brand Journalism

We’re looking for organizations with talented storytellers who published engaging narratives that earned incredible engagement. Your stories set you apart from the pack, and we want to see how you delivered captivating content to the masses. Include and samples, links or other materials that showcase your work.

 Cause-Related Marketing Campaign

How did you raise awareness, spread vital information or rally people to act for a good cause? Show us how you've promoted your cause with clever, passionate and engaging PR. Did you rely on traditional tactics such as PSAs and op-eds? Did you start a virtual firestorm with hashtags or viral video? Tell us how you did it.

 Community Relations Campaign

How did you take a community service initiative from idea to reality? Did you create a campaign to bring awareness to a community in need? We want to see everything you produced: social media content, newspaper and magazine ads, white papers, op-eds, radio and TV advertising, direct mailings—all of it. Don't forget results.

 Content Marketing Initiatives

What stories did you tell on behalf of your brand? We want to see what you wrote, edited, shot or published. Share work that skillfully wove your organization’s narrative into tales of customer or staff experiences. We love stories that subtly proved your subject matter experts were the industry leaders. What were the goals of your campaign or project? What were the results? Don’t forget to include a link and screenshots of your work.

 Corporate Communications Campaign

We want to see how you delivered stellar messaging to all stakeholders—both internally and externally—and built your organization’s identity and brand. What channels did you use? What was the overall goal of the campaign? How did you achieve success? Share the details with us.

 Crisis Management

How did you confront and power through a crisis this past year? Tell us what your strategy was for getting your message to the right audience in a timely and tactful manner.

 DE&I Communications

You created a campaign or initiative that promoted diversity, equity and inclusion. What were the goals? How did you use your communications platform to combat discrimination against the marginalized group(s) you were supporting?

 Email Communications

This category shines a spotlight on the most innovative and impactful email campaigns that captivate audiences and drive engagement. These emails not only stand out in crowded inboxes but also leave a lasting impression on recipients, setting new standards for excellence in email communication.

 Employee Relations

This category celebrates initiatives that enhance communication, engagement and collaboration within organizations. Entries should showcase strategies that improve employee morale and retention while fostering a positive, inclusive workplace culture.

 Employer Branding

We want to hear about the organizations that employees love to work for. How did you attract new employees, while engaging and retaining your current workforce? We want to hear how you delivered messaging about what makes your organization a great place to work.

 ESG Communications

Tell us how you communicated your organization’s environmental, social and governance efforts. How did you engage stakeholders? What information did you provide? We want to know what your organization is doing in the areas of sustainability and societal impact—and how you delivered these results.

 Event PR or Marketing Campaign

How did you get the word out and build excitement for your event? How was your plan creative and effective? What tools did you use to execute: social media or traditional communications? Don’t forget to send samples of your work and show us pictures of your exciting soirée.

 Excellence in Social Media

This category recognizes outstanding individual campaigns that achieve remarkable results on social media. Submissions should demonstrate creativity, strategic targeting, and measurable impact in engaging audiences and boosting brand presence across platforms.

 Executive Communications

This category honors excellence in communication strategies led by company executives. Submissions should showcase how leaders effectively share their vision, engage with stakeholders and enhance the organization's reputation through impactful messaging and authentic storytelling.

 External/Internal Comms Campaign

This category will honor the innovators who seamlessly blend external messaging with internal engagement, showcasing campaigns that not only resonate with external audiences but also foster a sense of unity and purpose within organizations, setting a benchmark for excellence in integrated communications.

 Financial Communications/Investor Relations

This category recognizes exceptional strategies for communicating with investors and other financial stakeholders. Submissions should demonstrate clear, transparent and timely messaging that builds trust and supports informed decision-making.

 Global PR Campaign

Your message reached audiences far and wide. We want to know how you gained the momentum to take your brand international. How does your message cross geographical boundaries? How do you make your message relevant and interesting where you live and useful to those across oceans? What was your story? Where did it travel?

 Guerrilla Marketing

This category celebrates campaigns that use unconventional, creative strategies to capture attention and create buzz. Entries should showcase innovative approaches that drive brand awareness and engagement through memorable and impactful experiences.

 Influencer Campaign

Partnering with the right celebrity or influencer can make a huge difference in a campaign. How did you find the best fit for your product or service? What did you hope to achieve? Share what made your campaign a success.

 In-House Campaign

This category honors exceptional campaigns developed and executed by in-house teams without external agency support. Submissions should demonstrate creativity, strategic planning and measurable success in achieving organizational goals.

 Issues Management

This category recognizes proactive strategies to anticipate and address emerging issues that may affect an organization's reputation. Submissions should demonstrate thoughtful planning, stakeholder engagement and effective communication to manage potential challenges before they escalate.

 Integrated PR & Marketing

How did you put together a well-coordinated mix of promotional messages that reinforced your brand awareness to the media? Did you use content marketing and storytelling in your media relations blitz? What were the results?

 Marketing Campaign

Your impeccable marketing savvy led to incredible success for your campaign. What was your strategy? Which tactics did you employ? What channels did you use to deliver your messaging? Don’t forget to include your goals, execution and success metrics.

 Media Event

This category celebrates outstanding campaigns that promote and execute successful media events. Submissions should demonstrate strategic planning, effective media outreach and engaging event experiences that drive coverage and achieve campaign goals.

 Media Pitch

As PR moves away from traditional press releases, reporters are getting bombarded with more creative email and multimedia pitches than ever before. Did your organization create a pitch that got major attention? What made your pitch irresistible? Dazzle us.

 Media Relations Campaign

This category recognizes exceptional campaigns that build and maintain strong relationships with media outlets and journalists. Submissions should showcase strategic planning, targeted outreach and impactful press coverage that elevates brand visibility and messaging.

 Media Strategy

This category honors outstanding strategic planning and execution across media channels to achieve clear communication goals. Submissions should demonstrate innovative approaches, precise targeting and measurable impact in reaching and engaging audiences effectively.

 Multicultural Campaign

This category celebrates campaigns that effectively engage and resonate with diverse cultural audiences. Submissions should showcase inclusive messaging, cultural sensitivity and strategies that bridge cultural gaps to drive meaningful connections and engagement.


This category recognizes campaigns that successfully capitalize on current news events to amplify their messaging. Submissions should demonstrate timely, relevant strategies that enhance brand visibility and engagement by tapping into trending topics.

 Nonprofit Campaign

This category honors exceptional campaigns that support nonprofit organizations in achieving their mission and goals. Submissions should demonstrate creative approaches, impactful storytelling and measurable results in raising awareness, funds or support for the cause.

 Original Research

You or your client created original research and the results were highly beneficial. Did you share it with the public? Did this help position your organization, its leaders or your clients as an authority on the topic? Share with us your original research and the results.

 PR on a Shoestring Budget

This category honors campaigns that achieve remarkable results with limited resources. Submissions should showcase creativity, resourcefulness and strategic planning to deliver impactful communication and engagement despite budget constraints. Campaign budgets in this category should not exceed $5,000.

 Publicity Stunt

This category celebrates bold and imaginative stunts that capture attention and generate buzz. Submissions should demonstrate how the stunt aligns with the brand or campaign goals and the impact it had on audience engagement and media coverage.

 Pro Bono Campaign

This category honors the outstanding efforts of communication professionals who lend their expertise to causes that make a meaningful impact. Submissions should demonstrate how the campaign leveraged creativity and strategic planning to drive meaningful results for the cause.

 Product Launch

Tell us how your campaign blew away customers, competitors and the media with the launch of a new product or service. Describe the tactics and strategy, and tell us about how sweet the outcome proved to be.

 Public Affairs Campaign

This category celebrates campaigns that effectively influence public policy or shape public opinion on important issues. Submissions should showcase strategic planning, stakeholder engagement and measurable impact in achieving campaign objectives.

 Public Service Campaign

This category honors campaigns that promote awareness or change around important social issues. Submissions should demonstrate impactful messaging, strategic planning and measurable success in engaging audiences and driving positive outcomes for the community.

 Re-branding or Re-positioning Campaign

Tell us how you successfully rolled a rebrand or repositioning of your organization or client’s organization. What made it successful and how did you make things as smooth as possible?

 Social Justice/Advocacy Campaign

This category celebrates campaigns that champion social justice and advocate for meaningful change. Submissions should demonstrate powerful storytelling, strategic planning and measurable impact in raising awareness and mobilizing support for the cause.

 Social Listening

This category recognizes exceptional use of social listening techniques to inform communication strategies and enhance audience engagement. Submissions should demonstrate insights gained from monitoring conversations and feedback on social media, resulting in strategic actions that drive positive outcomes.

 Social Media Campaign

This category honors campaigns that effectively use social media platforms to engage and connect with audiences. Submissions should demonstrate strategic planning, creativity and measurable results across platforms to achieve communication goals.

 Social Responsibility

This category recognizes organizations that prioritize environmental stewardship and community engagement. Submissions should highlight innovative approaches to giving back and improving reputation through impactful actions and clear messaging.

 Storytelling Initiatives

Tell us about the captivating stories told through your campaign. What mediums did you use? Which channels helped you tell your stories? What story were you trying to tell? We're looking for engaging narrative campaigns that delivered results.

 Thought Leadership Communications

This category celebrates campaigns that position individuals or organizations as leaders in their field through insightful content and expert perspectives. Submissions should demonstrate strategic planning, high-quality messaging and measurable impact in establishing authority.

 Use of Generative AI

This category honors innovative campaigns that effectively integrate generative AI technologies to enhance communication efforts. Submissions should demonstrate creative applications, strategic use and measurable outcomes that advance the campaign's goals and audience engagement.

 Use of Data and Measurement

Numbers don’t lie, and you built a campaign around metrics that led to success. How did you use data to tailor your campaign? How did you decide which metrics were important? Share the results that proved your success.

 Video: Single Video

This category honors outstanding single video productions that deliver compelling narratives and achieve strategic communication goals. Submissions should showcase creativity, technical excellence and measurable impact in engaging audiences and conveying key messages.

 Video: Campaign

You told stunning visual stories—and we want to hear about them. Share your video campaigns that engaged audiences and kept viewers glued to their screens. What were the goals of your campaign? On which channels were these videos delivered? Tell us about your captivating video campaign.

 Video: Series

This category celebrates exceptional video series that tell a cohesive story or convey a consistent theme across multiple episodes. Submissions should demonstrate creativity, audience engagement and a strategic approach to storytelling that supports the series’ objectives.

 Viral Campaign

This category recognizes campaigns that achieve widespread online popularity and high levels of engagement. Submissions should demonstrate creativity, strategic execution and measurable impact in reaching and resonating with large audiences.

 Visual Storytelling Initiatives

This category honors campaigns that use visuals to tell engaging and impactful stories. Submissions should showcase creativity, technical excellence and the ability to convey messages and evoke emotions through visual media.


 Arts, Entertainment and Media Campaign

This category celebrates exceptional campaigns within the arts, entertainment and media sectors that engage audiences and drive buzz. Submissions should demonstrate creativity, strategic planning and measurable success in promoting events, projects, or talent within these industries.

 Beauty, Fashion or Lifestyle Campaign

This category recognizes standout campaigns that promote beauty, fashion or lifestyle brands and initiatives. Submissions should demonstrate creativity, innovative storytelling and measurable impact in engaging target audiences and elevating brand presence.

 Cannabis/CBD Campaign

This category honors exceptional campaigns that promote cannabis or CBD products while adhering to legal and ethical standards. Submissions should demonstrate creativity, responsible messaging and measurable success in reaching and educating target audiences.

 Consumer Packaged Goods Campaign

This category celebrates exceptional campaigns that promote consumer packaged goods effectively and creatively. Submissions should showcase strategic planning, engaging storytelling and measurable results in driving sales and brand loyalty.

 Education Campaign

This category honors campaigns that effectively promote educational initiatives, programs or institutions. Submissions should demonstrate strategic planning, clear messaging and measurable impact in reaching target audiences and advancing educational goals.

 Finance/Banking Campaign

This category recognizes campaigns that excel in promoting finance and banking products or services to target audiences. Submissions should demonstrate strategic planning, clear messaging and measurable outcomes in building trust and driving engagement with customers.

 Food and Beverage Campaign

This category celebrates exceptional campaigns that promote food and beverage brands or products with creativity and impact. Submissions should demonstrate strategic planning, engaging storytelling and measurable results in driving sales and brand loyalty.

 Hospitality and Tourism Campaign

This category honors campaigns that effectively promote destinations, hospitality services or tourism experiences. Submissions should demonstrate strategic planning, engaging storytelling and measurable success in attracting visitors and enhancing brand perception.

 Manufacturing Campaign

This category celebrates exceptional campaigns that promote manufacturing brands, products or services. Submissions should demonstrate strategic planning, innovative messaging and measurable outcomes in showcasing the unique value and quality of manufactured goods.

 Professional Services Campaign

This category honors outstanding campaigns that promote professional services such as consulting, legal or financial services. Submissions should showcase strategic planning, targeted messaging and measurable results in building brand awareness and fostering client relationships.

 Retail Campaign

This category celebrates exceptional campaigns that promote retail brands, stores or products. Submissions should demonstrate strategic planning, engaging storytelling and measurable success in driving sales and customer loyalty.

 Sports Campaign

This category recognizes exceptional campaigns that promote sports teams, events or related brands. Submissions should demonstrate strategic planning, creative storytelling and measurable impact in engaging fans and driving interest.

 Technology and Information Services Campaign

This category celebrates exceptional campaigns that promote technology or information services to target audiences. Submissions should showcase strategic planning, innovative messaging and measurable success in educating and engaging customers.


Anything we missed? Add your entries in this category.


 Annual Report

The best annual reports reveal the heart and soul of the organization while imparting key information to stakeholders. Show us how your annual report conveyed the spirit of your culture and workplace to employees, investors and the public. What creative methods did you employ to achieve your success?


This category honors exceptional blogs that provide valuable, engaging content to targeted audiences. Submissions should demonstrate clear writing, original perspectives and measurable impact in driving engagement and supporting communication goals.

 Digital Publication

This category celebrates exceptional digital publications that deliver high-quality content to audiences online. Submissions should demonstrate strategic planning, engaging storytelling and measurable success in building an online readership and achieving communication goals.

 Impactful Press Release

This category recognizes exceptional press releases that capture attention and drive engagement. Submissions should demonstrate clear, concise messaging, strategic timing and measurable outcomes in achieving media coverage and influencing public perception.


This category honors exceptional newsletters that provide informative and engaging content to subscribers. Submissions should demonstrate strategic planning, clear messaging and measurable success in building audience loyalty and driving engagement.


This category celebrates exceptional podcasts that captivate audiences with compelling content and high production quality. Submissions should demonstrate strategic planning, engaging storytelling and measurable impact in building a dedicated listener base and achieving communication goals.

 Print Publication

This category honors exceptional print publications that deliver high-quality content and design to targeted audiences. Submissions should demonstrate engaging storytelling, thoughtful layout and measurable impact in driving engagement and achieving communication objectives.

 Sustainability Report

This category celebrates outstanding reports that effectively communicate an organization's commitment to sustainability and its progress toward its goals. Submissions should demonstrate clear, transparent messaging, thoughtful data presentation and measurable impact in promoting accountability and stakeholder trust.


This category recognizes exceptional websites that offer an engaging and seamless user experience while achieving strategic communication goals. Submissions should demonstrate innovative design, clear messaging and measurable impact in driving engagement and supporting brand objectives.


 Community Event

This category honors exceptional events that bring communities together and foster positive engagement. Submissions should demonstrate thoughtful planning, meaningful impact and strategic communication efforts to achieve the event's goals and leave a lasting impression.

 Employee Event

This category celebrates outstanding events designed to engage and inspire employees within an organization. Submissions should demonstrate thoughtful planning, strategic communication and measurable success in fostering a positive work culture and achieving event objectives.

 Experiential Campaign

This category honors exceptional campaigns that create immersive, memorable experiences for audiences. Submissions should showcase creativity, strategic planning and measurable success in engaging and connecting with people through interactive or sensory-rich events and activities.

 Influencer Event

This category celebrates exceptional events that bring influencers together to promote a brand, product or campaign. Submissions should demonstrate strategic planning, creative execution and measurable impact in leveraging influencer partnerships to drive awareness and engagement.

 Metaverse Event or Experience

This category celebrates exceptional events or experiences within the metaverse that create immersive, engaging interactions for audiences. Submissions should demonstrate innovative use of virtual reality, strategic planning and measurable impact in driving brand awareness and audience engagement in the virtual space.

 Pop-Up Event or Experience

This category recognizes exceptional pop-up events or experiences that offer unique, temporary activations to engage audiences. Submissions should demonstrate creativity, strategic planning and measurable success in creating buzz and achieving campaign objectives.

 Press Event or Media Tour

How did you pull together a pool of reporters, cameras in tow, microphones ready—all the important industry journalists? Tell us about your preparations for the media day, press conference or media tour that got everyone talking about your organization. If there were positive aftereffects, we want to hear about those too.


 Marketing Campaign of Year

This category celebrates outstanding campaigns that promote health care products, services or organizations effectively. Submissions should demonstrate strategic planning, innovative messaging and measurable outcomes in reaching target audiences and driving engagement.

 PR Campaign of Year

Share the public relations or media relations campaigns that got your health-related organization, product or executive noticed. Did you arrange an on-camera interview with your local news station to highlight the work your organization is doing? Did you partner with influencers to help drive your message to your target audience? Tell us your innovative idea and share the results.

 Social Media Campaign of Year

This category recognizes exceptional social media campaigns in the healthcare sector that engage audiences and raise awareness about health-related topics, products and organizations. Submissions should demonstrate strategic planning, creative execution and measurable success in educating, inspiring and fostering connections with target audiences.


 PR Professional of the Year

his category honors an outstanding public relations professional who demonstrates exceptional leadership, strategic thinking and impactful communication skills. Submissions should highlight significant achievements, innovative approaches and measurable success in elevating the field of PR and delivering results for clients or organizations.

 Marketing Professional of the Year

This category celebrates an exceptional marketing professional who demonstrates outstanding leadership, creativity and strategic expertise. Submissions should highlight significant achievements, innovative campaigns and measurable impact in driving results and elevating the marketing profession.

 Media Relations Professional of the Year

This category honors an exceptional media relations professional who demonstrates expert skills in building relationships with journalists and media outlets. Submissions should highlight strategic planning, impactful media coverage and measurable success in promoting clients or organizations through effective media engagement.

 Social Media Professional of the Year

This category celebrates an outstanding social media professional who excels in crafting engaging content and fostering online communities. Submissions should highlight strategic planning, creativity and measurable success in building brand presence and driving audience engagement across social media platforms.

 Young Professional of the Year (Age 30 and Under)

This category honors a young professional, aged 30 or under at the time of the nomination, who demonstrates exceptional talent and innovation in their field. Submissions should highlight achievements, fresh perspectives and measurable impact in contributing to their organization's success or making a mark in their industry.

 Executive of the Year

This category celebrates an executive who demonstrates exceptional leadership, vision and impact within their organization or industry. Submissions should highlight strategic decision-making, innovative initiatives and measurable success in achieving organizational goals and driving positive change.

 Agency of the Year

This category honors an agency that demonstrates outstanding creativity, strategic excellence and impactful results for clients across various campaigns. Submissions should showcase a track record of success, client satisfaction and innovation in delivering exceptional services and achieving measurable outcomes.

 Marketing Team of the Year

This category celebrates a marketing team that consistently delivers exceptional results through creativity, collaboration and strategic execution. Submissions should highlight significant achievements, innovative campaigns and measurable impact in driving success for clients or their own organization.

 PR Team of the Year

This category honors the most exceptional PR team that has delivered outstanding results through strategic planning and seamless execution. Entries should demonstrate the team's ability to navigate challenges, drive impactful campaigns and foster strong relationships with stakeholders while elevating the organization's reputation.

 PR Hall of Fame

This category honors a distinguished individual in the PR industry who has made significant and lasting contributions over their career. Submissions should highlight the nominee's outstanding achievements, leadership and impact on the field of public relations. Nominee’s must have at least 20 years’ experience.


On the entry form, be sure to include a thorough synopsis explaining the purpose and scope of your entry. The synopsis should be 350 to 900 words and include the following sub-headings (when applicable):

  • Goals
  • Strategy and tactics
  • Execution
  • Evaluation: success, results or ROI

Be sure to follow the guidelines laid out in the category descriptions, as the judges will look for those elements when they select the winners.

You will be able to upload additional documents, links, videos and URLs to your submission. Proprietary or internal information can also be attached and will not be shared with the public.


The award program is open to in-house teams, agencies and individual practitioners in the private, corporate, nonprofit and government sectors. Vendors may also submit their work or their client’s work. Enter your work, the work of your organization or submit entries on behalf of your clients.

Companies from around the world are welcome to enter as long as the entry is submitted in English.

Contact Brendan Gannon to find the perfect category for your campaign or project. You can email him at [email protected].

This year’s program is open to any work executed between June 1, 2023, and June 21, 2024, inclusive.


The fee for this program is $525 per entry into standard categories, and $575 per entry into Grand Prize categories.

A late fee of $275 per entry will be added to all entries received after 11:59 p.m. Central time, June 21, 2024.

Do you have a campaign, project, individual or team you'd like to enter into multiple categories? Pay the original entry fee, and then only $250 for each additional category!

All entries are non-returnable and non-refundable.

W-9 Form / Tax ID Number Request

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should you apply?
Our PR Daily Awards is the industry's most prestigious awards program, helping you measure the success of your work and prove the value of your contributions to your organization or clients. As a winner, you’ll earn publicity for your brand across our websites and social media audiences, a custom write-up about your campaign and a trophy.
Who can enter?
Entries may be submitted by organizations worldwide. The only requirement is that entries be submitted in English. The program is open to in-house, agency, independent communication practitioners and vendors in the private, corporate, nonprofit and government sectors.
What does it take to be a winner?
We look for top-quality work that shows clear, bold and creative ideas that benefit your business or client. Please provide metrics or results that back up your claims, and share creative collateral such as videos, visual design or websites that were a part of your project. Please look at our past award winners to see what gets recognized and rewarded. We encourage you to submit the same campaign to multiple categories, if you feel they are relevant. Doing so increases your chances of winning. You'll also save on multiple submissions of the same campaign or project.
Why are some deadlines extended?
We extend deadlines based on applicant needs and upcoming promotional opportunities.
When will I find out results?
Ragan will recognize all finalists—and announce category winners—at a special live event on December 11 at the City Winery in New York City.

Additional Questions

If you have any questions about the program or problems submitting your entry, please email Brendan Gannon at [email protected].

Sponsorship Opportunities

If you are interested in sponsoring one of Ragan Communications’ award programs, please contact Morgan Einspanier at [email protected]

Ragan Communications is not responsible for international shipping fees related to trophies or certificates.