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The pig is one of the most lucrative business venture a person can take. Everyone has to eat, and pork is one of the widely used in all parts of the world, so it is almost impossible to run out of customers or clients. As expected, the pig farming takes a lot of time and energy, but it is not too difficult.
There are two ways in which they can raise their own pigs on pasture and barn or cabin.
1) Pasturing Pigs:
You can leave a pig to pasture for pig farming, as long as a you have a sufficiently large area of land with lots of grass and soil. All you need is to build a fence to keep pigs from roaming too far from the land.
2) Raising Pigs in the Barn:
- Cleaning will be much easier.
- You can collect their feces and use it as fertilizer.
- You can control what they eat. When you leave them out to pasture, they eat grass, and all that they can go deep into the soil.