Ways to Give

There are many ways to make a donation and have a lasting impact on Playhouse Square.  Beyond the traditional cash donation, there are other ways to help you increase your philanthropic support while offering you potential tax saving advantages. Our goal is to make it easy by providing the information you need to make the best financial decision for you and your family.  As always, please check with your financial advisor to determine the best option for you.

Traditional Donation

Playhouse Square accepts all major credit cards, checks and ACH direct deposits. You can also use a credit card to make a donation online. Automatic payment plans are available for donations at $300 or above. Choose a Donor Program, support the Education Fund or make a Tribute Gift in honor of or in memory of someone special.

Mail checks to: Playhouse Square, Advancement Dept., 1501 Euclid Avenue, Suite 200, Cleveland, OH 44115.  Make checks payable to Playhouse Square Foundation.

Stock Donation

You can donate your appreciated securities, such as stocks, bonds and mutual funds directly to Playhouse Square. This may give you a better tax advantage versus donating the cash after your sell the securities. You can then generally take the full deduction of the fair market value of the shares.

Get Started Now!
When you make a stock donation, it is possible that your name will not be shared with us. Please complete the form below so that we can match you with your donation when it is received and make sure it is properly acknowledged and receipted.

Stock Donation Intention Form
Once you complete the form, we will send you the Stock Donation instructions.

IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution

If you are at least 70 1/2 years of age, you can make a donation directly from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) of up to $105,0000 annually. The qualified charitable distibution (QCD) can be used to fulfill or partially fulfill your annual required minimum distribution (RMD) and it can reduce your taxable income. The donation must come directly from your IRA custodian and IRS rules do apply. To determine if this is a good option for you, contact your financial or tax advisor. You can also designate Playhouse Square as a full or partial beneficiary of your IRA. Contact your IRA administrator for the appropriate forms.

Get Started Now!
When you make a QCD from your IRA, it is possible that your name will not be shared with us. Please complete the form below so that we can match you with your donation when it is received and make sure it is properly acknowledged and receipted.

IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution Intention Form
FAQs: IRA Distributions (IRS)

Donor-Advised Fund

Invest, grow and give. A Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) is a charitable investment account through a sponsoring organization where you can receive an immediate tax deduction from your contribution. These funds then grow tax free and grants can be requested to support your favorite charitable organizations, like Playhouse Square. Minimum annual distributions may apply, but many DAF sponsors require no, or low, minimum initial contribution. Check with your financial/tax advisor or sponsoring organization to see if a DAF is the best option for you.

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When you request a donation be made from your DAF, it is possible that your name will not be shared with us. Please complete the form below so that we can match you with your donation when it is received and make sure it is properly acknowledged and receipted.

Donor-Advised Fund - Donation Intention Form 

Legacy Gift

Planning for your future is important to both you and your family. Did you know that you can support Playhouse Square with a legacy gift through your will or trust?  You can also name Playhouse Square as a beneficiary on your retirement plan, life insurance policy or other financial account. There are various ways to leave your legacy and make a lasting impact.

Get Started Now!

Create A Will: You can save your family time and money, designate someone to execute your will, indicate who should receive your assets, property, and care for your minor children, support your favorite charities and more. Anyone 18 or older can legally create a will. Create one easily online and at no cost with the option of making a philanthropic designation(s).

Have you already included Playhouse Square in your will?  First, thank you! It is not required to inform us of your intentions, but we would love to have the opportunity to acknowledge and recognize you for your support now as a member of our Legacy Circle. Let us know here or use this printer-friendly form.

Plan Your Beneficiaries:  Don't leave your assets to chance. You should designate a person or organization, like Playhouse Square, as a beneficiary of your non-probate assets (retirement account, life insurance policies, etc). Here is a tool to help you: Plan and track your beneficiaries

Learn more about Legacy Gifts

Matching Gift

Do you have a perfect match? An easy way to increase your philanthopic impact at Playhouse Square is through your employer's matching gift program. This often results in a doubling or event tripling of your total contribution.

Get Started Now!
Learn more about how to get your donation matched.
Search our database to see if your company matches.
Requested a match from your company? Let us know!

For more information on individual giving donor programs, visit playhousesquare.org/donate.