Essential Nutrients for Plants
Essential Nutrients
Plants cannot properly function without 17 essential nutrients. These nutrients are needed so that processes critical to plant growth and development can occur.
Essential nutrients can be broadly categorized as macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients and micronutrients are both essential for plant growth and development. Macronutrients include carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium, and magnesium. Micronutrients include iron, manganese, zinc, boron, molybdenum, chlorine, copper, and nickel. The difference between macro- and micronutrients is the amount required by plants. Macronutrients are required in higher amo
Tillandsia recurvata
Air Plants,
Air Plants,
Flowering Plants,
Flowering Plants,
Garden Plants,
Garden Plants,
Indoor Plants,
Indoor Plants,
Terrarium Plants,
Terrarium Plants
Tillandsia stricta
Air Plants,
Air Plants,
Flowering Plants,
Flowering Plants,
Garden Plants,
Garden Plants,
Indoor Plants,
Indoor Plants,
Terrarium Plants,
Terrarium Plants
Common name: Tillys, Air Plant, Airplant, Erect Tillandsia, Upright Air Plant
Family: Bromeliaceae
Synonymous: Anoplophytum strictum
Tillandsia rosea
Tillandsia conspersa
Anoplophytum bicolor
Anoplophytum krameri
Tillandsia langsdorffii
Tillandsia krameri
Tillandsia stricta
Distribution and habitat: Tillandsia stricta is native to Venezuela, Trinidad, Guyana, Suriname, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, northern Argentina, growing either on both the sands of beach dunes and in trees in the foothills of the Atlantic Range. This means that this plant has adapted to lots of different climates and would have leaves to match this diversity.
Despite the
Clerodendrum thomsoniae
Flowering Plants,
Flowering Plants,
Garden Plants,
Garden Plants,
Indoor Plants,
Indoor Plants,
Cleistocactus strausii
Common name: Silver Torch, Wooly Torch, Silver Torch Cactus
Family: Cactaceae
Synonymous: Pilocereus straussii (Basyonym)
Borzicactus strausii
Cephalocereus strausii
Cereus strausii
Denmoza strausii
Cleistocactus strausii
Distribution and habitat: Cleistocactus strausii is a perennial cactus native to high mountain regions of Bolivia and Argentina, above 3,000 m (9,843 feet). It is a slender, erect, grey-green columns which can reach a height of 3m (10 feet), but are only about 6cm (2.5inch) across. This cactus prefers free draining soils, strong sunlight, but not high temperatures in fact it can withstand hard frosts dow
Cattleya bicolor
Cutting Flowers,
Cutting Flowers,
Flowering Plants,
Flowering Plants,
Garden Plants,
Garden Plants,
Indoor Plants,
Indoor Plants,
Begonia bipinnatifida
Foliage Plants,
Foliage Plants,
Hobbyist Plants,
Hobbyist Plants,
Indoor Plants,
Indoor Plants,
Rare & Unusual Plants,
Rare & Unusual Plants,
Terrarium Plants,
Terrarium Plants
Begonia bogneri
Foliage Plants,
Foliage Plants,
Hobbyist Plants,
Hobbyist Plants,
Indoor Plants,
Indoor Plants,
Rare & Unusual Plants,
Rare & Unusual Plants,
Terrarium Plants,
Terrarium Plants
Begonia luxurians
Flowering Plants,
Flowering Plants,
Foliage Plants,
Foliage Plants,
Garden Plants,
Garden Plants,
Indoor Plants,
Indoor Plants
Begonia dregei
Flowering Plants,
Flowering Plants,
Hobbyist Plants,
Hobbyist Plants,
Indoor Plants,
Indoor Plants,
Rare & Unusual Plants,
Rare & Unusual Plants
Begonia caroliniifolia
Flowering Plants,
Flowering Plants,
Foliage Plants,
Foliage Plants,
Garden Plants,
Garden Plants,
Indoor Plants,
Indoor Plants
Begonia incarnata
Flowering Plants,
Flowering Plants,
Foliage Plants,
Foliage Plants,
Garden Plants,
Garden Plants,
Indoor Plants,
Indoor Plants
Campanula isophylla
Common name: Italian Bellflower, Star of Bethlehem, Falling Stars, Trailing Campanula, Bellflower, Jerusalem Star, Star Bellflower
Family: Campanulaceae
Campanula isophylla
Distribution and habitat: Campanula isophylla is a perennial species found only on the cliff of Capo Noli, in Italian Alps. In their natural habitat, they grow like a trailing carpet over south-facing rocks. These plants have become popular pot plants in the Scandinavian countries, making excellent basket plants.
Description: Campanula isophylla is an easy to grow flowering trailer indoor plant. Its small, heart shaped, tooth edged leaves are bright green and rather brittl
Camellia sinensis
Common name: the China Tea Plant, Tea Plant, Tea Shrub, Tea Tree, Tea Tree Camellia, Black Tea, Green Tea, Chinese Tea, Common Tea, Tea, Tea Camellia
Family: Theaceae
Synonymous: Camellia angustifolia
Camellia arborescens
Camellia assamica
Camellia dehungensis
Camellia dishiensis
Camellia longlingensis
Camellia multisepala
Camellia oleosa
Camellia parvisepala
Camellia parvisepaloides
Camellia polyneura
Camelia sinensis (Misspelling)
Camellia thea
Camellia theifera
Camellia waldeniae
Thea assamica
Thea bohea
Thea cantonensis
Thea chinensis
Thea cochinchinensis
Thea grandif
Callisia fragrans
Common name: Basket Plant, Chain Plant, Inch Plant, False Bromeliad, Purple Succulent, Basketplant, Fragrant Inch Plant, Octopus Plant
Family: Commelinaceae
Synonymous: Spironema orthandrum
Rectanthera fragrans
Spironema fragrans
Callisia fragrans
Distribution and habitat: Callisia fragrans is endemic to Mexico and naturalized in the West Indies, scattered locations in the United States, and a few other places.
Callisia fragrans is a long-lived creeping herbaceous plant with leaves crowded into rosette-like clusters and spreading laterally via long runners. It occurs in pinelands, hammocks and disturbed areas.
Calanthe triplicata
Cutting Flowers,
Cutting Flowers,
Flowering Plants,
Flowering Plants,
Garden Plants,
Garden Plants,
Indoor Plants,
Indoor Plants,
Browallia speciosa
Common name: Amethyst Flower, Bush Violet, Lovely Browallia, Sapphire Flower
Family: Solanaceae
Synonymous: Browallia gigantea
Browallia speciosa
Distribution and habiat: Browallia speciosa is a shrubby, woody perennial native to tropical South America growing in open areas, roadsides, pastures, vacant lots in moist and seasonally dry regions at elevations between 150-1200m (500-4000 feet).
Descriptions: Browallia speciosa is a blue-violet tender perennial usually grown as an annual flowering plant. When grown as an annual, it will typically rise to 0.5m (2 feet) tall. This plant has tubular, 5-lobed, purple-blue flowers with white
Ardisia crenata
Common name: Coralberry, Christmas Berry, Australian Holly, Coral Ardisia, Coral Bush, Coralberry Tree, Hen's-Eyes, Spiceberry
Family: Myrsinaceae
Synonymous: Ardisia crenata var. bicolor
Ardisia crenata subsp. crassinervosa
Ardisia crenata
Distribution and habitat: Ardisia crenata is a species of flowering plant in the colicwood family, Myrsinaceae, that is native to East Asia.
Ardisia crenata is a compact shrub that reaches 1 metre (3.3 feet), often with a single stem. Leaves are dark green, thick, glossy and have tightly waved edges The flowers are small, white or reddish, fragrant and form clusters. The fruit is a glossy, b