Ainu People

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Textured Crochet Dishcloth Pattern
It’s amazing what a rich and complex design can be achieve with only two basic crochet stitches. A perfect pattern for beginners!
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Ainu boy sitting on the ground; wearing shirt and sarong | Burma | by Mackie in 1868. AN902424001
AInu Woman from the series Fashion of Ainus in Hokkaido (Hokkaido dojin fuzoku) | MFA for Educators
An Ainu woman from the series "Fashions of Ainu in Hokkaido"
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Two Ainu men from Sakhalin, October 20, 1909 by Bronislaw Pilsudski || Ainu are indigenous people or groups in Hokkaido, Japan and Far East Russia.
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"Modern" Ainu woman with Japanese heritage. There are very few 100% Ainu people left in the world.
An Ainu woman with mugwort leaves in her scarf - While walking/working in the places where devils were thought to be present, Ainu people used to put branches of mugwort on their head, usually along two ears wrapping by a scarf, and facing the upside of the branches forward. This links to an article regarding more about the Ainu uses and beliefs regarding mugwort.
Ainu people - Wikipedia
Ainu people - Japanese/Russian
Your personal museum for Japan’s visual heritage of everyday life.
1920's. Ainu Chief. Ainu chiefs played an important role in their society. Each Ainu village was administered by three hereditary chiefs. Interestingly, they were not allowed to judge criminals. This function was performed by other members of the community.
The Ainu People of Japan
The Ainu People of Japan - Neatorama
Japan. The ainu, situated in the northern island of Hokkaido, are similar to the aboriginal people of north America, in that they have tried to keep their own culture and language alive while avoiding assimilation into the greater culture of modern Japan. The Japanese government however, have been trying to enforce assimilation of the ainu, and use prejudice against them both at the state, and at the personal level.
Ancient Black China: The Mongols, Zhou, Ainu, Jomon, and Huns
Ancient Black China: The Mongols, Zhou, Ainu, Jomon, and evidence that Y-chromosome Haplogroup D2 was the modal haplogroup in the ancestral population that developed the prehistoric Jomon culture in the Japanese islands.