Miniature American Eskimo Dogs

Miniature American Eskimo Dogs
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The medium-length coat from the Miniature American Eskimo Dog only requires an occasional brushing.
Intelligent, alert and friendly, the American Eskimo Dog is also an excellent watchdog, protective of his house and family.
The dead hairs in his coat naturally fall out. He also comes in two bigger sizes, the Miniature American Eskimo Dog and also the Regular American Eskimo Dog.
The Samoyed, the white Keeshond the white Pomeranian and the white Italian Spitz are also said to be associated to the American Eskimo Dog.
The American Eskimo is a hardy breed with an average life span of 16 years.
With regards to activity, the American Eskimo Dog tends to become busy. He likes to keep moving, especially when young.
The stud book was opened from 2000 to 2003 in an attempt to register more from the original UKC registered lines, and these days many American Eskimo Dogs are dual-registered with both American kennel clubs.
The Miniature American Eskimo Dog has a two-layered coat. The undercoat is short and dense, and also the outer coat consists of lengthy straight hair.
The breed is also recognized by the Canadian Kennel Club as of 2006,[6] but isn't recognized elsewhere in the world The American Eskimo Dog is not entirely an internationally recognized breed, and because neither from the American kennel clubs are affiliated with the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, fanciers wishing to participate in certain international dog shows will register their American Eskimo Dogs as the extremely similar German Spitz.
The American Eskimo will do okay in an apartment if it is sufficiently exercised. It's extremely active indoors and a small yard will probably be adequate.
The stud book was opened from 2000 to 2003 in an attempt to register more from the original UKC registered lines, and these days many American Eskimo Dogs are dual-registered with both American kennel clubs.
Maybe it's his white fluffy coat. Or jaunty personality. Or intelligence. What ever "it" is, the American Eskimo Dog's got it in spades, and he uses it to captivate his owners.