Historic Kansas City

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1930: KC population: 399,746, Foreign born: 6%, Black: 10%, Male/female ratio: 99 males to every 100 females. Adults over 25 with college degrees: 6%, Common Professions: meat-packing, wholesale & retail sales, construction, flour production, railroading, domestic services, dress-making, Popular Radio Shows: Goodman and Jane Ace (KMBC), Amos N' Andy, "Slatz" Randall's orchestra at the Hotel Muelbach, the Cook Painter Boys (WDAF).
Missouri Valley Special Collections : Item Viewer
Main Street - The first street to receive any sort of surfacing was Main Street, which was macadamized (covered with broken stone) just prior to the Civil War.
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Streetcar on 9th Street - Cable cars would travel hilly Ninth Street into the 20th century. This one climbed eastward across Walnut to Grand Avenue.
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9th Street - Looking east on 9th from the Junction. Shows cable car.1890 In the late 1870s, Kansas City hosted a rapidly growing population and a vibrant economy based on the cattle trade, but maneuvering through town remained a problem. Horse or mule-drawn car rides over hilly, unpaved streets entailed an unsightly and decidedly putrid experience. Kansas City became just the third city in the United States to have cable cars.
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Streetcar on 9th Street - Cable cars would travel hilly Ninth Street into the 20th century. This one climbed eastward across Walnut to Grand Avenue.
Photo gallery: Historical Star photos take a trip through time
This image looks down the hill at “The Junction,” where Main and Delaware met Ninth Street. Somewhere below was “Wide-Awake” Tuite, the traffic officer posted to keep pedestrians from being hit by the cable cars careening down the slope from Walnut, where the photo was taken. The narrow prow of Vaughn’s Diamond, the landmark Second Empire-style flatiron commercial building that housed The KC Times, can be seen on the north side. Built in 1869, it was already old & would be torn down in 1915..
Missouri Valley Special Collections : Item Viewer
12th Street - Photograph of 12th Street, looking west from Grand Avenue. Regent Theater in view. Date ca. 1961
Hotel for wedding weekend. Historical Aladdin in downtown Kansas City.
Old Photos: Cruising Downtown Kansas City With Ike
Old Photos: Cruising Downtown Kansas City With Ike