The Structural Pest Control Board

Structural Pest Control Board
2005 Evergreen Street, Ste. 1500
Sacramento, CA 95815
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Licensing (916) 561-8704
Enforcement/Complaints (916) 561-8708
Administration (916) 561-8700
WDO Unit (916) 561-8750
Fax (916) 263-2469
Toll Free 1-800-737-8188

Exam Development Workshops

GET PAID TO HELP THE BOARD! The Structural Pest Control Board is currently in the process of updating the Operator Branch 2 and 3 exams. In order to keep our exams current and to ensure they reflect what is actually happening in the industry, we need active licensees to participate in the examination development process. The Board is currently recruiting Operators licensed in Branch 2 or 3 who are interested in attending a two day workshop in Sacramento. Licensees who attend these workshops will earn a $400 payment for their participation, 12 continuing education hours (4 Technical and 8 Rules and Regulations), and paid travel expenses in accordance with state guidelines. Licensees who have attended in the past have described the experience as both rewarding and enjoyable. If you are interested in contributing in a meaningful way, please visit the Board's Examination Development Workshop page for more information. Thank you very much!

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