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Holy Trinity, York
Holy Trinity Church, Parish of York
Holy Trinity Church in York is one of the oldest Anglican churches in Western Australia.
This historic church was built using handmade bricks in 1854 and sits amidst picturesque grounds overlooking the Avon River, which can be crossed nearby on York’s unique swing bridge. The building is an excellent example of Victorian Romanesque style architecture.
Ringing a Peal of Bells to honour Remembrance Day
As a means by which to honour Remembrance Day which is the 11th November, Michael Collinson, the Tower Captain, The Bell Tower Ringers in Perth, has arranged for a band of bellringers from The Bell Tower, Rockingham Civic Centre, and Christ Church, Claremont, to ring a peal at the Holy Trinity Church Bell Tower on Saturday, 9th November from 10.00am. until 12.30pm.
The bellringers will use a method called Grandsire Triples which is very suitable for a theme of remembrance. All are welcome to come and sit in Holy Trinity Church, listen to the bells being rung, while using the opportunity to reflect on the hope of Christ’s peace, love and justice in our world, and remember those who have died in armed conflicts throughout the centuries.
Parish of York
St Andrew, York
It is is the only remaining element of the former town of Greenhills, and a rare example of church and cemetery that are no longer associated with a town.
What’s On
The Reverend Canon Dr Philip Raymont
Week beginning 3rd Feb 2025
Foundation Day, Christchurch Grammar School
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
Morning Prayer
Opening hours
Excluding public holidays
Op Shop
Parish Hall
Tuesday | 9.00am-12noon |
Friday | 9.00am-12noon |
Saturday | 9.00am-12noon |