From safety to suitability and on to Connected TV (CTV)

2020 forced our industry to quickly shift its approach to brand suitability, reducing the use of legacy safety tactics such as blunt keyword blocking. The sudden impact of a global pandemic across every sector of media and content has been the primary driver. Brands have learned how to use contextual suitability controls to ensure they’re not over-blocking, so the return on their media investment is achieved.

The Peer39 suitability controls bring a more refined and nuanced approach to your contextual alignment needs. While legacy safety tactics are about avoidance of bad or misaligned content to a brand, suitability takes a more refined and modern approach, asking  advertisers:

  • In what context might this content be okay?
  • Is all arms and ammunition content bad?
  • If it’s in the context of science or education, is it okay?

Safety & suitability purpose-built for CTV

With Peer39 CTV-specific brand safety and suitability categories advertisers can ensure their ads appear alongside appropriate and relevant content, while avoiding unsafe, unknown or unverified channels. 


  • Ad environment quality risk
  • Blunt brand suitability controls
  • CTV is growing faster than can be categorized

Peer39 CTV Solutions:

  • Refined and accurate targeting to meet suitability needs
  • Easily avoid unsafe, unknown or unverified channels. 
  • Reach without waste with faster access to CTV inventory at scale
  • Gain efficiencies by combining linear with digital targeting & optimization

Contact us to learn more.

Engineering to the GARM Suitability Framework

Engineering to Garm Suitability Framework

chart source:

At the heart of these controls is the Peer39 semantic classification engine, which puts brand safety into context. Rather than a block-all approach, buyers will have the ability to select various risk profiles that have the potential to unlock substantial pools of inventory volume that were previously avoided.

How it works

Medium Risk Example | Death, Injury and Military Conflict
Medium Risk Example Death Injury Mililtary
Medium Risk Roger Ebert Platoon

Medium Risk – In this example, the content is classified under “Death, Injury and Military Conflict.”  But it’s also classified as being in the context of Arts & Entertainment -> Movies given its about the movie Platoon. By the definition of the GARM Framework, this would be classified as Medium Risk.

This content would no longer be blocked when you set your control to allow medium risk content.

Low Risk Example | Death, Injury and Military Conflict
Low Risk Example Death Injury Mililtary
Low Risk Britannica WWII

Low  Risk – In this example, the content is classified under “Death, Injury and Military Conflict” in the context of Scientific, Educational and Reference.  By the GARM definition, this is classified as Low Risk

This content would no longer be blocked when you set your control to allow low risk content.

Peer39 suitability controls

New safety content categories include:

  • Adult & Explicit Sexual Content
  • Arms and Ammunition
  • Crime & Harmful Acts to Individuals and Society, Human Right Violations
  • Death, Injury and Military Conflict
  • Online Piracy
  • Hate speech
  • Obscenity and Profanity 
  • Illegal Drugs, Tobacco, e-cigarettes, vaping, alcohol
  • Spam or Harmful Content
  • Terrorism
  • Debated Sensitive Social Issues

Contact us to learn more

GARM brand suitability definitions

Download the full GARM Brand Safety Floor + Suitability Framework [PDF] directly from

Garm Suitability Framework