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Does Integration Still Matter in Public Schools?
One longtime education expert, Richard Kahlenberg, says integration in public schools today is increasingly about class, not race.
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The Return of School Segregation in Eight Charts
Sixty years after Brown v. Board of Education, racial divides are back on the rise inside America’s classrooms. What happened?
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How the Supreme Court Shaped School Segregation
From the mid-1800s, when the court defined "separate but equal" to recent challenges to integration, here's a look at some of the landmark decisions.
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"I Have Grown to Be Resilient"
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Middle School Moment
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Dropout Nation
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Separate and Unequal
Separate and Unequal
Sixty years after the Supreme Court declared separate schools for black and white children unconstitutional, school segregation is making a comeback.
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Omarina on the train
Omarina's Story
FRONTLINE updates the story of a struggling student from the Bronx who today is excelling at an elite prep school thanks to a groundbreaking program to stem the high school dropout crisis.
July 15, 2014
A Return to School Segregation in America?
Public schools are more segregated now than in 1968. Does it matter? FRONTLINE goes inside one school district's debate.
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Report: School Segregation Is Back, 60 Years After "Brown"
White students are the most isolated in the country, even as the number of minority students increases. That's bad for everyone, a new report finds.
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Bill Tries, Again, to Curb For-Profit Colleges' Share of GI Cash
For the second time in two years, Congress is trying to close a loophole that allows for-profit colleges and universities to collect billions of federal dollars in tuition from veterans.
November 14, 2013
A Note from Dropout Nation's Marco: "I Love My Life"
Marco is now a paratrooper in the U.S. Army, and wrote in to FRONTLINE with some advice for would-be graduates.
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