The Humor Times

creating a hilarious issue of their political humor magazine eac

  • 15 members
  • 18 posts

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Chip in a few bucks... it's painless, and will add up for us! In return, you'll get our undying gratitude and be listed on our website as a patron (unless you choose not to be - please email us with that request).

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Get your name (or cause) listed on the website! You get a listing in our "Sustaining Supporter" section, as long as you continue with the pledge. Each monthly donation will get you listed for the month (unless you choose not to be - please email us with that request).

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Proud Supporter. And we're proud of you!
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A digital subscription to the Humor Times, and get your name (or cause) in the national printed magazine! You'll get a listing in our "Sustaining Supporter" section on our website AND in the magazine (unless you choose not to be - please email us with that request).

Super Proud Supporter: And so lovable!
 / month

A U.S. Subscription to the hard-copy Humor Times magazine (or the digital version anywhere in the world), and a listing in our "Sustaining Supporter" section on our website and in the magazine (unless you choose not to be - please email us with that request). You'll get the monthly magazine mailed to you anywhere in the U.S., or you may opt for just the digital version, if you prefer (include your email address, as we'll notify you when each issue is ready).

Super Supporter: Oh, yeah!
 / month

 A U.S. Subscription to the hard-copy Humor Times magazine (or the digital version anywhere in the world), a Humor Times t-shirt or mug, and a listing in our "Sustaining Supporter" section in the magazine and on our website (unless you choose not to be - please email us with that request). The monthly magazine will be mailed to you anywhere in the U.S., or you may opt for the digital version, if you prefer (include your email address, as we'll notify you when each issue is ready).

Rockin' Supporter: You rock our world!
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Coolest Supporter Ever!
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The Humor Times

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